Download JEE Main Syllabus 2024: Physics, Chemistry, Math, Aptitude and Drawing Test

Prepare effectively for the JEE Main 2024 exam by understanding the comprehensive syllabus of Physics, Chemistry, Math, Aptitude and Drawing Test.


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Are you preparing for the highly competitive JEE Main exam? Do you want to maximize your chances of success by understanding the intricacies of the JEE Main syllabus? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you with an in-depth analysis of the JEE Main syllabus 2024, giving you the edge you need to excel in the exam.

JEE Main Syllabus 2024: The JEE Main syllabus is prescribed by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The JEE Main 2024 syllabus is based on the NCERT Class 11 and 12 syllabus. The JEE Main syllabus is divided into three parts: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The syllabus for each subject is given below.

Syllabus 2024 for JEE Main Paper 1 (B.E./B.Tech.)- Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Syllabus 2024 for JEE (Main) Paper 2A (B.Arch.) – Mathematics, Aptitude Test, and Drawing Test. Syllabus 2024 for JEE (Main) Paper 2B (B. Planning) – Mathematics, Aptitude Test, and Planning.

Gain insights into each subject’s topics and subtopics for optimal preparation. Start your journey to success now!

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main is an all-India engineering entrance examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission to various undergraduate engineering programs in NITs, IIITs, and other centrally funded technical institutions (CFTIs) across India. The JEE Main is conducted twice a year, in January and April.

JEE Main Syllabus: Key Highlights

The JEE Main syllabus is designed to test your aptitude in subjects like physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Here, we will delve into the specific topics and subtopics included in each subject:

You may click here to download JEE (Main) Syllabus 2024.

Syllabus for JEE Main Paper 1 (B.E./B.Tech.)- Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry

JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 1 MATHEMATICS

Sets, Relations, and FunctionsIntegral Calculus
Complex Numbers and Quadratic EquationsDifferential Equations
Matrices and DeterminantsCo-Ordinate Geometry
Permutations and CombinationsThree Dimensional Geometry
Binomial Theorem and its Simple ApplicationsVector Algebra
Sequence and SeriesStatistics And Probability
Limit, Continuity, and DifferentiabilityTrigonometry
JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 1 MATHEMATICS

JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 1 PHYSICS

Physics and MeasurementElectrostatics
KinematicsCurrent Electricity
Laws of MotionMagnetic Effects of Current And Magnetism
Work, Energy, and PowerElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Rotational MotionElectromagnetic Waves
Properties of Solids and LiquidsDual Nature of Matter and Radiation
ThermodynamicsAtoms and Nuclei
Kinetic Theory of GasesElectronic Devices
Oscillations and WavesExperimental Skills
JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 1 PHYSICS

JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 1 CHEMISTRY

Some Basic Concepts in ChemistryD – and F- Block Elements
Atomic StructureCo-Ordination Compounds
Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructurePurification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds
Chemical ThermodynamicsSome Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
EquilibriumOrganic Compounds Containing Halogens
Redox Reactions and ElectrochemistryOrganic Compounds Containing Oxygen
Chemical KineticsOrganic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesBiomolecules
P- Block ElementsPrinciples Related to Practical Chemistry
JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 1 CHEMISTRY

Syllabus for JEE (Main) Paper 2A (B.Arch.) – Mathematics, Aptitude Test, and Drawing Test

JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 2A MATHEMATICS

Sets, Relations, and FunctionsIntegral Calculus
Complex Numbers and Quadratic EquationsDifferential Equations
Matrices and DeterminantsCo-Ordinate Geometry
Permutations and CombinationsThree Dimensional Geometry
Binomial Theorem and its Simple ApplicationsVector Algebra
Sequence and SeriesStatistics And Probability
Limit, Continuity, and DifferentiabilityTrigonometry
JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 2A MATHEMATICS

JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 2A APTITUDE TEST

UNIT-1: Awareness of persons. Buildings, Materials. Objects, Texture related to Architecture and Build-environment, Visualizing three- dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings. Visualizing. Different sides of three- dimensional objects. Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual. Numerical and Verbal)

UNIT-2: Three dimensional- perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportions of objects, building forms and elements, colour texture harmony and contrast Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil. Transformation of forms both 2D and 3D union, subtraction rotation, development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of plans, elevations, and 3D views of objects, creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms.

JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 2A DRAWING TEST

Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urbanscape (public space, market, festivals, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces, etc.). landscape (riverfronts. Jungle. Gardens, trees. Plants, etc.) and rural life.

To be conducted in a Drawing sheet.

Note: Candidates are advised to bring pencils. Own geometry box set, crasets and colour pencils, and crayons for the Drawing Test.

Syllabus for JEE (Main) Paper 2B (B. Planning) – Mathematics, Aptitude Test, and Planning

JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 2B MATHEMATICS

Sets, Relations, and FunctionsIntegral Calculus
Complex Numbers and Quadratic EquationsDifferential Equations
Matrices and DeterminantsCo-Ordinate Geometry
Permutations and CombinationsThree Dimensional Geometry
Binomial Theorem and its Simple ApplicationsVector Algebra
Sequence and SeriesStatistics And Probability
Limit, Continuity, and DifferentiabilityTrigonometry
JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 2B MATHEMATICS

JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 2B APTITUDE TEST

UNIT-1: Awareness of persons. Buildings, Materials. Objects, Texture related to Architecture and Build-environment, Visualizing three- dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings. Visualizing. Different sides of three- dimensional objects. Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual. Numerical and Verbal)

UNIT-2: Three dimensional- perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportions of objects, building forms and elements, colour texture harmony and contrast Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil. Transformation of forms both 2D and 3D union, subtraction rotation, development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of plans, elevations, and 3D views of objects, creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms.

JEE Main 2024 Syllabus: Paper 2B PLANNING


General knowledge questions and knowledge about prominent cities, development issues, government programs, etc.


The idea of nationalism, nationalism in India, pre-modern world, 19th-century global economy, colonialism, and colonial cities, industrialization, resources, and development, types of resources, agriculture, water, mineral resources, industries, national economy; Human Settlements.

Power-sharing, federalism, political parties, democracy, the constitution of India.

Economic development- economic sectors, globalization, the concept of development, poverty; Population structure, social exclusion, and inequality, urbanization, rural development, colonial cities.


Comprehension (unseen passage); map reading skills, scale, distance, direction, area, etc.; critical reasoning; understanding of charts, graphs, and tables; basic concepts of statistics and quantitative reasoning.

Why is Understanding the JEE Main Syllabus Important?

Having a clear understanding of the JEE Main 2024 syllabus is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Focus: Knowing the syllabus helps you stay focused on the relevant topics and prevents you from wasting time studying irrelevant ones.
  2. Planning: With a thorough understanding of the syllabus, you can create an effective study plan and allocate appropriate time to each topic.
  3. Resource selection: Different topics require different study materials and resources. Understanding the syllabus allows you to choose the most suitable resources for each subject.
  4. Revision: By knowing the syllabus, you can revise effectively, ensuring that you cover all the important topics before the exam.

Tips for Efficiently Covering the JEE Main Syllabus

Now that you have a comprehensive overview of the JEE Main syllabus, here are some tips to help you cover it efficiently:

  1. Start early: The JEE Main syllabus is vast, so it is crucial to start your preparation early to avoid cramming.
  2. Break it down: Divide the syllabus into smaller, manageable sections and allocate specific study time to each of them.
  3. Prioritize: Identify your weaker areas and allocate more time to studying those topics. Focus on understanding concepts rather than rote memorization.
  4. Regular practice: Regular practice is key to mastering the topics. Solve previous year’s question papers and take mock tests to gauge your progress.
  5. Seek guidance: If you find any topics challenging, seek help from teachers, online resources, or coaching institutes.

Understanding the JEE Main syllabus is the first step towards achieving success in the exam. By breaking down the syllabus into specific topics, setting a study plan, and following the tips mentioned, you can maximize your preparation and improve your chances of securing a good rank. So, why wait? Start your JEE Main journey today and pave the way for a successful future!

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