ICAI Student Activities Platform: BosActivities.icai.org

Online registration on student activities platform for Seminar, Conference, Mock Tests, Workshop, career counselling, festival, Sports Competition etc.


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Online registration on Student Activities Platform at BosActivities.icai.org for students Seminar, Conference, Mock Tests, Workshop, Special Counselling Programme, Talent Search, festival, Sports Competition etc.

Students pursuing Chartered Accountancy course gets lots of benefits from resources provided by BOS of CA Institute. Board of Studies (BOS) of ICAI is responsible for formulating and implementing the policies and programs relating to the education of CA students.

BOS provide a strong foundation of knowledge, skills and professional values that enables students to grow as wholesome professionals and adapt to changes throughout their professional career. It imparts education mainly through distance education mode.

The Student Activities Platform – BosActivities.icai.org

The BOS launched a platform for CA students’ activities. This is a online platform which facilitates online registration for various activities of CA students in the year 2023-2024. Activities includes the following:

  • Seminars for CA students,
  • CA Students’ Conference – National and International,
  • Mock Tests organized by any branch or regional office of ICAI,
  • ICAI Workshop,
  • Special Counselling Programme for CA Students,
  • CA Students Talent Search,
  • CA Students festival,
  • Sports Competition for students etc.

Thus, the BosActivities.icai.org helps students to register online at any time and from anywhere for any activities being organized by any Regional Councils and Branches.

Significant features of student activities platform

On this Student Activities Platform (BosActivities.icai.org) all events will be hosted in advance by respective Regional Councils/ Branches. You will get information comprising of Event Date, Timings, Venue, Topic(s), participation Fees, Faculty details, Students eligibility, etc.

Other features include:

  • All events can be filtered place wise
  • Each event would have Unique Programme ID
  • Mail and SMS about the event to be sent to Students’ through portal
  • Students have to register themselves for such events online only by creating login id
  • Provision of on the spot online registration will also be there
  • Online Feedback form to be filled by the student after the event
  • Student may check their CPE Hours, in their login id, through portal

Eligibility criteria for Online Registration – BosActivities.icai.org

In the given table you will find the eligibility criteria for registering and attending the various activities of CA Students on student activities platform:

SL NoActivitiesEligible students for registration
1International Conference/ National Conferences/ CA Students ConferencesPursuing CA Intermediate Course. Undergoing Articleship Training. Completed Practical Training in last one year, However, final exam is yet to be passed.
2CA Students’ Festival or Sports CompetitionCA Foundation Course. Undergoing Articleship Training. Completed Articleship Training but two years have not lapsed after the completion of articles.
3CA Students Talent SearchStudents registered for Final Course and are undergoing articleship. Students registered for Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) / Intermediate Course
4One-day Seminars/ Half-day Seminars/ Two-day Seminars All CA Students are eligible
5Mock Tests – Foundation/ Intermediate/ Final Courses All CA Students are eligible
6Special Counselling Programmes for CA Students All CA Students are eligible
7Short Term Course/ Workshop on English Speaking, Writing Skills and Business Comm. All CA Students are eligible

Top 5 FAQs for ICAI Students Activities Portal

Question-1: How to login and register for the event on Student Activities Platform?

Answer: Student is required to Login with their Registration no. and password would be date of birth. After login, students are advised to reset the password.

To register for the event, student is required to select the event > complete the required fields of registration fees > Agree > Submit >Pay the Registration fees.

After successful registration, student will receive the SMS and email on their registered mobile no. and email id. Note that the registration fees once paid by the student is Non-transferable, Non-Refundable and Non-cancellable.

Question-2: What is the mode of payment for registration of events?

Answer: The mode of payment for registration of events will be through online payment gateway only through login id on the student’s activity portal. (Payment mode: Credit Card, Debit Card and Net Banking).

Question-3: Do the student need to carry any proof to the venue of event?

Answer: Students are advised to carry valid photo Identity Card alongwith SMS, Email of successful completion of registration.

Question-4: Whether Registration fees is fixed for each event?

Answer: The registration fees would vary for each activity. Registration fees details will be uploaded by the programme organising units (POU). Student may see the registration fees at the registration for the event.

Question-5: Whether online registration on portal is mandatory for attending the event?

Answer: The online registration on student activities platform is mandatory for attending the event.

If you have any other query, please feel free to ask through comment section below.

Question-6. What the eligibility criteria for registering and attending the various activities of Student?


S No.ActivitiesEligible students for registration for the event
1International Conference/ National Conferences / CA Students ConferencesPursuing IPCC/Intermediate Course. Undergoing Articleship Training. Completed Practical Training in last one year, However, final exam is yet to be passed.
2CA Students’ FestivalUndergoing Articleship Training.Completed Articleship Training but two years have not lapsed after the completion of articles.CPT / Foundation Course.
3Sports Competition
4CA Students Talent SearchStudents registered for Final Course and are undergoing articleship.Students registered for Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) / Intermediate Course
5One-day Seminars/ Half-day Seminars/ Two-day SeminarsAll CA Students are eligible
6Mock Tests – Foundation/ Intermediate/ Final CoursesAll CA Students are eligible
7Special Counselling Programmes for CA StudentsAll CA Students are eligible
8Short Term Course/ Workshop on English Speaking, Writing Skills and Business Comm.All CA Students are eligible

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