Best School, Colleges and Universities to Study in Netherlands with Student visa, Curriculum, Scholarships, Course Fees, Job placement and Cost of living.
Rank | Name of University |
1 | Wageningen University & Research Center |
2 | Wageningen University & Research |
3 | University of Amsterdam |
4 | Utrecht University |
5 | Delft University of Technology |
6 | University of Groningen |
7 | Leiden University |
8 | Erasmus University Rotterdam |
9 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
10 | Radboud University Nijmegen |
11 | Maastricht University |
12 | Eindhoven University of Technology |
13 | Tilburg University |
14 | University of Twente |
State wise Universities in Netherlands
List of Universities in Gelderland
List of all top 8 universities/ Colleges in Gelderland to study Abroad.
Rank in Gelderland | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Wageningen Universiteit | Gelderland | 8 | 254 |
2 | Radboud Universiteit | Gelderland | 10 | 297 |
3 | Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen | Gelderland | 20 | 1431 |
4 | ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de kunsten | Gelderland | 30 | 2469 |
5 | Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences | Gelderland | 35 | 2885 |
6 | Christelijke Hogeschool Ede | Gelderland | 40 | 4601 |
7 | Iselinge Hogeschool | Gelderland | 42 | 5221 |
8 | Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences | Gelderland | 44 | 5873 |
List of Universities in Groningen
List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in Groningen to study Abroad.
Rank in Groningen | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | Groningen | 5 | 147 |
2 | Hanzehogeschool Groningen | Groningen | 16 | 1255 |
List of Universities in Limburg
List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in Limburg to study Abroad.
Rank in Limburg | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Universiteit Maastricht | Limburg | 13 | 620 |
2 | Zuyd Hogeschool | Limburg | 28 | 2145 |
List of Universities in North Brabant
List of all top 9 universities/ Colleges in North Brabant to study Abroad.
Rank in North Brabant | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | North Brabant | 9 | 283 |
2 | Universiteit van Tilburg | North Brabant | 12 | 539 |
3 | Fontys Hogescholen | North Brabant | 14 | 1105 |
4 | AVANS Hogeschool | North Brabant | 18 | 1280 |
5 | Breda University of Applied Sciences | North Brabant | 25 | 1837 |
6 | Design Academy Eindhoven | North Brabant | 32 | 2704 |
7 | HAS Hogeschool | North Brabant | 36 | 3254 |
8 | TIAS School for Business and Society | North Brabant | 38 | 4013 |
9 | Hogeschool de Kempel | North Brabant | 46 | 6667 |
List of Universities in North Holland
List of all top 7 universities/ Colleges in North Holland to study Abroad.
Rank in North Holland | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Universiteit van Amsterdam | North Holland | 3 | 126 |
2 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | North Holland | 7 | 251 |
3 | Hogeschool van Amsterdam | North Holland | 15 | 1108 |
4 | Hogeschool INHolland | North Holland | 24 | 1580 |
5 | Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten | North Holland | 26 | 1888 |
6 | Gerrit Rietveld Academie | North Holland | 37 | 3349 |
7 | Hogeschool iPABO | North Holland | 49 | 7819 |
List of Universities in Overijssel
List of all top 5 universities/ Colleges in Overijssel to study Abroad.
Rank in Overijssel | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Universiteit Twente | Overijssel | 6 | 249 |
2 | Hogeschool Saxion | Overijssel | 17 | 1279 |
3 | Hogeschool Windesheim | Overijssel | 23 | 1568 |
4 | Hogeschool Viaa | Overijssel | 43 | 5480 |
5 | Katholieke PABO Zwolle | Overijssel | 47 | 6801 |
List of Universities in South Holland
List of all top 12 universities/ Colleges in South Holland to study Abroad.
Rank in South Holland | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Technische Universiteit Delft | South Holland | 1 | 118 |
2 | Universiteit Leiden | South Holland | 4 | 139 |
3 | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | South Holland | 11 | 448 |
4 | Hogeschool Rotterdam | South Holland | 21 | 1465 |
5 | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education | South Holland | 27 | 1995 |
6 | De Haagse Hogeschool | South Holland | 29 | 2190 |
7 | Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten | South Holland | 33 | 2772 |
8 | Hogeschool Leiden | South Holland | 34 | 2825 |
9 | Codarts Rotterdam | South Holland | 39 | 4368 |
10 | Hotelschool The Hague | South Holland | 41 | 4946 |
11 | Islamitische Universiteit Rotterdam | South Holland | 48 | 6904 |
12 | Driestar Hogeschool | South Holland | 50 | 8160 |
List of Universities in Utrecht
List of all top 5 universities/ Colleges in Utrecht to study Abroad.
Rank in Utrecht | Name of Colleges/ Universities | Location | Rank in Netherlands | Rank in World |
1 | Universiteit Utrecht | Utrecht | 2 | 120 |
2 | Hogeschool Utrecht | Utrecht | 19 | 1310 |
3 | Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht | Utrecht | 22 | 1564 |
4 | Nyenrode Business Universiteit | Utrecht | 31 | 2522 |
5 | Marnix Academie | Utrecht | 45 | 6439 |