RPSC RAS Final Result 2023 Direct Link rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC RAS 2021 Final Result has been declared. Candidates can now download the result from rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. Get step-by-step instructions and important details about the examination here.


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The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has announced the final result for the Rajasthan State & Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination 2021. Candidates who appeared for the exam can now check and download their results from the official website at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.

The successful candidates will be recommended for appointment to the government based on merit and their service preferences. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to download the RPSC RAS 2021 Final Result and important details about the examination.

How to download RPSC RAS 2021 Final Result?

To download the RPSC RAS 2021 Final Result, follow the step-by-step process given below:

To download the RPSC RAS Final Result, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official website of the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC): https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/
  2. Click on the “Results” tab.
  3. Under the “Rajasthan State & Subordinate Services Comb. Comp. Exam,” click on the link for the “Final Result (After Interview) of Raj. State and Sub. Services Comb. Comp. Exam – 2021.”
  4. The PDF file containing the final result will open in a new window.
  5. You can either view the result online or download it to your computer.

Here is a direct link to the final result:


Rajasthan RAS 2021 Result Overview

The RPSC conducted the RAS Mains 2021 on 20 & 21 March 2022. To finalize the recruitment process, the commission scheduled the RAS Interview from 6 November to 17 November 2023. Refer to this table for the key highlights of RPSC RAS Result:-

Exam Conducting OrganizationRajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Exam NameRajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Exam 2021  (also known as RAS Exam)
RPSC RAS Pre Exam Date 2021 27 & 28 October 2021
RPSC RAS 2021 Main Exam 20 & 21 March 2022
RPSC RAS Interview Date6 November to 17 November 2023 
Rajasthan RAS Final Result 202117 November 2023 
RPSC RAS 2021 Result Status 17th Nov 2023
Job LocationRajasthan
Selection ProcessCombined Competitive Exam (Prelims + Mains) Personality Test & Viva-Voce

RPSC RAS Exam Pattern

The RPSC RAS examination consists of three stages: Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Interview. Here is a brief overview of the exam pattern:

Preliminary Exam

The Preliminary Exam is an objective-type exam comprising two papers: General Studies and Mental Ability. Each paper carries 200 marks and has a duration of 2 hours.

Mains Exam

The Mains Exam is a subjective-type exam consisting of nine papers:

  • General Studies-I
  • General Studies-II
  • General Studies-III
  • General Studies-IV
  • Optional Paper-I
  • Optional Paper-II
  • Hindi
  • English
  • Rajasthani Culture and General Knowledge

Each paper is worth 200 marks and has a duration of 3 hours.


The Interview is a personality test that evaluates the suitability of candidates for the desired post.

RPSC RAS 2021 Recruitment Details

The RPSC RAS 2021 recruitment aims to fill a total of 988 vacancies in the Rajasthan State Service and Rajasthan Subordinate Service. The Main result of RPSC RAS 2021 was declared on August 30, 2022, and scorecards were released on December 1, 2022. A total of 2174 candidates were selected through the Main examination.

For more detailed information and updates regarding the RPSC RAS 2021 Final Result, candidates are advised to visit the official website of the Rajasthan Public Service Commission at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.

In conclusion, the RPSC RAS 2021 Final Result has been declared by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission. Candidates can now download their results from the official website. The recruitment process aimed to fill a total of 988 vacancies in the state services. For further information and updates, candidates can visit the official website. Best of luck to all the successful candidates!

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