Scheme for submission of returns through tax return preparers
[As per the Income Tax Act, 2025 (this Act) w.e.f. 1st April, 2026.]
Section 264(1) of Income Tax Act 2025
(1) The Board may make a Scheme for furnishing returns of income through a tax return preparer and such Scheme shall be notified, which—
(a) may enable any specified class or classes of persons in preparing and furnishing returns of income through a tax return preparer authorised to act as such under the Scheme;
(b) may be made irrespective of provisions of section 263.
Section 264(2) of Income Tax Act 2025
2) In this section,—
(a) “tax return preparer” means any individual, not being a person referred to in section 515(3)(a)(ii) or an employee of the “specified class or classes of persons”, who has been authorised to act as a tax return preparer under the Scheme made under this section;
(b) “specified class or classes of persons” means any person, other than a company or a person, whose accounts are required to be audited under section 63 or under any other law, who is required to furnish a return of income under this Act.
Section 264(3) of Income Tax Act 2025
(3) Every notification for the Scheme referred to in sub-section (1) shall be issued as per section 534 of this Act.