Section 282 of Income Tax Act 1961

Section 282 of Income Tax Act 1961 as amended by the Finance Act 2022 and Income-tax Rules, 1962. Service of notice generally.


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Amended and updated notes on section 282 of Income Tax Act 1961 as amended by the Finance Act 2022 and Income-tax Rules, 1962. Detail discussion on provisions and rules related to Service of notice generally.

Chapter XXIII (Sections 281 to 298) of the Income Tax Act 1961 deals with the provisions related to Miscellaneous. Section 282 of IT Act 1961 provides for Service of notice generally.

Recently, we have discussed in detail section 281B (Provisional attachment to protect revenue in certain cases) of IT Act 1961. Today, we learn the provisions of section 282 of Income-tax Act 1961. The amended provision of section 282 is effective for financial year 2020-21 relevant to the assessment year 2021-22.

In this article, you will learn detail of the provisions of section 282 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 Bare Act read with the Income-tax Rules, 1962 as provided by Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India.

Section-282: Service of notice generally

Section 282(1) of Income Tax Act

The service of a notice or summon or requisition or order or any other communication under this Act (hereafter in this section referred to as “communication”) may be made by delivering or transmitting a copy thereof, to the person therein named,—

  • (a) by post or by such courier services as may be approved by the Board; or
  • (b) in such manner as provided under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) for the purposes of service of summons; or
  • (c) in the form of any electronic record as provided in Chapter IV of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000); or
  • (d) by any other means of transmission of documents as provided by rules made by the Board in this behalf.

Section 282(2) of Income Tax Act

The Board may make rules providing for the addresses (including the address for electronic mail or electronic mail message) to which the communication referred to in sub-section (1) may be delivered or transmitted to the person therein named.

Explanation: For the purposes of this section, the expressions “electronic mail” and “electronic mail message” shall have the meanings as assigned to them in Explanation to section 66A of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000).

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