ICSI Merit-cum-Means Assistance 2023 for CS Students

ICSI merit-cum-means assistance 2021 applications for grant of financial assistance for pursuing CS Executive or CS Professional Course.


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Merit-cum-Means Assistance 2021: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has invited applications for grant of financial assistance for pursuing studies for CS Executive or CS Professional Programme.

This financial assistance shall be granted under the “Merit-cum-Means Assistance (Company Secretaryship Course) Scheme, 1983 as amended upto 9th April, 2015. You may also check for ICSI Students Education Fund Trust (SEFT) created for 100% scholarship.

Applications are invited in the prescribed form for award of 25 numbers of financial assistance each for pursuing Company Secretaryship Course. Last date of application is 25-May-2021 for students passed ICSI Dec 2020 exams.

Applications not made in the prescribed forms and or without supporting documents shall be rejected by ICSI. Note that your application must reach the Institute on or before 25th May, 2021.

You are eligible to apply only if you have cleared your CS Foundation Programme or both Modules of CS Executive Programme examination without exemption in any paper at one sitting, in the first attempt in CS December, 2020.

Eligibility for ICSI Financial Assistance 2021

Candidates must check the eligibility criteria for grant of financial assistance as under:

  • (a) Should have passed all papers of Foundation Programme or Executive Programme examination without exemption in any paper, at one sitting, in the first attempt;
  • (b) The income of such an applicant, if employed or is having an independent source of income, should not be more than Rs.2,40,000/- per annum and if he/she is dependent on his/her parents/guardian/spouse whether partially or wholly, the combined gross family income from all sources should not be more than Rs.3,60,000/- per annum;
  • (c) Foundation Programme examination pass candidates should have registered themselves for Executive Programme within three months from declaration of result.
  • (d) Shall not in receipt of any other scholarship / Financial Assistance for pursuing Company Secretaries Course from the Institute or any other organization.
  • (e) Should have submitted his/her application well within the stipulated period so as it reach the same in the Institute on or before 25th November for passing June examination and 25th May of next year for passing December examination of preceding year.

Application form should be filled in neatly and legibly in CAPITAL LETTERS in all respects by the candidate in his/her own handwriting and signed by the candidates.

Applications not signed by the candidate or incomplete in any manner or application not accompanied by requisite supporting documents, i.e., proof of Annual Income of the applicant and his/her spouse/parent(s)/guardian(s),Caste Certificate, and/or Medical Certificate wherever applicable, shall summarily be rejected and no correspondence shall be entertained.

Eligible only for:

  1. CS Executive Programme students; and
  2. CS Professional Programme students.
ICSI Merit-cum-means Assistance 2021

Application format for ICSI Merit-cum-Means Assistance 2021

The Joint Secretary
Directorate of Examination
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
‘ICSI House’, C-37, Sector-62 Institutional Area,
Noida – 201 309 (U.P.)

Sub: Application for grant of Merit-cum-means Assistance under the “Merit-cum-Means Assistance (Company Secretaryship Course) Scheme, 1983.

I wish to apply for grant of financial assistance for pursuing studies for Executive/Professional Programme under the “Merit-cum-Means Assistance (Company Secretaryship Course) Scheme, 1983”, as in force. I am to declare and submit as under:

*I am a bona fide registered student of the Institute and my Registration No. is __________.

*I am enclosing/have submitted my application for registration as a student on __________. (Date)

I have passed all the papers of Foundation Programme/Executive Programme Examination held in ____ (month/year) under Roll No.__ without exemption in any paper, in one sitting at first attempt.

I am enclosing attested copies of following certificate(s)/document(s) [Please tick √ ] —

  • (i) Mark-sheet in proof of having passed all the papers of Foundation Programme/Executive Programme examination of the Institute in the first attempt without claiming exemption in any paper;
  • (ii) Income Certificate issued by the employer in proof of my total monthly and yearly income;
  • (iii) Income Certificate issued by the employer/competent Revenue Officer of the State in proof of my spouse’s / father’s / mother’s / guardian’s total monthly and yearly income;
  • (iv) Income-tax Return Documents for the immediate preceding year in respect of myself and/or my parents/guardian/spouse;
  • (v) Caste Certificate issued by the appropriate authority if the applicant belongs to SC/ST category; and
  • (vi) Medical Certificate issued by the Surgeon / Medical Officer of a Government Hospital if the applicant belongs to Physically Handicapped category.

Yours faithfully,


Date: ___

*Delete whichever is not applicable.


Sub: Application for grant of Merit-cum-means Assistance under the “Merit-cum-Means Assistance (Company Secretaryship Course) Scheme, 1983”

With reference to my application for grant of Financial Assistance under the “Merit-cum-Means Assistance (Company Secretaryship Course) Scheme, 1983”, as in force, I submit the requisite particulars hereunder:

  1. Personal details
  2. Address and contact details
  3. Details of family members
  4. Address of parents/ guardian/ spouse
  5. Detail of family income from all sources
  6. Detail of payment of registration fee for pursuing CS Executive or CS Professional Company Secretaryship Course.
  7. Bank account details for direct remittance of financial assistance amount of using electronic mode in case of award of merit-cum-means assistance.
  8. Examinations passed
  9. Name of School/ College/ Institutions
  10. Details of enrollment in CS examinations
  11. Detail of coaching/ studies for pursuing CS Course

Please download the official announcement for complete guidance and prescribed application form for students passed in Dec 2020 term of examinations.

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