CS Professional Toppers June 2019 and Merit List

Check Marksheet of CS Professional toppers June 2019. Download merit list, pass percentage, Name of CS Final Rank Holder June 2019.


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Check the marksheet of CS Professional toppers for exams held in the month of June 2019. Download merit list, pass percentage, Name, Phone number of CS Final Rank Holder June 2019.

You may check CS Professional toppers June 2019 marksheet. ICSI declares result of Intermediate level examination conducted in the month of May and June 2019. CA PROFESSIONAL/ Intermediate results declare on 23rd August 2019 at 5:00 P.M. under old syllabus and new course.

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) announced the result of Company Secretaries Professional Programme Examination held in June 2019. In this article you will find the detail analysis of result of CS Professional (Old) May 2019 Examination and CS Professional (New) June 2019 Examination.

The download link for CA PROFESSIONAL/ FINAL merit list June 2019. Additionally, you will see the number of candidates registered, appeared, passed and CS Professional pass percentage June 2019.

Hereunder you will find, the statement of marks containing Roll No., name, Paper No., subject, maximum marks, minimum marks, marks obtained and result status. Other details like Rank holders Name, Roll number, city, phone number, registration number and marks obtained in individual subjects.

CS Professional Programme Toppers June 2019

CS Professional Toppers June 2019 are Kriti Khandelwal, Harsha Choithani and Roopal Gupta under new syllabus. The name of CS Professional June 2019 rank holders under old syllabus is Tanya Kathuria, Kamodinee Bhartia and Ritesh Agrawal.

Download ICSI CS Professional Merit list June 2019

New Syllabus CS Professional Merit List June 2019:

List of rank holders who have passed all papers of CS Professional Programme under new syllabus examinations without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in June, 2019:

SL No.Rank No.Name of Rank Holders June 2019Roll Number
11stKriti Khandelwal854177
22ndHarsha Choithani854160
33rdRoopal Gupta854179
44thHitesh Mittal863609
55thPayal Mishra854176
65thAntima Madhani854178
76thNidhi Kirtikumar Shah861114
87thForam Jitendrabhai Ajmeri863723
98thPriyanka Jaiswal850528
119thRajat Bansal853181
1210thAbhishek Saraf850532
New Syllabus CS Final rank holders merit list June 2019

Old Syllabus CS Professional Merit List June 2019:

List of rank holders who have passed all papers of professional programme under old syllabus examinations without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in June, 2019:

SL No.Rank No.Name of Rank Holders June 2019Roll Number
11stTanya Kathuria713260
22ndKamodinee Bhartia701216
33rdRitesh Agrawal733646
44thSameeksha Bhatia713272
55thMustafa Mufaddalbhai Sibatra723852
66thNitesh Kumar710748
76thKrishnan AR721724
87thVinantee Chetan Shah728271
98thTanvi Rastogi714267
109thRehana Parveen725669
1110thAditya Singh726988
1210thPriya Agrawal727041
1311thSanoop C718229
1411thBehla Hatim Tambawala725111
Old Syllabus CS Final rank holders merit list June 2019

The Merit Position given above was correct at the time of release of results by the Institute subject to the provisions of Regulations, 46(2) of the Company Secretaries Regulation, 1982, as in force, and the Institute does not accept responsibility for any subsequent error/s or omission/s due to technical snag in transmission or downloading by the user.

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