ICITSS and AICITSS Course Complete Detail for ICAI 2023 Exams

Register for Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skill for CA Intermediate students before joining Articleship Training.


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ICITSS: Under new syllabus, CA students have to complete Information Technology Training in two different phase. The first one before joining Articleship i.e. practical training and another before appearing for CA Final examinations.

In other words, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has developed two Courses namely, Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (ICITSS) and Advanced ICITSS. Both courses are for four weeks duration i.e. 30 days.

The Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (ICITSS) consists Information Technology (IT) and Orientation Course (OC) each of 15 days. Whereas, the Advanced ICITSS consists Advanced Information Technology (Advanced IT) and Management & Communication Skills Course (MCS) each of 15 days.

There is another four Weeks’ Residential Programme on Professional Skills Development, which is optional. However, if you complete the Residential Programme then you will be exempted from Management and Communications Skills (MCS) of AICITSS Course.

Thus, you may say that you have to complete the following Information Technology Training & Soft Skills Course before becoming member of ICAI:

  1. ICITSS:
    • Information Technology (IT)
    • Orientation Course (OC)
  2. Advanced ICITSS:
    • Advanced Information Technology (Advanced IT)
    • Management & Communication Skills Course (MCS)
  3. Four Weeks’ Residential Programme on Professional Skills Development (Optional)

Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (ICITSS)

After registration for CA Intermediate course, you have to complete successfully Four Weeks ICITSS before commencement of the Practical Training. ICITSS consists the following courses:

  1. Course on Information Technology (IT) of 15 days duration
  2. Orientation Course (OC) of 15 days duration

During the provisional registration in CA Intermediate course period, a candidate can undergo and complete ICITSS.

The course develops an understanding for use of Information Technology in the field of accounting and auditing and uniform theoretical and practical knowledge to all the aspiring CA students.

The training components of the course focus on use of Application Software relevant for Accounting, Auditing and allied areas related to the CA profession.

The training would focus on knowledge of Electronic Spread Sheet, Data Base Management System (DBMS), Computer Assisted Audit Technique (CAAT) and Accounting Package etc.

Section A – Course on Information Technology:

Eligibility: CA Intermediate students are eligible to complete the Course on Information Technology Training. It is mandatory before commencement of Practical Training.

Duration: The duration for Information Technology Training is two weeks. The classes would be a minimum of 6 hours per day, in 15 working days. That means you have to complete total 90 hours of Information Technology Training.

Fee: The fee shall be ₹6500 (Six Thousand Five Hundred only) per student inclusive of course material and tea or refreshments.

Syllabus: The syllabus of the IT Training course is-

E Learning-Computer Fundamentals, Operating Systems, CBS 10
MS – Word 06
MS – Excel 30
MS – PowerPoint 12
Data Bases using MS Access 06
Accounting Package 18

Section B – Orientation Course:

Eligibility: A CA Intermediate student has to complete the Orientation Course before commencement of Articleship Training. It is a compulsory course for CA Intermediate course students.

Duration: The classes for Orientation course would be for 6 hour per day in 15 working days. The Orientation course would be of 90 hours.

Fee: The fee shall be ₹7000 (Seven thousand only) per student on non-residential basis, inclusive of course material and tea/refreshments.

Syllabus: The Syllabus of Orientation course is hereunder-

About the Institute, Academic & Technical Guidance, General Management06
Developing Personal Traits12
Business Communication12
Interpersonal & Negotiation Skills12
Office Procedure06
Business Environment06
Strategic Decision Making06
Practical (Project)06

Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (Advanced ICITSS)

After admission to CA Final course, you have to complete Four Weeks Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (AICITSS). This Advanced ICITSS course shall be completed during the last two years of Practical Training but before appearing for Final Examination.

However, as per Explanation to Regulation 29D, a candidate who has been admitted to the Final Examination before 1st July, 2017 shall be required to complete the Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills under regulation 51E, before applying for membership of the Institute. [Vide Notification No.1-CA(7)/198/2021 dated 4-March-2021]

Advanced ICITSS consists Advanced Information Technology (Advanced IT) and Management and Communication Skills (MCS) Course.

Section C – Advanced Information Technology (Advanced IT)

Eligibility: A Students undergoing Practical training shall be required to do Course on Advanced Information Technology (Advanced IT) under AICITSS. Advanced IT course shall be completed during the last two years of Practical training.

Note that you will not eligible for appearing in CA Final course without successfully completion of Advanced Information Technology course.

CA Final students would be tested through online OMR based test paper, which they would be required to qualify with the requisite grades to be eligible to appear for Final Examination. The said grades would be reflected in the mark sheet of Final Examination.

Duration: The classes are scheduled minimum 6 hours per day, in 15 working days i.e. 90 hours.

Fee: The fee of Advanced IT course shall be ₹7500 (Seven thousand five hundred only) per student on non-residential basis, inclusive of course material and tea/refreshments.

Syllabus: Following is the syllabus for Advanced IT course.

Auditing in an ERP Environment 44
Advanced Excel 18
MS Excel as Audit Tool 18
Database Application using MS Access 12
Enterprise Resource Planning 18

Section D – Management & Communication Skills Course (MCS)

Eligibility: A CA Final student undergoing Articleship shall be required to do Management and Communication Course (MCS) under AICITSS during the last two years of Practical training. This course shall be completed before being eligible to appear in the Final Examination.

Duration: The MCS classes are scheduled for 6 hour per day in 15 working days.

Fee: The fee shall be ₹7000 (Seven thousand only) per student on non-residential basis, inclusive of course material and tea/refreshments.

Syllabus: Following table shows the syllabus of Management and Communication Course.

Business Communication 12
Presentation 18
Interpersonal & Negotiation Skills 18
Leadership, Team Building and Career Development 12
Office etiquettes 06
Interview Preparation 12
Strategic Thinking 06
Professional Ethics 06

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