CTET January 2024 FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for CTET 2024-25. CTET information Bulletin, qualification, Exam form, paper, mark sheet, certificate validity.


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FAQs on CTET January 2024: Frequently Asked Questions on Central Teacher Eligibility Test to be conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education Delhi.

As per Section 23(1) of the Right to Education (RTE) Act, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) vide Notification dated 23rd August, 2010 and 29th JULY, 2011 specified the minimum education required to be eligible for appointment as a teacher for class I to VIII.

One of the essential qualifications to become a teacher in any of the schools is that you should pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) which will be conducted by the appropriate Govt in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE.

Note that if you are preparing for the coming CTET Exams then refer only authentic Text Books and CTET syllabus suggested by NCTE for preparation in area of education. Exam process is open, fair and transparent, qualifying CTET is purely on merit, capability and sincere preparation through authentic Text Books.

Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CTET?

CTET full form is the Central Teacher Eligibility Test. The CTET is a national-level teacher eligibility test conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in India. It is mandatory for aspiring teachers to qualify the CTET to be considered for teaching jobs in government and government-aided schools.

Who is eligible for the CTET?

To be eligible for the CTET, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an Indian citizen or meet one of the specific eligibility criteria for non-Indian citizens.
  • Have completed at least a Bachelor’s degree with at least 50% marks or a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) degree.
  • Have completed a Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) from a recognized institution.
What is the CTET exam pattern?

The CTET consists of two papers:

  • Paper 1: This paper is for candidates who want to teach primary classes (Classes 1 to 5). It covers Child Development and Pedagogy, English Language and Comprehension, Mathematics and Hindi Language and Comprehension.
  • Paper 2: This paper is for candidates who want to teach secondary classes (Classes 6 to 8). It covers Child Development and Pedagogy, English, Hindi, and one of the following subjects: Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, or Sanskrit.
What is the CTET syllabus?

The CTET syllabus covers the essential knowledge and skills required for teaching at the primary and secondary levels. The detailed syllabus can be found on the official CTET website.

How to apply for the CTET?

The CTET application process is online. Candidates can apply through the official CTET website. The application fee for the CTET is Rs.1000 for the unreserved category.

When is the CTET exam date?

The CTET exam is usually conducted twice a year, in January and July. The CTET 2024 exam for the January session is scheduled to be held on January 21, 2024.

When will the CTET results be announced?

The CTET results are usually announced within two months of the exam date. The CTET 2024 results are expected to be announced by the end of February 2024 (tentative).

What is the validity of the CTET certificate?

The CTET certificate is valid for seven years from the date of issue.

Is there negative marking in the CTET?

No, there is no negative marking in the CTET.

What is the duration of the CTET exam for each paper?

The duration of the CTET exam for each paper is two and a half hours.

Can candidates appear for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 in the CTET exam?

Yes, candidates can appear for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 in the CTET exam.

How many sections are there in CTET Paper 2?

CTET Paper 2 has four sections: Child Development and Pedagogy, Language 1 (English or Hindi), Language 2 (Subject-specific language), and Subject (Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, or Sanskrit).

How many papers are there in the CTET exam?

There are two papers in the CTET exam: Paper 1 and Paper 2.

Who conducts CTET?

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Delhi is official examination body for conducting the CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) on behalf of the Central Government.

What is the next date of CTET exam 2024?

The next CTET exams shall be held in the month of January 2024. Check exam schedule notification on official website ctet.nic.in.

What is CTET Information Bulletin?

Information Bulletin is an official document published by CBSE on CTET website, having all the important information relating to CTET.

Am I eligible for CTET as per my acquired qualification?

Answer: Qualification detail has been given in CTET information Bulletin. You should satisfy your eligibility before applying and shall be personally responsible in case you are not eligible to apply as per the given eligibility criteria.

After qualifying the CTET am I eligible for getting the Job?

Answer: Qualifying CTET would not confer a right on any person for Recruitment/ Employment as it is only of the eligibility criteria for appointment.

If I qualify CTET, will CTET unit or CBSE provide me a Job?

Answer: CBSE is an Examination conducting body only. Providing job/employment does not fall under its jurisdiction.

What are the number of attempts a candidate can avail for CTET

Answer: Till now there is no limit on number of attempts for appearing in CTET.

What is the validity period of CTET certificate?

Answer: Earlier as per guidelines framed by NCTE, the validity period was 7 years but now “The Validity period of TET qualifying certificate for appointment, unless otherwise notified by the appropriate Government, would remain valid for life.

You may refer a public notice dated 21.06.2021 available on CTET website i.e. https://ctet.nic.in

Can I apply for CTET again if I had already qualified the CTET before?

Answer: Yes! There is no restriction.

Can I appear in Paper-I or Paper-II in different cycles?

Answer: Yes.

I made a mistake in my CTET application form. What should I do now?

Answer: If you have made a mistake in my Name/ Father Name/ Mother Name/ Correspondence Address/ Category/ Change in city of exam centre/Photo /Sign then you may rectify them.

You can do online correction. The time period for online correction is announced along with schedule of examination. Therefore, candidates should read the Information Bulletin carefully, During Online correction period, a candidate by login on CTET website can make corrections.

Line for online corrections remain functional and closes as per schedule mentioned in information Bulletin. No change will be accepted through offline mode i.e. through fax/application or by email etc. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

Please note that no request for any change in particulars is to be accepted under any circumstances after the specified date for online correction is over. After making correction, candidate should ensure that he/she has downloaded the revised Confirmation Page.

Previously generated Confirmation Page will be no longer valid once the corrections are made during specified period.

How can we get the Eligibility Certificate and Mark Sheets of CTET?

Answer: The Eligibility Certificate and Mark Sheet of CTET will be available on DigiLocker ( https://www.digilocker.gov.in ) and candidate can get the same by filling required credentials.

Who will get the Eligibility Certificate?

Answer: As per NCTE Notification No. 76-4/2010/NCTE/Acad Dated 11.02.2011: A person who scores 60% or more in the TET exam will be considered as TET Pass. School Managements (Governments ,local bodies government aided and unaided) may consider giving concessions to person belonging to SC/ST, OBC, differently able persons, etc. in accordance with their extant reservation policy. Should give weightage to the CTET scores in the recruitment process.

What is/are Weeding Out rules(s)?

Answer: The record of Central Teacher Eligibility Test is preserved up to Two months from the date of declaration of result in accordance with CBSE Examination Weeding out rules. Thereafter it will be disposed of as per Weeding Out rules.

What is the procedure of document verification

Answer: The document(s) should be forwarded by concerning recruitment authority only. The confidential verification report will be sent to the department concerned.

Can I get the copy of verification report by myself?

Answer: No. This Verification Report is strictly confidential and it is sent to the concerning Department only.

How the city for exam centre is allotted?

Answer: Generally Board makes effort to allot exam centre in the city as per candidate’s first choice of exam city. However, Board reserves the right to allot any centre/city

Is there any special provision for Differently Abled candidates?

Answer: The provision of scribe and compensatory time in CTET examination is in accordance with the Office Memorandum dated 26th February 2013 issued by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and revised from time to time vide RPwD Act, 2016 and Office Memorandum dated 29.08.2018.

Any aspirant pursuing B.Ed. 1st year can apply for CTET? OR Can Candidates whose final year result is yet to be declared apply for CTET? OR Whose exam/result date is after CTET exam/result date can also apply for CTET?

Answer: CBSE is an examination conducting body only which conducts the CTET exam as per the guidelines laid down by the NCTE, Delhi. Such issues do not fall under the jurisdiction of CBSE/CTET being an examination conducting body only. Further you are requested to see Eligibility Criteria in CTET Information Bulletin which is available on www.ctet.nic.in.

For Eligibility Criteria you may refer to NCTE website (https://ncte.gov.in) under the heading “Act & Regulations” and sub heading “Minimum Qualifications of Teachers” and “TET Guidelines”.

If a candidate passed D.EL.ED, B.Ed. or any other teaching education. Will the CTET certificate is valid for government jobs or have to reappear in CTET exam again.

Answer: The eligibility shall be finally verified, by the concerned recruiting agency / appointing authority.

How many days CBSE will take to complete the verification of above document and if CBSE is not doing offline verification please provide the valid reason for this.

Answer: Since 2015 verification were only done through a QR Code and a Public Notice has also been published regarding this matter sent to department. However for offline Verification kindly send a letter through a concerned department in CTET Unit.

Whether such candidate are eligible to appear in CTET who has completed their graduation from IGNOU that is through open mode and teacher training course such as Diploma in Elementary Education from regular mode simultaneously in the same academic sessions or year but in different modes graduation from open and D.EL.ED from regular mode.

Answer: CBSE is an examination conducting body only which conducts the CTET exam as per the guidelines laid down by the NCTE, Delhi. Such issues do not fall under the jurisdiction of CBSE/CTET being an examination conducting body only. Further you are requested to see Eligibility Criteria in CTET Information Bulletin which is available on CTET website.

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