CSEET Guidance May 2023 by ICSI: CS Executive Entrance Test

CS Institute provided guidance note for CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET). Technical requirements for home based online CSEET May 2023.


CSEET Guidance 2023: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has issued guidance note for CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) to be conducted on 6th May, 2023.

The Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) shall be held on May 6, 2023 through remote proctored mode. CSEET Admit card May 2023 releases on 26th April, 2023 i.e. 10 days before the examination date.

The most important feature of CSEET is that it shall be conducted through remote proctored mode instead of conducting the same from Test Centers. Therefore, the Viva Voce portion stands removed for the CSEET May 2023.

You are required to appear for CSEET through desktop/ laptop. Note that you are not allowed to appear for test through your smart mobile phone or tablet. All eligible candidates are advised to plan for availability of laptop/ desktop and other technical requirements/ specifications.

ICSI issued Guidance for CSEET 2023

[Download ICSI Announcements for CSEET May 2023]

MCQ Pattern for CSEET

The break-up of marks in computer-based CSEET in MCQ pattern with a duration of 120 Minutes shall be as under:

CSEET SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMarks
Paper-1 Business Communication3550
Paper-2 Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning3550
Paper-3 Economic and Business Environment3550
Paper-4A Current Affairs (15 Questions)
Paper-4B Presentation & Communication Skills (20 Questions)
CSEET break-up of Marks

In view of the Remote Proctored mode, the Viva Voce portion stands removed for the CSEET to be held on 6th May 2023. You may register for next CSEET to be held in May 2023 if you are not eligible for the May 2023 CS Executive Entrance test.

CSEET General Instructions

  1. Immediately after taking the print-out of the Admit Card and Instructions to the Candidates from the website of the Institute www.icsi.edu, every candidate is advised to verify all the details mentioned in his/her Admit Card, i.e., his/her Name, Photograph, Signature, Admission Number, Date and Timings of Test, etc. In case of any discrepancy, the same may please be brought to the notice of the Institute immediately at CSEET@icsi.edu or at our support portal http://support.icsi.edu.
  2. Conduct of examination in remote proctored means –
    (a) Candidates shall be required to download safe exam browser SEBLite at their Laptop or Desktop as per the link provided to the them in due course of tome;
    (b) Candidates shall be continuously monitored through video / audio mode by the supervisor, known as Proctor in the same manner as if they appearing in the examination at examination centres;
  3. Candidates should keep with them (i) Admit Card; and (ii) Identity Card issued by Govt. Departments viz. Passport, Driving Licence, PAN Card, UID Aadhaar Card, Voter Card handy for verification by the Remote Proctors for securing appearance in the Test failing which they shall not be allowed to take the Test. Candidates will not be allowed to keep any other document with them other than Admit Card and original Identity Card.
  4. Candidates are required to login to the Test portal 30 (thirty) minutes before the time specified for the commencement of Test. No candidate shall be allowed to appear in the Test after completion of 15 minutes of the commencement of the Test and no candidate shall be permitted to finish the Test until the expiry of 90 minutes of the commencement of the test.
  5. Candidates are required to secure a minimum of 40% marks in each part, i.e., Paper- 1, Paper -2, Paper -3 and Paper -4 separately as the case may be, and 50% marks in aggregate of all parts put together for passing the Test . There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.
  6. No candidate shall be allowed to keep with him/her any Book, Study Material, Handwritten or Printed Notes, Mobile Phone, Pager, Digital Diary, Scientific or Programmable Calculator, Blue Tooth, Laptop, Palmtop, Smart Watch, Health Band or any other electronic device or gadget. Candidates are also not allowed to use Pen/ Pencil and Paper for the Test. No person, other than the bonafide candidate, shall be present for the test.
  7. Candidates’ eligibility to appear in the CS Executive Entrance Test shall be subject to the provisions of Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 (as amended time to time) as in force and the guidelines issued by the Council issued from time to time.
  8. Candidate shall not be allowed to leave the test until its submission. No break shall be permitted during the Test.

CSEET Guidance for Technical Requirements:

You must ensure that following technical requirements are available at your personal or Laptop PC or notebooks for appearing for the test:

  1. Browser: Latest versions of Google Chrome/ Microsoft Edge/ Mozilla Firefox.
  2. RAM: 256 MB or above for desktops and laptops and 1GB or above for notebooks.
  3. Graphics: Minimum 64MB graphics memory card. It may be inbuilt or external.
  4. Multimedia Support: Sound Card
  5. Microphone: Standard 3.5 mm jack/ Internal.
  6. Webcam: Supporting minimum 320×240. Recording of colour video at 15 fps.
  7. Internet Connection Minimum per user:
    • Upload – 512 Kbps
    • Download – 512 Kbps
  8. Recommended internet speed per user:
    • Upload: 1 Mbps
    • Download: 1 Mbps
  9. Processor: 1 GHz or faster x86 compatible processor, or Intel® Atom™ 1.6GHz or faster processor for notebooks.
  10. Uninterrupted power supply to run the system continuously during the test.

Test Process for CSEET

You will get all detail credentials required for the test viz. time schedule, CSEET Portal (Website Address), login ID and password etc. On the test date, you will be required to login through your secured ID and password on the online Test taking platform.

How ICSI remotely Control

The candidates appearing in CSEET shall be remotely proctored, from the control room of the CS Institute, as per details given below:

  1. Login credentials for candidates will be sent by email and SMS before the exam.
  2. At the beginning of each session, the candidate undergoes an identity verification at 2 levels.
    • Level 1: Capture of facial photo. During the examination, the AI tool constantly monitors the picture of the candidate taking the exam with the facial photo captured initially for any mismatch. In case of any mismatch, the system will capture the anomaly and notification to candidate/ live proctor is also instantly displayed.
    • Level 2: Candidate will need to display Admit Card and Valid ID Proof (PAN/ Aadhar/ Any other valid Govt. Approved ID). Proctor will instruct the candidate to display the Admit Card/ ID after the logging in to the exam.
  3. If candidate is violating any rules during the test or trying to adopt any unfair means, the system will automatically collect data based on the following parameters and will immediately alert the online live proctor:
    • Focus changed to a different window: Candidate tabs out of the test taking window. Browser not supported: Candidate is using an older browser version
    • Webcam is disabled: Candidates web cam is disabled
    • Face is not visible in the camera: Candidate is not looking into the camera Several faces in front of the camera: There are other people along with the test taker.
    • Face does not match the profile: Candidate taking the exam is not the same person whose photo was captured in before starting the exam and as per the Admit Card.
    • Microphone muted or its volume is low: Candidate has muted the microphone Conversation or noise in the background: System has captured background noise. Screen activities are not shared: Candidate has stopped screen share activity
    • Second display is used: Additional display like extended monitor has been connected.
    • Full-screen mode is disabled: Candidate has disabled full screen mode
  4. There shall be Live proctors. A session that is in progress, shall be watched online:
    • Proctor can chat with a test taker in an active chat session.
    • Proctor can communicate with test taker via microphone (sound only) or the camera (video+ sound) modes
    • Session saves photos of the test taker’s face and periodic (every minute) snapshot of the test taker’s webcam and screen
    • Each session is finished either by the test taker, or automatically after the end of the allotted time, or by the proctor. All audio, video, text messages and recorded events are saved in the system and are attached to the session protocol
    • At the end of the session, the proctor leaves a comment (Positive or Negative) depending on the conduct of the test taker during the test taking. If there were no violations during the session, then the proctor makes a positive conclusion and confirms the session.
    • A help desk number will be provided to troubleshoot technical issues during the exam process. Candidate can reach out to this number in such cases.
  5. The candidates shall be required to strictly follow the instructions given by the proctors during the course of the test failing which they shall be disqualified.
  6. The candidates will not be allowed to take bio-break during the test. If any candidate takes any break during the test, will be treated as resorting to unfair means.
  7. The issues faced by students during the test viz. No network connection, network disconnection due to WIFI disabled, no internet connectivity, Power cut etc.):

    In such a scenario, the candidate will be allowed to login again and continue from the last question attempted. Remote proctor shall keep tab on such instances and report all such instance to the Institute immediately. In case, if it is not feasible to resume the examination immediately, the candidate shall be examined within next two days with proper intimation and approval from the Institute.
  8. Candidates may attempt a mock test of around 1 hour; few days before the actual exam. The announcement regarding the same shall be made in due course. The mock test will be conducted for candidates to familiarize themselves with the remote proctoring process.

For more detail about CSEET guidance, please visit student section of ICSI official website icsi.edu.

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