ICAI Campus Placement Report Analysis

Analysis of ICAI Campus Placement report for Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants organised. Interview, companies, Salary and CTC 2011-2016.


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ICAI Campus Placement: Recently, we have looked into the result of ICAI campus placement organised in the month of Feb-Mar 2016. Today, we shall analyze ICAI campus placements 2011-2016.

As on 26th April 2016, there were total 2,53,489 Chartered Accountants (CAs) including 1,71,414 Associate CAs and 82,075 Fellow CAs. Out of total members of ICAI 1,32,389 members were in jobs and remaining 1,21,100 have Certificate of Practice (COP) i.e. in practice.

We know the value of Chartered Accountant as a complete business solution provider for an entity. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has provided an opportunity to both the corporates and newly qualified Chartered Accountants to interact with each other through Campus Placement Programmes. The Campus Placement Programmes are held twice in a year viz. February-March and August-September.

Report on Campus Placement Programme: February-March 2016

Recently, the 43rd edition of Campus Placement programme was held during February-March 2016 across India. In this campus placement programme 102 companies participated and offered 1312 jobs to recruit Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants.

  • No. of Registered Candidates: 5961
  • No. of Shortlisted Candidates: 4837
  • No. of Companies Participated: 102
  • No. of Interview Teams: 184
  • No. of Jobs Offered: 1312
  • No. of Jobs Accepted: 1195
  • Highest salary offered for Domestic Posting: ₹21.00 Lakh (Per Annum)
  • Highest Salary offered for International Posting: ₹23.54 Lakh (Per Annum)
  • Average Salary (Cost to Company) offered: ₹7.84 Lakh (Per Annum)
  • Percentage of Jobs offered vis-à-vis shortlisted Candidates: 27.12%

Highest salary offered under the domestic posting was ₹21 Lakh per annum whereas under the international posting it was ₹23.54 Lakh per annum. Average CTC offered to the newly-qualified members of CA Institute is ₹7.90 Lakh per annum.

ICAI Campus Report

In February-March 2016 campus placement programme total 5961 newly qualified CAs were registered while only 4837 candidates were shortlisted. Out of 1312 job offered, only 1195 candidates have accepted the jobs.

Analysis of ICAI Campus Recruitment for the Year 2015

To provide quality Accounting, Audit, Finance, Tax and Management Consultancy personnel to recruiting organisations, the Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry (CPABI) of ICAI has successfully organised another one year of Campus Placement Programmes for the Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants at various centres in India.

Report on ICAI Campus Placement Results for the Year 2015Feb-March 2015August-September 2015
Candidates Registered 5591 7358
Candidates Shortlisted 4524 5164
Organizations Participated 90 88
Jobs Offered 1371 1231
Jobs Accepted 1254 1147
Percentage of Jobs Accepted
vis-à-vis Registered Candidates
22% 16%
Analysis of ICAI Campus 2015

If we analyse the CA Campus results for the year 2015, only 9688 candidates were short listed out of total 12949 candidates registered for ICAI Campus Placement Programme. And out of those shortlisted candidates only 2602 candidates got the job offer by corporates and the Firm of Chartered Accountants.

Hence, 80% of registered candidates were not success in campus placement and therefore they had to search jobs off-campus i.e. they got the job out of CA Institute Campus placement programme. This is because once the candidates eligible to appear and appeared in the Campus Placement Programme would not be eligible for the next Campus Placement Programme.

Salary Range for Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants

ICAI Campus Placement 2011-15 report analysis is done here. Highest salary was offered by Alghanim Industries at New Delhi center to 3 candidates for International posting in the Campus Placement Programme held in August-September 2013 ₹24.64 Lacs per annum (10,800 Kuwaiti Dinar).

Whereas highest salary offered for Domestic posting in the Campus Placement Programme held in February-March 2015 was ₹21.50 lacs per annum offered by Bharti Airtel at New Delhi center to 2 candidates.

Highest Salary in ICAI Campus
ICAI CampusHighest Salary OfferedHighest Salary OfferedAverage Salary
(CTC) Offered
For International PostingFor Domestic Posting
Aug-Sept 201324640002000000730000
Feb-Mar 201420250002100000737000
Aug-Sept 201424000001700000729000
Feb-Mar 201530000002150000721000
Aug-Sept 201502100000721000
Feb-Mar 201623540002100000784000

Highest average salary (Cost to Company) of ₹7.84 lacs per annum was offered in recently held ICAI Campus Programme February-March 2016.

Salary range in ICAI Campus

Why Newly Qualified CAs Search for Jobs out of Campus?

We analyse last 5 years ICAI Campus Placement Programme results. In ICAI Campus Placement 2011-15 i.e. for the year 2011-2015, only 9,719 newly qualified CAs were got in campus jobs. Total 66,852 candidates registered for Campus Placement Programme for Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants.

In Campus Jobs for Newly Qualified CAs

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
Organizations Participated 186 129 119 166 178 778
Candidates Registered 15692 19365 11412 7434 12949 66852
Jobs Offered 3139 1451 1587 1739 2602 10518
Jobs Accepted 2811 1374 1500 1633 2401 9719
In Campus Jobs Percentage 18% 7% 13% 22% 19% 15%

Thus, the overall percentage of in campus jobs accepted vis-à-vis candidates registered in ICAI campus placement programme is 15% in last 5 years. Thus, more than 85% of registered candidates obligated for searching the jobs out of campus. However, the number of jobs offered by the participating companies were 10,518.

In Campus Jobs

Just look out the campus results for February-March 2011, there were 111 organisations participated and 1876 jobs were offered by them including firms of Chartered Accountants. Further, you may see the result of recently organised ICAI Campus Placement Programme where the number of entities participated was 102 and 1312 jobs were offered to recruit newly qualified chartered accountants. Thus, you may say that if the no. of recruiters increases then no. of jobs offered would automatically increase.

Jobs Offered in ICAI Campus

After analyzing the last 5 years ICAI Campus Placement, some questions may knock the mind of any CA aspirants that:

  1. Why Newly Qualified CAs search for the jobs out of campus?
  2. Is it not possible to increase the No. of jobs offered in ICAI campus?
  3. Is it possible for 100% placement in ICAI Campus Placement Programme?
  4. Why the No. of organisations participating in campus placements not increasing?
  5. Why CA Institute not care about the other qualified CAs searching jobs out of campus?
  6. Why percentage of candidates registered for ICAI Campus Placement Programme decreasing?
  7. Why ICAI charging fees per centre per day from both the recruiters i.e. corporates and CA Firms?

Please give your opinion, feedback, recommendations and suggestions based on the above analysis of CA Campus Results so that at least all Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants registered for ICAI Campus Placement Programme get their job in Campus itself.

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