Apply for Evaluated Answer Books of ICAI May 2023

Online procedure to apply for certified copies/ inspection of evaluated answer books of CA Final, Intermediate, CA Foundation May 2023 Exams.


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ICAI revised procedure for providing inspection/ certified copies of evaluated answer-books to the concerned examinees. Get CA Foundation evaluated answer books June 2023. CA Intermediate certified copy of evaluated answer book May 2023. CA Final evaluated answer book May 2023.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) vide announcement 05-July-2023 issued modified scheme for providing inspection/ certified copies of evaluated answer books to Chartered Accountancy (CA) course examinees.

Accordingly, if you are not satisfied with the marks awarded in May/June 2023 exams, you may either inspect or get the certified copies of evaluated answer books of respective examinations.

Additionally, you may also just apply for verification of answer books instead of getting the certified copy or inspection of evaluated answer sheet of ICAI examinations May 2023.

Inspection or Certified Copies of Evaluated Answer Books

Students of CA Foundation/ IPCC/ Intermediate/ Final examinations may seek inspection or certified copies of answer sheets of their respective exams question papers.

Online Application Form

You have to apply online at and pay the applicable fee online for seeking inspection/ certified copies of answer books of CA examinations.

[Last Date is 3rd August 2023 for Intermediate and Final]

CA Foundation/ Intermediate/ Final students may apply within 30 days from the date of declaration of respective result(s), with the applicable fee.

Physical applications for Final/Intermediate and Foundation will not be entertained. Applications received later than 30 days from the date of declaration of results will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Application Fees

The fee is ₹500/- per paper for CA Final, CA Intermediate, CA IPCC/ATE/Unit, CA Foundation and post qualification courses. This fee is not refundable.

Last date for Application

An examinee may seek inspection/certified copies of answer books within 30 days from the date of declaration of CA Foundation ResultsCA Intermediate/ IPCC Results/ CA Final Results, with the applicable fee.

Inspection or Certified Copy of Answer-book May 2023 Exams

  • CA Foundation: From 03-08-2023 (11:00 AM) to 08-2023
  • CA Intermediate: From 06-07-2023 (11:00 AM) to 03-08-2023
  • CA Final: From 06-07-2023 (11:00 AM) to 03-08-2023

If your application received by ICAI after 30 days from the date of declaration of CA result, then the same will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Check Application Status

CA Institute shall host the data of applications received from the examinees seeking inspection/certified copies of answer books, at

Time to get Certified Copy

Inspection/supply of evaluated answer books will be provided, generally, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application by ICAI, complete in all respects including signed Declaration and requisite fee.

In the case of a request for supply of certified copies of evaluated answer books relating to Papers 3 & 4 of Foundation and ISA(AT), only photocopy of the relevant OMR answer sheet will be provided. The relevant question paper or the key will not be provided.

Note: Inspection/certified copies of evaluated answer books of the examinees would be provided to the concerned examinee only and to no other person, under any circumstances.

Check Result

You may check the result of your application submitted for inspection or certified copies of evaluated answer sheets for CA Foundation/ CA Intermediate/ CA IPCC/ CA Final examinations at

Download and Print Certified Copy

The scanned images of answer books sought by an applicant will be hosted on a website. The CA Institute shall send an email to applicant informing him the URL link of the website along with the user ID and password required for accessing the scanned answer books.

Therefore, you can view and take print out of the scanned copies of your answer sheets but not later than 10 days from the date of hosting. Note that the scanned copies of answer books will not be hosted on

Inspection only at ICAI NOIDA Office

Inspection of evaluated answer books will be given only at the ICAI’s office at NOIDA, at the following address, on working days at the appointed date and time.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan
A-29, Sector 62,
Dist. Gautam Buddh Nagar (U.P)
NOIDA 201309

Note: Inspection of the answer books shall not be allowed at any other location of the Institute’s offices.

Contact Details

For any/all dispute(s) relating to examinations conducted by the Institute, including on the abovementioned matters, the Courts at New Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

E-mail IDs, as per the exam:

  4. (For post qualification courses)

Help Desk: 0120 3054 851, 852, 853, 835

  • CA Foundation: 0120-3894 815, 0120-3045 985
  • CA Intermediate: 0120-3054 819, 806, 808, 0120-4953, 4953708,719
  • CA Final: 0120-3894 808, 809; 0120-3876 872
  • Post qualification courses : 0120-3054 836, 3054 842

Verification under Regulation 39(4) covers the following aspects:

  • Whether any question or part thereof has remained unvalued;
  • Whether there is any totaling error in any question or total marks on the cover page; and
  • Whether there is any discrepancy between the stepwise marks, total marks for each question indicated on the cover page.

However, it may be noted that re-evaluation of answers is not permissible under Regulation 39(4) of the CA Regulations 1988.

Misuse of Certified Copy or Inspection

CA Institute has stated that if the examinee is found guilty of any misuse of the inspection/certified copies of the evaluated answer books, he/she shall be liable for award of punishment, such as debarment from appearing at further examination(s) or other action as may be deemed fit by the Examination Committee/Council of the Institute in this regard.

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