GST forms for taxpayer, tax official, UIN holders, transporter, input service distributor, Tax Deductors, GSTP, E-commerce operator and appellate authority.


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GST Forms List 2024: GST forms are available for various stakeholders including GST Taxpayer, tax official, practitioner, ISD, UIN holders and E-commerce operator etc.

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) issued various GST forms for Goods and Services Tax related compliances.

Following categories of GST Forms are provided by Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN):

  1. Composition Levy (CMP)
  2. Registration (REG)
  3. Input Tax Credit (ITC)
  4. Enrolment (ENR)
  5. GST Return (GSTR)
  6. Practitioner (PTC)
  7. Payment (PMT)
  8. Refund (RFD)
  9. Assessment (ASMT)
  10. Audit (ADT)
  11. Advance Ruling Application (ARA)
  12. Appeal (APL)
  13. Revision (RVN)
  14. Transitional (TRAN)
  15. E-Way Bill (EWB)
  16. Invoice (INV)
  17. Inspection (INS)
  18. Demand and Recovery (DRC)
  19. Compounding (CPD)

List of GST Forms updated by CBIC

Composition Levy (CMP)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
CMP-01Intimation to pay tax under section 10 (composition levy)
CMP-02Intimation to pay tax under section 10 (composition levy)
CMP-03Intimation of details of stock on date of opting for composition levy
CMP-04Intimation/Application for Withdrawal from Composition Levy
CMP-05Notice for denial of option to pay tax under section 10 [For Tax Official]
CMP-06Reply to the notice to show cause
CMP-07Order for acceptance / rejection of reply to show cause notice [For Tax Official]
CMP-08Statement for payment of self-assessed tax
GST Forms related to Composition Levy

Registration (REG)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
REG-01Application for Registration
REG-03Notice for Seeking Additional Information / Clarification / Documents relating to Application for Registration/ Amendment/ Cancellation [For Tax Official]
REG-04Clarification/additional information/document for Registration/Amendment/Cancellation
REG-05Order of Rejection of Application for Registration / Amendment / Cancellation [For Tax Official]
REG-06Registration Certificate [For Tax Official]
REG-07Application for Registration as Tax Deductor at source (u/s 51) or Tax Collector at source (u/s 52)
REG-08Order of Cancellation of Registration as Tax Deductor at source or Tax Collector at source [For Tax Official]
REG-09Application for Registration of Non Resident Taxable Person
REG-10Application for registration of person supplying online information and data base access or retrieval services from a place outside India to a person in India, other than a registered person.
REG-11Application for extension of registration period by casual / non-resident taxable person
REG-12Order of Grant of Temporary Registration/ Suo Moto Registration [For Tax Official]
REG-13Application/Form for grant of Unique Identity Number (UIN) to UN Bodies/ Embassies /others
REG-14Application for Amendment in Registration Particulars
REG-15Order of Amendment [For Tax Official]
REG-16Application for Cancellation of Registration
REG-17Show Cause Notice for Cancellation of Registration [For Tax Official]
REG-18Reply to the Show Cause Notice issued for cancellation for registration
REG-19Order for Cancellation of Registration [For Tax Official]
REG-20Order for dropping the proceedings for cancellation of registration [For Tax Official]
REG-21Application for Revocation of Cancellation of Registration
REG-22Order for revocation of cancellation of registration [For Tax Official]
REG-23Show Cause Notice for rejection of application for revocation of cancellation of registration [For Tax Official]
REG-24Reply to the notice for rejection of application for revocation of cancellation of registration
REG-25Certificate of Provisional Registration
REG-26Application for Enrolment of Existing Taxpayer
REG-27Show Cause Notice for cancellation of provisional registration
REG-28Order for cancellation of provisional registration
REG-29Application for cancellation of registration of migrated taxpayers
REG-30Form for Field Visit Report [For Tax Official]
REG-31Intimation for suspension and notice for cancellation of registration
GST Forms related to Registration

Input Tax Credit (ITC)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
ITC-01Declaration for claim of input tax credit under sub-section (1) of section 18.
ITC-02Declaration for transfer of ITC in case of sale, merger, demerger, amalgamation, lease or transfer of a business under sub-section (3) of section 18.
ITC-02ADeclaration for transfer of ITC pursuant to registration under sub-section (2) of section 25.
ITC-03Declaration for intimation of ITC reversal/payment of tax on inputs held in stock, inputs contained in semi-finished and finished goods held in stock and capital goods under sub-section (4) of section 18.
ITC-04Details of goods/capital goods sent to job worker and received back.
GST Forms related to input tax credit

Enrolment (ENR)

GST Forms related to accounts and records.

FORM GST ENR-01: Application for enrolment under section 35(2). This GST form is applicable only for un-registered persons.

Form GST ENR-02: Application for obtaining unique common enrolment number. This GST form is useful for transporters registered in more than one State or Union Territory having the same PAN.

GST Return (GSTR)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
GSTR-1Details of outward supplies of goods or services.
GSTR-1ADetails of auto drafted supplies from GSTR 2, GSTR 4 or GSTR 6.
GSTR-2Details of inward supplies of goods or services.
GSTR-2ADetails of auto drafted supplies from GSTR 1, GSTR 5, GSTR-6, GSTR-7, GSTR-8, import of goods and inward supplies of goods received from SEZ units / developers.
GSTR-2BAuto-drafted ITC Statement from FORM GSTR-1, GSTR-5, GSTR-6 and Import data received from ICEGATE.
GSTR-3Monthly return.
GSTR-3ANotice to return defaulter under section 46 for not filing return or final return upon cancellation of registration.
GSTR-3BSelf-declared summary GST return filed every month (quarterly for QRMP scheme) electronically.
GSTR-4Return for financial year of registered person who has opted for composition levy or availing benefit of notification No. 02/2019- Central Tax (Rate).
GSTR-4AAuto-drafted details for registered person opting for composition levy.
GSTR-5Return for Non-resident taxable person.
GSTR-5ADetails of supplies of online information and database access or retrieval services by a person located outside India made to non-taxable persons in India.
GSTR-6Return for input service distributor.
GSTR-6ADetails of supplies auto-drafted form. Auto-drafted from GSTR 1.
GSTR-7Return for Tax Deducted at Source.
GSTR-7ATax Deduction at Source Certificate.
GSTR-8Statement for tax collection at source.
GSTR-9Annual Return.
GSTR-9AAnnual Return for Composition Taxpayer.
GSTR-9CReconciliation statement and Certification.
GSTR-10Final Return.
GSTR-11Statement of inward supplies by persons having Unique Identification Number (UIN).
GST Forms related to Return

Practitioner (PCT)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
PCT-01Application for Enrolment as Goods and Services Tax Practitioner.
PCT-02Enrolment Certificate of Goods and Services Tax Practitioner.
PCT-03Show Cause Notice for disqualification.
PCT-04Order of rejection of enrolment as GST Practitioner
PCT-05Authorisation / withdrawal of authorisation for Goods and Services Tax Practitioner.
PCT-06Application for Cancellation of Enrolment as Goods and Services Tax Practitioner.
PCT-07Order of Cancellation of Enrolment as Goods and Services Tax Practitioner.
GST Forms related to Practitioner

Payment (PMT)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
PMT-01Electronic Liability Register of Registered Person and Taxable Person.
PMT-02Electronic Credit Ledger of Registered Person.
PMT-03Order for re-credit of the amount to cash or credit ledger on rejection of refund claim.
PMT-04Application for intimation of discrepancy in Electronic Credit Ledger/Cash Ledger/ Liability Register.
PMT-05Electronic Cash Ledger to be maintained at the Common Portal.
PMT-06Challan for deposit of goods and services tax.
PMT-07Application for intimating discrepancy relating to payment.
GST Forms related to payment

Refund (RFD)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
RFD-01Application for Refund.
RFD-01AApplication for Refund (Manual).
RFD-01BRefund Order details.
RFD-01WApplication for Withdrawal of Refund Application.
RFD-03Deficiency Memo.
RFD-04Provisional Refund Order.
RFD-05Payment [Order].
RFD-06Refund Sanction/ Rejection Order.
RFD-07PART-A Order for withholding the refund
PART-B Order for release of withheld refund.
RFD-08Notice for rejection of application for refund.
RFD-09Reply to show cause notice.
RFD-10Application for Refund by any specialized agency of UN or any Multilateral Financial Institution and Organization, Consulate or Embassy of foreign countries, etc.
RFD-10BApplication for refund by Duty Free Shops/Duty Paid Shops (Retail outlets).
RFD-11Furnishing of bond or Letter of Undertaking for export of goods or services.
GST Forms related to refund

Assessment (ASMT)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
ASMT-01Application for Provisional Assessment under section 60.
ASMT-02Notice for Seeking Additional Information / Clarification / Documents for provisional assessment.
ASMT-03Reply to the notice seeking additional information.
ASMT-04Order of Provisional Assessment.
ASMT-05Furnishing of Security
ASMT-06Notice for seeking additional information / clarification / documents for final assessment.
ASMT-07Final Assessment Order.
ASMT-08Application for Withdrawal of Security.
ASMT-09Order for release of security or rejecting the application.
ASMT-10Notice for intimating discrepancies in the return after scrutiny.
ASMT-11Reply to the notice issued under section 61 intimating discrepancies in the return.
ASMT-12Order of acceptance of reply against the notice issued under section 61.
ASMT-13Assessment order under Section 62.
ASMT-14Show Cause Notice for assessment under section 63.
ASMT-15Assessment order under section 63.
ASMT-16Assessment order under section 64.
ASMT-17Application for withdrawal of assessment order issued under section 64.
ASMT-18Acceptance or Rejection of application filed under section 64 (2).
GST Forms related to assessment

Audit (ADT)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
ADT-01Notice for conducting audit.
ADT-02Audit Report under section 65(6).
ADT-03Communication to the registered person for conduct of special audit under section 66.
ADT-04Information of Findings upon Special Audit.
GST forms related to audit

Advance Ruling Application (ARA)

Form GST ARA-01: Application Form for Advance Ruling.

Form GST ARA-02: Appeal to the Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling.

Form GST ARA-03: Appeal to the Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling.

Appeal (APL)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
APL-01Appeal to Appellate Authority.
APL-02Acknowledgment for submission of appeal.
APL-03Application to the Appellate Authority under sub-section (2) of Section 107.
APL-04Summary of the demand after issue of order by the Appellate Authority, Revisional Authority, Tribunal or Court.
APL-05Appeal to the Appellate Tribunal.
APL-06Cross-objections before the Appellate Tribunal.
APL-07Application to the Appellate Tribunal under sub section (3) of Section 112.
APL-08Appeal to the High Court under section 117.
GST return related to appeal

Revision (RVN)

Form GST RVN-01: Notice under section 108.

Transitional (TRAN)

Form GST TRAN-01 and TRAN-02 for Transitional ITC / Stock Statement. As last date for filing is over so these forms are no longer available on GST portal for filing.

E-Way Bill (EWB)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
EWB-01E-Way Bill.
EWB-02Consolidated E-Way Bill.
EWB-03Verification Report.
EWB-04Report of detention.
EWB-05Application for unblocking of the facility for generation of E-Way Bill.
EWB-06Order for permitting / rejecting application for unblocking of the facility for generation of E-Way Bill.
GST forms related to E-Way Bill

Invoice (INV)

Form GST INV-01 is applicable for uploading an invoice on E-Way Bill Portal ( to generate IRN (Invoice reference Number).

Inspection (INS)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
INS-01Authorisation for Inspection or Search.
INS-02Order of Seizure.
INS-03Order of Prohibition.
INS-04Bond for Release Of Goods Seized.
INS-05Order of Release of Goods/ Things of Perishable or Hazardous Nature.
GST forms related to inspection

Demand and Recovery (DRC)

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
DRC-01Summary of Show Cause Notice.
DRC-01AIntimation of tax ascertained as being payable under section 73(5) or section 74(5).
DRC-02Summary of Statement.
DRC-03Intimation of payment made voluntarily or made against the show cause notice (SCN) or statement.
DRC-04Acknowledgement of acceptance of payment made voluntarily.
DRC-05Intimation of conclusion of proceedings.
DRC-06Reply to the Show Cause Notice.
DRC-07Summary of the order.
DRC-07ASummary of the order creating demand under existing laws.
DRC-08Summary of Rectification /Withdrawal Order.
DRC-08AAmendment/Modification of summary of the order creating demand under existing laws.
DRC-09Order for recovery through specified officer under section 79.
DRC-10Notice for Auction of Goods under section 79 (1) (b) of the Act.
DRC-11Notice to successful bidder.
DRC-12Sale Certificate.
DRC-13Notice to a third person under section 79(1) (c).
DRC-14Certificate of Payment to a Third Person.
DRC-15Application before the Civil Court requesting Execution for a Decree.
DRC-16Notice for attachment and sale of immovable/ movable goods/shares under section 79.
DRC-17Notice for Auction of Immovable/Movable Property under section 79(1) (d).
DRC-18Certificate action under clause (e) of sub-section (1) section 79.
DRC-19Application to the Magistrate for Recovery as Fine.
DRC-20Application for Deferred Payment/ Payment in Instalments.
DRC-21Order for acceptance/rejection of application for deferred payment / payment in instalments.
DRC-22Provisional attachment of property under section 83.
DRC-23Restoration of provisionally attached property / bank account under section 83.
DRC-24Intimation to Liquidator for recovery of amount.
DRC-25Continuation of Recovery Proceedings.
GST forms related to Demand and Recovery

Compounding (CPD)

Form GST CPD-01: Application for Compounding of Offence.

Form GST CPD-02: Order for rejection / allowance of compounding of offence.

Forms relating to interception/inspection of conveyances and goods in movement as per Circulars/ Orders issued by various States (based on CBIC Circular No. 41/15/2018-GST dated 13th April, 2018).

GST Form NumberGST Form Name
MOV-01Statement of the Owner / Driver/ Person in Charge Of the Goods and Conveyance.
MOV-02Order For Physical Verification / Inspection of the Conveyance, Goods and Documents.
MOV-03Order of Extention of Time for Inspection Beyond three Working Days.
MOV-04Physical Verification Report.
MOV-05Release Order.
MOV-06Order of detention.
MOV-07Notice specifying tax and penalty amount.
MOV-08Bond for Provisional Release of Goods and Conveyance.
MOV-09Order of Demand of Tax And Penalty.
MOV-10Notice for Confiscation of Goods or Conveyances and Levy of Penalty.
MOV-11Order of Confiscation of Goods and Conveyance And Demand of Tax, Fine and Penalty.
GST Forms related to goods in movement

Know the various GST Returns to be submitted before due date by taxpayers. GST Official will ensure that taxpayers are complying GST law and they takes actions on them accordingly.

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