ICAI Verification of Answer Books Nov 2023 – Apply Online

Apply for Verification, Inspection or Certified Copies of answer books of CA Final, Intermediate, Foundation Nov/Dec 2023 Examinations.


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Apply For Verification of Answer Books: Online application form for verification, inspection or certified copies of answer books of CA Final, CA Intermediate Nov 2023 and CA Foundation Dec 2023 Examinations.

Recently the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has announced that a candidate, if he/she so desires, can apply for verification of answer sheets. These verification shall be done as per provisions of Regulation 39 (4) of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.

If you are not satisfied with the marks awarded to you in Chartered Accountancy examinations, you may submit verification form. Only CA Foundation, CA Intermediate or CA Final students can submit application form for marks verification. CA students may apply for marks verification within prescribed time limit.

CA Institute has made the facility for online submission of application for verification of answer books and also for making the payment of revaluation fees by using Debit/ Credit card, Master/Visa/ Maestro.

You have to apply for verification of marks of CA Final Nov 2023 examination between 10th January, 2024 (11:00 a.m.) to 8th February, 2024. Whereas, CA Intermediate Nov 2023 students may apply for verification of answer books on or before February 08, 2024.

What is meant by verification of Answer Books?

Many students confused with the term verification of marks. Verification of books does not mean that your CA Foundation, CA Intermediate/ IPCC and CA Final exam answer sheet would be rechecked or evaluate again. Actually, evaluation of the answer book is not permitted under the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.

Therefore, the process of verification of marks covers only the following checking that whether:

  • the answer book(s) compilation is complete;
  • any question or part thereof has remained unvalued;
  • the handwriting of the candidate in all the answer books is the same;
  • there is any totaling error in any question or total marks on the cover page;
  • there is any discrepancy between the marks for each question and or/part thereof and marks for each question indicated on the cover page of the answer book.

Procedure for Online Marks Verification

A candidate can apply for verification on-line within 30 days or the date as may be announced by ICAI. This period shall be counted from the date of declaration of your result.

Login to your ICAIexam.icai.org account and apply from your dashboard for verification of marks of CA Foundation/ CA Intermediate/ CA Final May 2023 examinations.

In this case you have to upload the scanned copy of your hand written application form and the payment shall be made online using your Debit/ Credit card, through the payment gateway.

(Application form last date is 8th February, 2024)

CA Final Marks Verification

For CA Final Nov 2023, apply for verification of marks from start date 10-01-2024 and last date is 08-02-2024. Last date to apply for inspection or certified copies of answer books of CA Final is February 07, 2024. You may also submit application form for verification of answer book till 8th February 2024.

CA Intermediate Marks Verification

CA Intermediate students may apply for marks verification till 8th February, 2024. However, if you want certified copy of your answer book then you have to submit prescribed application form on or before 07.02.2024.

CA Foundation Marks Verification

ICAI CA Foundation course students may apply online for verification of answer books of June 2023. Last date is August 2023 for marks verification and Aug, 2023 for inspection or certified copy of answer books.

Offline Application: All candidates who are not able to submit their applications for verification or certified copies of answer book online are requested to kindly submit their handwritten signed applications.

Application should be hand written in English if they were English medium candidates else Hindi if they were Hindi medium candidate in Nov 2023 exams.

The application form enclosing a demand draft for the applicable fee, drawn in favour of the “Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India” payable at New Delhi. Application shall be sent through speed post so as to reach within the dates mentioned at the portal icaiexam.icai.org at the following address:

The Additional Secretary (Exams),
ICAI Bhawan,
Indraprastha Marg,
New Delhi 110002.

For any further clarifications, candidates may write to edpexam@icai.in quoting the Examination, Name, Roll number and Registration Number at least two working days prior to the close of the application window.

However, there is no need to send the print-out of the on-line verification application by post.

CA Institute has not prescribed any standard format of application form for verification of marks. However, you have to apply with a simple application form written in your own handwriting indicating the following specific details:

  1. Student Name:
  2. Student Registration No:
  3. Exam- Foundation/ Intermediate/ Final:
  4. Month and year of the exam:
  5. Roll No:
  6. Paper(s)/subjects to be verified:
  7. Address for communication:

Never write e-mail IDs or mobile number or landline numbers in your application form. Application should be duly signed by the candidate. If you had opted for Hindi medium in the examination, your application should also be in Hindi otherwise in English.

Fees for Verification of Marks of CA Exams 2024

The fee is Rs. 100/- per paper for CA Final, CA Intermediate, CA Foundation and post qualification courses subject to a maximum of Rs 400/- for both the groups. This fee is not refundable.

Possible Outcomes of Verification of Marks

The verification exercise may result in

  • No change of marks
  • Increase of marks, impacting result or exemption in one or more paper(s)
  • Increase of marks, which does not have an impact on result or exemption in one or more paper(s)
  • Decrease of marks

Check Result of Verification of Answer Books

The verification process is accurately drawn up exercise and therefore it normally takes time about 45-60 days. Though it will be CA Institute’s Endeavour to inform the outcome of verification, it may take longer time in some cases and the same cannot be assured, due to time consuming processes involved.

The outcome of the verification shall be hosted online by ICAI. You shall also get a written communication at the address mentioned by you in application. Accordingly, you can check the Results of Verification/Revaluation of Marks on the following website:

However, all such examinees who do not receive the response latest upto 15 days before commencement of the next exam are advised to send an email. This email shall be send to Additional Secretary (Examination) at the following appropriate Email id for necessary action.

PCE: pce_examhelpline@icai.in
IPCE: ipce_examhelpline@icai.in
Final: final_examhelpline@icai.in

Help Desk Telephone numbers: 0120 3054 835, 851, 852, 853.

You should submit exam form for appearing in the next examination. Do’t wait for the receipt of the outcome of verification of answer books. In other words, you should apply for the forthcoming examination even if you have not received any communication from ICAI. Please don’t wait for the result of verification of marks.

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