List of All Top Universities in Switzerland to Study Abroad 2025: Admission, Syllabus, Exam, Result

Best School, Colleges and Universities to Study in Switzerland with Student visa, Curriculum, Scholarships, Course Fees, Job placement and Cost of living.


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Best School, Colleges and Universities to Study in Switzerland with Student visa, Curriculum, Scholarships, Course Fees, Job placement and Cost of living.

RankName of University
1ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
2ETH Zurich
3Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
4École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
5University of Zurich
6University of Bern
7University of Basel
8University of Lausanne
9University of Geneva
10Università della Svizzera italiana
11USI – Universita della Svizzera italiana
12University of St Gallen
13University of St. Gallen
14University of Fribourg
15University of Neuchâtel
16University of Lucerne
17University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland
18Swiss Montreux Business School
19César Ritz Colleges Switzerland
20SBS Swiss Business School

State wise Universities in  Switzerland

List of Universities in Bern

List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in Bern to study Abroad.

Rank in BernName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in SwitzerlandRank in World
1Universität BernBern5224
2Berner FachhochschuleBern81153

List of Universities in Geneva

List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in Geneva to study Abroad.

Rank in GenevaName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in SwitzerlandRank in World
1The Université de GenèveGeneva4186
2Institut de Hautes Études Internationales et du DéveloppementGeneva111638

List of Universities in Lucerne

List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in Lucerne to study Abroad.

Rank in LucerneName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in SwitzerlandRank in World
1Hochschule LuzernLucerne91204
2Universität LuzernLucerne122291

List of Universities in St Gallen

List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in St Gallen to study Abroad.

Rank in St GallenName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in SwitzerlandRank in World
1Universität St.GallenSt Gallen7812
2Fachhochschule OstschweizSt Gallen158095

List of Universities in Ticino

List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in Ticino to study Abroad.

Rank in TicinoName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in SwitzerlandRank in World
1Università della Svizzera ItalianaTicino101271
2Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italianaTicino132511

List of Universities in Vaud

List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in Vaud to study Abroad.

Rank in VaudName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in SwitzerlandRank in World
1École Polytechnique Fédérale de LausanneVaud2141
2Université de LausanneVaud6355

List of Universities in Zurich

List of all top 4 universities/ Colleges in Zurich to study Abroad.

Rank in ZurichName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in SwitzerlandRank in World
1Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ZürichZurich150
2Universität ZürichZurich3158
3Kalaidos FachhochschuleZurich145407
4Zürcher FachhochschuleZurich168438


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