List of Income Tax Deductions for Individuals 2023-24

Chapter VIA deductions specified in sections 80C to 80U of Income-tax Act to be allowed while computing taxable income for Financial years 2022-23 onwards.


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Know income tax deductions for salaried employees 2022-23 and 2023-24 or income tax exemptions for salaried employees for Assessment Year 2023-24.

Whatever you earn in any previous year are grossly added under the five different heads of income as specified under section 14 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 which results the Gross Total Income (GTI) for the purposes of charge of income-tax.

However, GTI as defined u/s 80B (5) is not the income on which tax is to be paid by taxpayer in the assessment year and therefore for computation of actual taxable income of an assessee certain general deductions are allowed which are covered by Chapter VIA of the Income Tax Act.

As per section 80A, in computing the total income of an assessee, the deductions specified in sections 80C to 80U under Chapter VIA shall be allowed from his gross total income. You may download the complete list of all sections of Income-tax Act, 1961 as amended by the latest finance act i.e. Finance Act, 2022.

I am providing you the list of all deductions available to different categories of taxpayers for different categories of incomes as per Income-tax Act, 1961 amended by the Finance Act, 2022.

Section 80A:

The deductions specified in sections 80C to 80U shall be allowed computing the total income of an assessee. Note that in any case the aggregate amount of above deductions i.e. sections 80C to 80U shall not exceed the GTI of the assessee.

Section 80CCE:

The aggregate amount of deductions under section 80C, section 80CCC and sub-section (1) of section 80CCD shall not exceed ₹1,50,000.

Income Tax Deduction (Sections 80C to 80U)

Following are the list of various deductions available for certain payments made by taxpayers who can claim such deductions while calculating his/her taxable income under the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Section 80C (Individual/HUF):

Deduction upto ₹1,50,000 in respect of Life Insurance Premium (LIC) for policy, Deferred Annuity, contributions to Provident Fund (PF), unit-linked insurance plan of the LIC Mutual Fund, subscription to certain Equity Shares or Debentures, Term Deposits etc.

Section 80CCC (Individual):

Deduction upto ₹1,50,000 for contributions to certain pension funds of LIC or any other insurer.

Section 80CCD(Individual):

Deduction up to 10% of salary or 20% of GTI subject to ₹50,000 in respect of contribution to pension scheme notified by Central Government.

Section CCF (Individual/HUF):

Deduction upto ₹20,000 for subscription to long-term infrastructure bonds notified by the Central Government.

Section 80D (Individual/HUF):

Deduction upto ₹30,000 for any contribution made to the Central Government Health Scheme or LIC or other insurer to effect or keep in force an insurance on the health of specified person.

Section 80DD (Resident Individual/HUF):

Deduction up to ₹75,000 (₹1,25,000 in case of severe disability) for the medical treatment of a dependant who is a person with disability or amount deposited under a scheme framed in this behalf.

Section 80DDB (Resident Individual/HUF):

Deduction up to ₹40,000 (₹60,000 for senior citizen and ₹80,000 for very senior citizen) for payment for medical treatment of specified diseases and ailments

Section 80E (Individual):

100% deduction of amount paid by way of payment of interest on loan taken from financial institution/approved charitable institution for pursuing higher education.

Section 80EE (Individual):

Deduction up to ₹1,00,000 (₹50,000 from AY 2017-18) of interest payable on loan taken from any financial institution for the purpose of acquisition of a residential house property. Maximum loan amount ₹25,00,000 (₹35,00,000 from AY 2017-18) and the value of residential house property does not exceed ₹40,00,000 (₹50,00,000 from AY 2017-18). [Amended by the Finance Act, 2016.]

Section 80G (All Assessee):

Deduction up to 50% or 100% of donations to certain approved funds, trusts, charitable institutions/donations for renovation or repairs of notified temples, etc.

Section 80GG (Individual):

Deduction up to ₹24,000 (₹60,000 from AY 2017-18) for rent paid in respect of any furnished or unfurnished accommodation occupied by him for the purposes of his own residence. [Amended by the Finance Act, 2016.]

Section 80GGA (All Assessee):

100% of any sum paid by the assessee for scientific, social or statistical research or rural development programme or for carrying out an eligible project or scheme or any programme of conservation of natural resources or National Urban Poverty Eradication Fund.

Section 80GGB (Indian company):

100% deduction of amount contributed by Indian company to any political party or an electoral trust.

Section 80GGC (Individual/HUF/Firm/Company/AOP/BOI):

100% of amount of contribution made to a political party or an electoral trust by any person except Local Authority and Artificial Juridical Person.

Section 80-IA (All Assessee):

Deduction up to 100% of profits and gains from industrial undertakings engaged in infrastructure facility, telecommunication services, industrial park, development of Special Economic Zone, power undertakings, etc. for 10 consecutive assessment years. Not applicable for enterprise which starts the development or operation and maintenance of the infrastructure facility on or after the 1st day of April, 2017. [Amended by the Finance Act, 2016.]

Section 80-IAB (Developer):

A Developer (Undertaking/Enterprise) may claim a deduction of 100% of the profits and gains derived from any business of developing a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for 10 consecutive AYs out of 15 years. Not applicable to a developer where the development of SEZ begins on or after the 1st day of April, 2017. [Amended by the Finance Act, 2016.]

Section 80-IAC (Eligible Start-up):

100% deduction for 3 consecutive assessment years of the profits and gains derived by a company incorporated between 01-04-2016 to 01-04-2019 and engaged in eligible business. [Newly Inserted by the Finance Act, 2016.]

Section 80-IB (Undertaking):

Any industrial undertaking which fulfils all specified conditions shall get deduction of 100% of the profits and gains derived from eligible business for a period of 7 consecutive assessment years. Not applicable to an undertaking which starts eligible business after 31st day of March, 2017. [Amended by the Finance Act, 2016.]

Section 80-IBA (Housing Projects):

100% deduction of any profits and gains derived from the business of developing and building approved housing projects between 01-06-2016 to 31-03-2019. [Newly Inserted by the Finance Act, 2016.]

Section 80-IC (All assessees):

An undertaking or an enterprise having profits and gains derived from any business in certain special category States shall be allowed a deduction of 100% of such profits and gains for 5 assessment years and thereafter 25% or 30% or 100% of the profits and gains as the case may be.

Section 80-ID (All assessees):

If GTI of an assessee includes any profits and gains derived by an undertaking from eligible business shall be allowed a deduction of 100% of such profits and gains for 5 consecutive assessment years.

Section 80-IE (All assessees):

Certain undertakings in North-Eastern States shall get 100% deduction of profits and gains earned during April 2007-2017.

Section 80JJA (All Assessee):

100% deduction of income from business of collecting and processing or treating of bio-degradable waste for generating power, or producing bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides or other biological agents or for producing bio-gas, making pellets or briquettes for fuel or organic manure for 5 consecutive assessment years.

Section 80JJAA (Indian Company):

30% of additional employee cost incurred for new regular workmen employed by Indian company for 3 assessment years. [Amended by the Finance Act, 2016.]

Section 80LA (Banking Company):

Deduction up to 50% or 100% of certain incomes of Scheduled banks or banks incorporated outside India having Offshore Banking Units in a Special Economic Zone or Units of International Financial Services Centre.

Section 80P (Co-operative society):

100% of deduction of profits and gains of certain business or specified incomes of co-operative society.

Section 80QQB (Resident Individual):

Deduction up to ₹3,00,000 of royalty income or copyright fees of author of certain specified category of books.

Section 80RRB (Resident Individual):

Deduction up to ₹3,00,000 in receipt of any income by way of royalty in respect of a patent registered on or after 1-4-2003.

Section 80TTA (Individual/HUF):

Deduction up to ₹10,000 of any income by way of interest on deposits in a savings account with banking company or co-operative society or a Post Office.

Section 80U (Resident Individual):

Deduction of ₹75,000 (₹1,25,000 for person with severe disability) to a resident individual who is certified by the medical authority to be a person with disability.

Claim your deductions:

You must have to claim your deductions available from GTI. In case you fail to make a claim in your return of income for any deduction under sections 10A or 10AA or 10B or 10BA or under any provision of Chapter VIA under the heading “C.—Deductions in respect of certain incomes”, no deduction shall be allowed to you thereunder. Thus, you should have to make a claim for the each and every deduction you want to deduct while computing the taxable income.

Compulsory filing return of Income:

In accordance with section 80AC, if you will not furnish your Income Tax Return (ITR) of the assessment year on or before the due date specified under sub-section (1) of section 139, any deduction admissible u/s 80-IA, 80-IAB, 80-IB, 80-IC, 80-ID or section 80-IE shall not be allowed for such assessment year.

Addition to these deductions you may get tax relief of ₹2,500 with effect from the 1st day of April, 2018 under section 87A of the Income-tax Act, 1961.

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