ICAI Certificate of Service Declaration Form May 2023 Exams

Download declaration certificate format CA Foundation Nov 2023 or certificate of service format for CA Inter and Final May 2023 exams.


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Download declaration certificate format or certificate of service format for ICAI May 2023 Exams. Certificate of service format or declaration certificate has been hosted for CA Final May 2023, CA Intermediate May 2023, and CA Foundation May 2023 exams.

If you are going to appear in May 2023 examination, you must submit or upload declaration or certificate of service on official website icaiexam.icai.org. All candidates filling the ICAI exam form online are required to fill up these forms very carefully according to their eligibility.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has announced that CA Final candidates and Direct Entry candidates of Intermediate, through graduate/post graduate route are required to scan and upload their Certificate of Service.

Unless the declaration certificate format or Certificate of Service is uploaded, CA Foundation/ CA Intermediate/ CA Final candidates will not be able to complete submission of the examination form on-line for May 2023 term of examinations.

Download declaration certificate format or Certificate of Service Format May 2023

Download sample format of declaration/ certificate of service for CA Foundation, CA Intermediate, CA Final old and new course candidates appearing for their respective examinations to be held in May 2023.

CA Foundation May 2023 Students

All students who are appearing in May 2023 exam are required to upload declaration prescribed form.

Question-1: Sir, I am appearing for the first time in CA Foundation May 2023 exam. Is it required to upload any declaration?

Answer: Yes! All candidates who are appearing in CA Foundation May 2023 are required to upload self declaration form irrespective of their attempt. There is no effect whether you are appearing for the first time or not.

Question-2: I have registered in CA Foundation Course in Dec 2022. Am I eligible in May 2023?

Answer: Yes! All students registered in CA Foundation up to January 1, 2023 or converted from CPT to Foundation on or before March-2023 are eligible for appearing in CA Foundation May 2023 exam. However, you must have appeared 10+2 examination before appearing in Foundation Examination.

Question-3: Sir, this is my second attempt of CA Foundation. May I upload the last self declaration form used in Dec 2022?

Answer: No. You have to upload a fresh/new declaration for appearing in CA Foundation May 2023 exam.

Foundation Declaration Format May 2023



I _______ Son/Daughter of ________ hereby declare that I am registered in the Foundation Course on or before 1st January, 2023 or have converted to Foundation Course from CPT course on or before 13th March, 2023 and have appeared 10+2 examination / will be appearing in 10+2 examination before appearing in Foundation Examination.

I request for permission to appear at the Foundation examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India scheduled to be held in May 2023. I hereby declare that the particulars stated in this application form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read the Guidance Notes for candidates and satisfied myself that I am eligible to appear in ensuing Foundation Exam to be held in May 2023 and I shall abide by the terms and conditions contained therein. I understand that my admission to Foundation and result thereof shall be provisional and subject to verification of my fulfilling the eligibility requirements in terms of the CA Regulations, 1988 and decision of the Council of ICAI. In the event of suppression or distortion of any fact made in this application form, I understand that I shall be denied the opportunity to appear in Foundation Exam and if already admitted / appeared, my admission / result acquired shall be liable for outright cancellation. I also understand that the decision of the Institute in this regard shall be final and binding upon me and I shall abide by the same.

Sign of Candidate:__________ Sign of Parent/Guardian:___________

Attestation by Member of ICAI /Head of the Educational Institution /Gazetted Officer with Seal

I do hereby certify that I have verified and satisfied that the candidate named above is registered for Foundation course with the Board of Studies of the Institute on or before 1st January, 2023 / Converted to Foundation from the CPT on or before 13th March, 2023 and has appeared in 10+2 examination / will be appearing in 10+2 examination before appearing in Foundation Examination and is eligible to appear in Foundation Exam. The particulars as furnished have been verified by me and found to be correct with reference to the documents produced before me by the candidate.

Date: Place:

Membership No. of the Member of ICAI (if applicable) __________________
Signature of Member of ICAI/Head of Educational Institution /Gazetted Officer: ________
Telephone Number:_________
Office Seal

CA Intermediate declaration certificate format May 2023

Those students who have completed/ commence their articleship or registered through direct entry in CA Intermediate course are required to choose appropriate certificate of service format from below official direct download link.

  1. Certificate of Service for Candidates who registered provisionally for Intermediate course through Direct Entry Route and completed/would be completing 8.5 months of articleship including 8 months of study course as on 1st May, 2023 and also completed ICITSS on or before 31st October, 2022. [Download IPCE NEW May 2023 Declaration-1]
  2. Certificate of Service for candidates who registered for/converted to Intermediate (New)/ATC under the Direct Entry Scheme under the category Graduates/Post Graduates and completed or would be completing 9 months of articleship as on 1st May, 2023. [Download IPCE NEW May 2023 Declaration-2]
  3. Candidates who registered for Intermediate (IPC) course through CPT route and appeared in the Intermediate (IPC) Examination in one or both groups but did not qualify both the groups or either of the group and converted to Intermediate (IPC) under the Direct Entry Scheme and now converted to Intermediate (New) and commenced / would be commencing practical training on or before 30th April, 2023./ Candidates who registered for Intermediate course through CPT/Foundation route and appeared in the Intermediate Examination in one or both groups but did not qualify both the groups or either of the group and now converted to the Direct Entry Scheme and commenced/would be commencing practical training on or before 30th April, 2023. [Download IPCE NEW May 2023 Declaration-3]
  4. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE (For candidates who have completed their Articleship).

Question: Sir, I am appearing for the first time in Intermediate May 2023. I am from Foundation course cleared in Dec 2021. Which declaration or certificate of service is required?

Answer: If you have passed CA Foundation in Dec 2021 and appearing for the first time in CA Intermediate May 2023 exam, there is no need to upload any Declaration or Certificate of Service.

Intermediate Certificate of Service

8.5 Months Articleship Completion as on 1st May 2023

Certificate of Service

Certificate of Service For candidates who registered provisionally for Intermediate course and completed/would be completing 8.5 months of articleship including 8 months of study course as on 01st May 2023 and also completed ICITSS on or before 31st October, 2022.

I__________ hereby certify that Mr/Ms__________ is presently serving/ has served under me as articled assistant and completed or will be completing 8.5 months of articled training as on 01st May, 2023.

Student Registration No________
Signature of the articled assistant___________
Name of the Principal__________
Date:__________ Place:__________________
Signature of Principal:_____________ E-Mail ID:____________
ICAI Membership Number:___________ Mobile No.:_____________
Landline No.: _____________
Office Seal

9 Months Articleship Completion as on 1st May 2023 – Direct Entry Scheme

Certificate of Service

Certificate of Service For candidates who registered for/Converted to Intermediate(New)/ATC under the Direct Entry Scheme under the category graduates/post graduates and completed/would be completing 9 months of
articleship as on 01st May 2023:

I___________ hereby certify that Mr/Ms__________ is presently serving/ has served under me as articled assistant and completed or will be completing 9 months of articled training as on 01st May, 2023.

Student Registration No__________
Signature of the articled assistant________
Name of the Principal__________
Date:___________ Place:________________
Signature of Principal:________ E-Mail ID:___________
ICAI Membership Number:______________ Mobile No.:__________
Landline No.: _____________
Office Seal

Commencing Practical Training on or before 30th April, 2023

Certificate of Service

Candidates who registered for Intermediate (IPC) course through CPT route and appeared in the Intermediate (IPC) Examination in one or both groups but did not qualify both the groups or either of the group and converted to Intermediate (IPC) under the Direct Entry Scheme and now converted to Intermediate (New) and commenced / would be commencing practical training on or before 30th April, 2023. / Candidates who registered for Intermediate course through CPT/FOUNDATION route and appeared in the Intermediate Examination in one or both groups but did not qualify both the groups or either of the group and now converted to Direct Entry Scheme and commenced / would be commencing practical training on or before 30th April, 2023.


I________________ hereby certify that Mr/Ms commenced articleship on________ and is serving under me as an articled assistant.

Student Registration No.___________ Signature of the articled assistant___________
Name of the Principal Signature of Principal_____________
ICAI Membership Number______________ E-Mail ID____________
Mobile No._____________ Landline No._________________
Date Place____________
Office Seal:


Declaration by the Candidate

I______________ , hereby declare that I commenced articleship on_______________ or I would be commencing articleship on or before 30th April, 2023.

Student Registration No____________ Signature of the Candidate______________

Articleship Completion Declaration

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ( For candidates who have completed their Articleship ) Articleship Completion Declaration

Registration No:__________________

I_______________ hereby declare that I have completed the prescribed period of 3 years / 3.5 Years of practical training (including excess leave, if any) on______________ as an Articled / Audit assistant.

Signature of the Candidate______________

CA Final declaration certificate format May 2023 Students

  1. Certificate of Service for candidates who have completed their Articleship. [Download Final Declaration-1 May 2023]
  2. Certificate of Service for candidates who are going to complete their Articleship on or before 30th April, 2023. [Download Final Declaration-2 May 2023]

Final Certificate of Service

Articleship Completed

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ( For candidates who have completed their Articleship )

Articleship Completion Declaration

Old Article Registration No:___________________
New Unique Registration No:_______________

I______________ hereby declare that I have completed the prescribed period of 3 years / 3.5 Years of practical training (including excess leave, if any) on________________ as an Articled / Audit assistant.

Place:___________ Signature of the Candidate

Complete Articleship by 30th April, 2023

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE (For candidates who are going to complete their articleship on or before 30th April, 2023)

For candidates who are presently in service and due to complete the prescribed period of 3 years / 3.5 years of practical training (including excess leave if any) on or before 30th April, 2023.

I_______________ hereby certify that Mr./Ms._________________ is presently serving under me as an articled assistant /audit assistant and his/her due date of completion (including excess leave if any) will be____________________ i.e. on or before 30th April, 2023, as per deed of articles.

Old Article Registration No.__________________ New Unique Registration No.___________________
Signature of the articled/audit assistant_________________

Attestation by the Principal

Name of the Principal:______________
Membership No. of the Member / Principal:_________________
Mobile No of the Principal:______________
E-mail ID of the Principal:__________
Signature of Principal:_________

Office Seal:

Candidates in the last 6/12 months of articleship

  1. Certificate Of Service – For Candidates PE-II And Converted From PE-II To IPCC, Converted From PE-II To PCC Or From PE-II To PCC And Then IPCC. [Download Final Declaration-3 May 2023]
  2. Certificate Of Service – For PCC or Converted from PCC to IPCC. [Download Final Declaration-4 May 2023]
  3. Certificate Of Service – (For Intermediate and IPCC). [Download Final Declaration-5 May 2023]

For candidates PE-II to IPCC

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE – (For candidates PE-II and Converted from PE-II to IPCC, Converted from PE-II to PCC or from PE-II to PCC and then IPCC)

For candidates who are presently in service, serving the last twelve months of training as on 1st May, 2023 and due to complete 3 years / 3.5 years of training (including excess leave, if any) on or before 30th April, 2024.

I____________________ hereby certify that Mr./Ms.____________ presently serving under me as an articled assistant/audit assistant, will be in service as on 1st May, 2023 serving the last twelve months of training and his/her due date of completion (including excess leave, if any) will be__________________ i.e. on or before 30th April, 2024 as per deed of articles.

Old Article Registration No._________________ New Unique Registration No.______________
Signature of the articled/audit assistant____________________

Attestation by the Principal

Name of the Principal:______________
Membership No. of the Member / Principal:______________
Mobile No of the Principal:___________________
E-Mail ID of the Principal:____________________
Signature of Principal:____________

Office Seal:

For candidates PCC to IPCC

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE – (For PCC or Converted from PCC to IPCC)

For candidates who are presently in service, serving the last six months of training as on 1st May, 2023 and due to complete 3.5 years of training (including excess leave, if any) on or before 31st October, 2023.

I________________ hereby certify that Mr./Ms._________________ presently serving under me as an articled assistant/audit assistant, will be in service as on 1st May, 2023 serving the last six months of training and his/her due date of completion (including excess leave, if any) will be_______________ i.e. on or before 31st October, 2023 as per deed of articles.

Old Article Registration No._________________ New Unique Registration No.
Signature of the articled/audit assistant_________

Attestation by the Principal

Name of the Principal:___________________
Membership No. of the Member / Principal:______________
Mobile No of the Principal:____________________
E-Mail ID of the Principal:____________
Signature of Principal:____________

Office Seal:

For Intermediate and IPCC

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE – (For Intermediate and IPCC)

For candidates who are presently in service, serving the last six months of training as on 1st May, 2023 and due to complete 3 years of training (including excess leave, if any) on or before 31st October, 2023.

I_____________ hereby certify that Mr./Ms.__________________ presently serving under me as an articled assistant/audit assistant, will be in service as on 1st May, 2023 serving the last six months of training and his/her due date of completion (including excess leave, if any) will be i.e. on or before 31st October, 2023 as per deed of articles.

Old Article Registration No.______________ New Unique Registration No._______________
Signature of the articled/audit assistant_________________

Attestation by the Principal

Name of the Principal:_________________
Membership No. of the Member / Principal:_____________
Mobile No of the Principal:____________
E-Mail ID of the Principal:____________
Signature of Principal:_________

Office Seal:

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