Section 287 of Income Tax Act 1961

Section 287 of Income Tax Act 1961 amended by Finance Act 2022 and Income-tax Rules, 1962. Publication of information respecting assessees.


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Amended and updated notes on section 287 of Income Tax Act 1961 as amended by the Finance Act 2020 and Income-tax Rules, 1962. Detail discussion on provisions and rules related to Publication of information respecting assessees in certain cases.

Recommended read: Section 512 of the Income Tax Act 2025

Chapter XXIII (Sections 281 to 298) of the Income Tax Act 1961 deals with the provisions related to Miscellaneous. Section 287 of IT Act 1961 provides for Publication of information respecting assessees in certain cases.

Recently, we have discussed in detail section 286 (Furnishing of report in respect of international group) of IT Act 1961. Today, we learn the provisions of section 287 of Income-tax Act 1961. The amended provision of section 287 is effective for financial year 2022-23 relevant to the assessment year 2023-24.

In this article, you will learn detail of the provisions of section 287 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 Bare Act read with the Income-tax Rules, 1962 as provided by Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India.

Section-287: Publication of information respecting assessees in certain cases

Section 287(1) of Income Tax Act

If the Central Government is of opinion that it is necessary or expedient in the public interest to publish the names of any assessees and any other particulars relating to any proceedings or prosecutions under this Act in respect of such assessees, it may cause to be published such names and particulars in such manner as it thinks fit.

Section 287(2) of Income Tax Act

No publication under this section shall be made in relation to any penalty imposed under this Act until the time for presenting an appeal to the Commissioner (Appeals) has expired without an appeal having been presented or the appeal, if presented, has been disposed of.

Explanation: In the case of a firm, company or other association of persons, the names of the partners of the firm, directors, managing agents, secretaries and treasurers, or managers of the company, or the members of the association, as the case may be, may also be published if, in the opinion of the Central Government, the circumstances of the case justify it.

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