Telangana High Court Direct Recruitment 2023

Office of Registrar, Telangana State High Court has invited Online Applications for Copyist Posts with 84 Vacancies in Telangana State High Court.


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Telangana High Court (HC) Recruitment 2023: Applications are invited through ONLINE for direct recruitment to the posts of Copyist in the Judicial Districts of State of Telangana as per the Telangana Judicial Ministerial and Subordinate Service Rules, 2018, carrying scale of pay of ₹22900 – ₹69150.

The online application portal will be available in the High Court’s website “” and also in the websites of all the District Courts in the State of Telangana from 25-05-2023 to 15-06-2023. The Last date for submission of application through online is 15-06-2023 upto 11:59 p.m. No other mode of application will be entertained.

The detailed examination schedule will be posted in the High Court’s website The applicants are required to visit the website of High Court for the State of Telangana to keep themselves updated on all the steps/results until the completion of the recruitment.

Telangana HC Recruitment Highlights


Notification No. 9/2023, dated 12-5-2023 for direct recruitment to the posts of Copyist in the Telangana judicial ministerial service.

Telangana HCRecruitment 2023
Date of Notification12.05.2023
No. of Vacancies84
Educational QualificationIntermediate Exam
Technical QualificationTypewriting 45 WPM
Pay Scale₹22900 – ₹69150
Application form starts25.05.2023
Last date to Apply15.06.2023

Job Vacancies in Telangana High Court

District/Unit wise Vacancy Position

VACANCY POSITION: The detailed District/ Unit wise vacancy position of posts in Open Category, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes etc. is mentioned as here under:

Detailed District/Unit wise Vacancy Position

LocationNo. of Vacancies


a) Selection of the candidates against BC-E vacancy will, however, be subject to outcome of Civil Appeal Nos . 2628 – 2637 /2010 pending consideration before the Hon’ ble Supreme Court of India.

b) Modified nomenclature of BC (Backward Classes) is Socially and Educationally Backward Classes.

c) Candidates applying under Economically Weaker Section (E.W.S) Category have to produce certified copy of E.W.S certificate issued by the competent authority.

d) The High Court for the State of Telangana reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies or cancel the notification, at any stage without assigning any reason whatsoever. No right will accrue to the candidate by virtue of the notification.

e) If provisionally selected candidate does not join the post, the next meritorious candidate may be considered for provisional selection.

Qualification for Telangana HC Recruitment 2023

As per the Telangana High Court Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement, the following educational qualifications are required for applying Telangana HC Recruitment 2023:-

Educational Qualification

You must have passed Intermediate examination conducted by the State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent.

Technical Qualification

You should have passed Telangana Government Technical Examination in English Typewriting by Higher Grade (45 words per minute), or equivalent examination.

Provided that if candidates who have passed the Typewriting examination by the higher grade are not available, those who have passed the Typewriting examination by the lower grade may be considered.

The candidates who have passed the Typewriting examination in English by Higher Grade (45 words per minute) from any other technical board other than the Telangana State Board of Technical Education, have to submit the equivalency certificate issued by the Telangana State Board of Technical Education at the time of certificate verification.


  • The candidates who have higher than the prescribed academic and technical qualifications, if any, shall submit the concerned certificates at the time of certificate verification.
  • The candidate shall possess the aforesaid Educational Qualifications as on 12.05.2023.

Linguistic Qualification

According to Telangana High Court Recruitment 2023 Official Advertisement, candidates shall not be eligible for appointment if they do not possess an adequate knowledge of the language or languages of the District in which they are to be appointed. The list containing the languages of the Districts are specified in the User Guide available in the website of the High Court.

Provided that where two or more languages are specified for a District and sufficient number of candidates who have an adequate knowledge of all the prescribed languages are not available, candidates who have an adequate knowledge of any one of the said languages according to the needs of the district will be selected and such candidates shall be eligible for appointment in that district.

Age Limit

a) As on 01-07-2023, the candidate must have completed the age of 18 years and must not have completed the age of 34 years.

b) The relaxation of maximum age limit in respect of SCs/STs/ BCs/EWS is 5 years and in case of candidates with physical disabilities they shall be given age relaxation of 10 years.

c) The relaxation of maximum age limit in respect of Ex-Servicemen will be as per Rule 12{1)(c) (i) of Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules.

d) The upper age limit will be relaxed to the candidates who are presently working on contract or outsourcing basis in the High Court for the State of Telangana or in the District Courts in the State of Telangana, provided that they were within the prescribed age limit at the time of their initial appointment, either on contract, or on outsourcing basis, subject to fulfilment of prescribed qualifications and Judicial Orders, if any, from time to time, in this regard. To apply under this category, the aforesaid candidates must have put in at least two years of service by the date of publication of this notification.

Selection Procedure

Following are the method of selection under Telangana High Court Recruitment 2023.

Typewriting test (100 Marks): The English Typewriting test (skill test) with the use of computers will be for 10 minutes (with a speed of 45 w.p.m.) for 100 marks.

Passing Marks in Typewriting test:-

Category of CandidatesQualifying Marks
O.C. and EWS40%
SCs, STs and P.H.30%

The minimum qualifying marks to be secured in the Typing test are 40% for Open Category (OC) /general category and Economically Weaker Section (EWS) candidates, 35% for the candidates of BC category and 30% for the candidates of Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Physically Handicapped (PH) categories.

Weightage marks will be given to the candidates presently working on contract or outsourcing basis in the High Court for the State of Telangana or in the District Courts in the State of Telangana, based on the length of the service they have rendered. Provided, they have

  1. put in at least two years of qualifying service by 12.05.2023; and
  2. secured minimum qualifying marks in the typewriting examination, as prescribed above.

Examinations Fee

a) The applicants who belong to OC and BC categories have to pay an amount of Rs. 600/- (Rupees Six hundred only), excluding applicable service charges, towards online application processing fee/ examination fee, whereas the SC, ST and EWS category candidates have to pay an amount of Rs. 400/- (Rupees four hundred only), excluding applicable service charges.

b) Only the applicants belonging to a community recognized as SC/ST in the State of Telangana alone are entitled for the concessional payment of examination fee of Rs. 400/-.

c) The Application/Examination Fee is to be remitted/paid online only.

d) The Application/Examination Fee once paid will not be refunded even if the application is rejected for any reason, or the recruitment notification is cancelled for any reason.

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