CA Students Journal JAN 2024: Download ICAI Newsletter

Download CA students journal for the month of JAN 2024. Relevant updates for CA Foundation, CA Inter and CA Final students for ICAI Exams.


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The Chartered Accountant StudentYour monthly guide to CA news, information and events. ICAI issued CA Students Journal for the month of January 2024. From this page you may download monthly journal for CA Foundation, CA Intermediate and CA Final students.

As on date there are more than 8,45,000 students pursuing the Chartered Accountancy Course. There are more than 3.9 Lakh active members of ICAI. ICAI always sensitive to the needs of the students and endeavour to provide high quality infrastructure, educational opportunities and exposure.

In a pursuit to provide quality academic inputs to the students to help them in grasping the intricate aspects of the subject, the Board of studies bring December 2023 edition of students Journals.

Current students’ journal comprises Economic Laws for CA Final students, Economics for Finance for CA Intermediate students and Business Laws for CA Foundation students.

INDEX Part of ICAI CA Students Journal 2024

Following news, updated notes and events are available inside the Students Journal for the month of Jan, 2024.

  • 03 President’s Communication
  • 04 Vice-President’s Communication
  • 05 Chairman’s Communication
  • 06 Chairman SSEB (Board of Studies-Operations) Communication
  • 07 CA Final: Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation
  • 20 CA Intermediate: Financial Management
  • 27 CA Foundation: Accounting
  • 32 News Updates
  • 36 Crossword

How to Face CA Examination

As a student of this prestigious course, you are expected to acquire adequate knowledge as prescribed in the skill grid and devise your own customized study plan in line with the weight-age assigned to topics vis a vis examination. Meticulous planning and judicious execution is imperative to perform well in the examination.

The acquired Knowledge has to be comprehensible, retainable, recallable and presentable. The process of learning or acquiring knowledge is akin to building a monument brick by brick. You need to have a positive attitude a discerning mind and untiring spirit to build a strong knowledge foundation. Furthermore, you require to be patient, persistent and perseverant to tread ahead with grit, focus and commitment. Here are a few tips (generic as well as subject-specific) to guide you in the process of knowledge building to prepare from the standpoint of May 2024 examination.

How to Subscribe ICAI Journal

The Chartered Accountant Student: There are more than 3,04,600 subscribers of the Students’ Journal – The Chartered Accountant Student. A qualified CA is also eligible for ICAI students journal. If you are not registered with ICAI, you can also subscribe to CA student journal.

Annual Subscription Rates for ICAI Newsletter for Students:

If you are interested in subscribing monthly Journal released by ICAI then you have to send the appropriate amount through Demand Draft in favour of The Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India payable at New Delhi. Annual subscription rates for Student’s Journal are:

  1. Students of ICAI – ₹200
  2. For Members of ICAI & Others – ₹500
  3. For Overseas – US $100

Note that your application for subscribing Students Journal should be on plain paper. Send your application to the Director of Studies at A-29, Sector 62, NOIDA – 201309.

Correspondence with regard to subscription, advertising and writing articles is

Non-receipt of Students’ Journal:

Check your Address: All students should check their mailing address printed on back cover. In case, there is any change or the PIN Code (Postal Index Code) is either missing or is incorrect, kindly inform immediately the concerned Regional Office, giving full particulars of your address alongwith correct PIN Code. This would enable us to ensure regular and prompt delivery of the Journal.

You may send an email to if you have already subscribed to the Students Journal but not getting your Students’ Journal. For any further query related to ICAI Students Journal – The Chartered Accountant Student, you may ask at

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