Latest amendments, updates and notes related to the Indirect Tax Laws. Central and State taxes Rule, Circulars and Notifications.
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Latest amendments, updates and notes related to Income Tax Act 2025 and its Rules, Circulars and Notifications.
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Section 131 of GST Act: Confiscation or penalty not to interfere with other punishments
Section 130 of GST Act: Confiscation of goods and levy of penalty
Section 129 of GST Act: Detention, seizure and release of goods
Section 128A of GST Act: Waiver of interest or penalty or both relating to demands raised under section 73, for certain tax periods
Section 128 of GST Act: Power to waive penalty or fee or both
Section 127 of GST Act: Power to impose penalty in certain cases
Section 126 of GST Act: General disciplines related to penalty
Section 125 of GST Act: General Penalty
Section 124 of GST Act: Fine for failure to furnish statistics
Section 123 of GST Act: Penalty for failure to furnish information return
Section 122B of GST Act: Penalty for failure to comply with track and trace mechanism
Section 122A of GST Act: Penalty for Failure to Register certain Machines
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