Latest amendments, updates and notes related to the Indirect Tax Laws. Central and State taxes Rule, Circulars and Notifications.
Income Tax
Latest amendments, updates and notes related to Income Tax Act 2025 and its Rules, Circulars and Notifications.
Corporate Law
Latest amendments, updates and notes related to the Companies Act 2013, the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Act, 2008 and other allied Acts.
Latest updated notes and news for CA CPT, IPC and Final students and qualified members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
Latest updated notes and news for CS Foundation, Executive and Professional Programme students and qualified members of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).
Latest updated notes and news for CMA Foundation, Intermediate and Final Course students and qualified members of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI).
Section 144 of GST Act: Presumption as to documents in certain cases
Section 142 of GST Act: Miscellaneous transitional provisions
Section 141 of GST Act: Transitional provisions relating to job work
Section 140 of GST Act: Transitional arrangements for input tax credit
Section 139 of GST Act: Migration of existing taxpayers
Section 138 of GST Act: Compounding of offences
Section 137 of GST Act: Offences by companies
Section 136 of GST Act: Relevancy of statements under certain circumstances
Section 135 of GST Act: Presumption of culpable mental state
Section 134 of GST Act: Cognizance of offences
Section 133 of GST Act: Liability of officers and certain other persons
Section 132 of GST Act: Punishment for certain offences
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