List of All Top Universities in Finland to Study Abroad 2025: Admission, Syllabus, Exam, Result

Best School, Colleges and Universities to Study in Finland with Student visa, Curriculum, Scholarships, Course Fees, Job placement and Cost of living.


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Best School, Colleges and Universities to Study in Finland with Student visa, Curriculum, Scholarships, Course Fees, Job placement and Cost of living.

RankName of University
1University of Helsinki
2Aalto University
3University of Jyvaskyla
4Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT
5University of Oulu
6Lappeenranta University of Technology
7Tampere University
8University of Turku
9University of Vaasa
10University of Jyväskylä
11Åbo Akademi University
12University of Eastern Finland

State wise Universities in Finland

List of Universities in Central Finland

List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in Central Finland to study Abroad.

Rank in Central FinlandName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in FinlandRank in World
1Jyväskylän yliopistoCentral Finland3508
2Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakouluCentral Finland122882

List of Universities in Lapland

List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in Lapland to study Abroad.

Rank in LaplandName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in FinlandRank in World
1Lapin yliopistoLapland102476
2Lapin AmmattikorkeakouluLapland174720

List of Universities in North Karelia

List of all top 2 universities/ Colleges in North Karelia to study Abroad.

Rank in North KareliaName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in FinlandRank in World
1Itä-Suomen yliopistoNorth Karelia51029
2Karelia-ammattikorkeakouluNorth Karelia205450

List of Universities in Ostrobothnia

List of all top 3 universities/ Colleges in Ostrobothnia to study Abroad.

Rank in OstrobothniaName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in FinlandRank in World
1Vaasan yliopistoOstrobothnia71262
2Yrkeshögskolan NoviaOstrobothnia195296
3Vaasan ammattikorkeakouluOstrobothnia225709

List of Universities in Southwest Finland

List of all top 3 universities/ Colleges in Southwest Finland to study Abroad.

Rank in Southwest FinlandName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in FinlandRank in World
1Turun yliopistoSouthwest Finland4562
2Abo AkademiSouthwest Finland61200
3Turun ammattikorkeakouluSouthwest Finland112581

List of Universities in Uusimaa

List of all top 10 universities/ Colleges in Uusimaa to study Abroad.

Rank in UusimaaName of Colleges/ UniversitiesLocationRank in FinlandRank in World
1Helsingin yliopistoUusimaa1137
3Metropolia AmmattikorkeakouluUusimaa81813
5Hanken Svenska handelshögskolanUusimaa133599
7HAAGA-HELIA ammattikorkeakouluUusimaa153842
8Yrkeshögskolan ArcadaUusimaa164583
10Humanistinen ammattikorkeakouluUusimaa215546


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