ICSI CS Professional Rank Holders Marksheet 1970-2021

ICSI CS Professional rank holders 1970-2021. Download merit list of top 25 AIR rank holders. Check marksheet and pass percentage.


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CS Professional Rank Holders Marksheet 2021: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has officially announced the result of CS Professional Programme Dec 2020 at 11:00 A.M. on February 25, 2021.

Here you will find the marksheet of CS Professional rank holders. I also provide direct link for checking the complete list of toppers in CS Final course from October 1970 to Dec 2016.

Every year CS Institute publish name of toppers of Professional Programme exams held in June and December term. ICSI publishes list of prize winners for securing highest marks in CS Professional examinations. Your name shall be included in the merit list on all-India basis if and only if you pass in all the papers of CS Professional exam at first attempt, in one sitting, without claiming exemption in any subject.

Every candidate passing the Professional Programme examination shall be issued with a Pass Certificate to that effect by the CS Institute. However, the release of Pass Certificates of students who have passed the Final Course / Professional Programme stage, but not successfully completed computer training, would be kept in abeyance pending compliance with the guidelines.

CS Professional Rank Holders Dec 2020 Marksheet

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has announced on Thursday, February 25, 2020, the result of Company Secretaries (CS) Professional Programme (Final) Course Examinations which was held in Dec 2020.

Dec 2020 AIR-1 Marksheet New Syllabus

Mark Sheet of all India topper first rank holder under new syllabus as well as old syllabus i.e. AIR-1 will be available on 25-Feb-2021.

Dec 2020 AIR-1 Marksheet Old Syllabus

Will be updated soon.

Dec 2017 AIR-1 Marksheet

CS Exam: DECEMBER 2017
Exam: Professional Programme
Roll Number: 275390

Module – I – Result: PASS
Subject and Marks
Advanced Company Law and Practice: 57
Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence: 54
Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency: 60
Module-I Total Marks is 171

Module – II – Result: PASS
Subject and Marks
Information Technology and Systems Audit: 67
Financial, Treasury and Forex Management: 80
Ethics, Governance and Sustainability: 55
Module-II Total Marks is 202

Module – III – Result: PASS
Subject and Marks
Advanced Tax Laws and Practice 61
Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings 66
Capital, Commodity and Money Market 72
Module-III Total Marks is 199
Grand Total: 572

You may download the merit list of first 25 toppers/ Rank Holders CS Professional December 2017. They have passed all papers of Professional Programme examination in one sitting without claiming exemption in any paper. CS Professional Pass Percentage Dec 2017 was only 8.05% for module-I, 19.39% of candidates passed in module-II and module II passing percentage was 14.96%

June 2017 AIR-1 Marksheet

CS Exam: JUNE 2017
Exam: Professional Programme
Roll Number: 824708

Module – I – Result: PASS
Subject and Marks
Advanced Company Law and Practice: 66
Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence: 49
Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency: 77
Module-I Total Marks is 192

Module – II – Result: PASS
Subject and Marks
Information Technology and Systems Audit: 51
Financial, Treasury and Forex Management: 73
Ethics, Governance and Sustainability: 67
Module-II Total Marks is 191

Module – III – Result: PASS
Subject and Marks
Advanced Tax Laws and Practice: 77
Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings: 56
Banking Law and Practice: 80
Module-III Total Marks is 213

Grand Total: 596

In the CS professional programme June 2017, 2.99% of candidates passed in all modules. Individually, 10.44% students passed in module I, 17% in module II and 17.9% cleared module III.

Total 31 candidates were selected to include their name in the merit list of top 25 rank holders who have passed all papers of professional programme examinations without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in June, 2017.

Dec 2016 AIR-1 Marksheet

Download the list of first 25 top rankers CS Professional Dec 2016 who have passed all papers of professional programme examinations without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in December, 2016.

Marks secured by CS Professional Dec 2016 Toppers are hereunder:

  • RANK-1: SURYANSH AGARWAL – Marks 587
  • RANK-2: HARSH GUPTA – Marks 584
  • RANK-3: ETI AGARWAL – Marks 577

E-marks sheet of All India First Rank Holder in
CS Professional Programme
Dec 2016 Examination

Roll Number: 297937

Module – I

Advanced Company Law and Practice: 54
Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence: 83
Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency: 63
Total Marks in Module-I: 200
Result: PASS

Module – II

Information Technology and Systems Audit: 58
Financial, Treasury and Forex Management: 74
Ethics, Governance and Sustainability: 70
Total Marks in Module-II: 202
Result: PASS

Module – III

Advanced Tax Laws and Practice: 65
Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings: 61
International Business – Laws and Practices: 59
Total Marks in Module-III: 185
Result: PASS

Grand Total: 587

June 2016 AIR-1 Marksheet

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has announced on Thursday, August 25, 2016, the result of Company Secretaries (CS) Professional Programme (Final) Course Examinations which was held in June, 2016.

The name of top three rank holders of CS Professional Programme Examinations held in June, 2016 under New Syllabus are Vivek Choudhary, Shriya Purshottam Somani and Rumit Ajay Matalia marks secured by them are 553, 550 and 547 respectively.

Marks Sheet of All India Topper in CS Final June 2016 Exams under New Syllabus is here under:

E-marks sheet of All India First Rank Holder in
CS Professional Programme (New Syllabus)
June, 2016 Examination

Name: Vivek   Choudhary
Roll Number: 776943

Module – I

Advanced Company Law and Practice: 54
Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence: 54
Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency: 65
Total Marks obtained in Module-I is 173
Result: PASS

Module – II

Information Technology and Systems Audit: 65
Financial, Treasury and Forex Management: 61
Ethics, Governance and Sustainability: 59
Total Marks obtained in Module-II is 185
Result: PASS

Module – III

Advanced Tax Laws and Practice: 76
Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings: 57
International Business – Laws and Practices: 62
Total Marks obtained in Module-III is 195
Result: PASS
Grand Total: 553

Download the provisional list of 32 students whose name has been included in the list of first 25 top rankers who have passed all papers of Professional Programme Examinations under New Syllabus without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in June, 2016.

CS Final Toppers June 2016 [Old Syllabus]

The name of top three rank holders of CS Professional Programme (Old Syllabus) Examinations held in June, 2016 are Namrata Jain, Priya Agrawal, Shehbaazali Fazalbhoy Therir and Shrikant Pradeep Vyas and marks secured by them are 447, 429, 424 and 456 respectively.

Marks Sheet of All India Topper in CS Final June 2016 Exams [Old Syllabus]

E-marks sheet of All India First Rank Holder in
CS Professional Programme (Old Syllabus)
June, 2016 Examination

Name: Namrata Jain
Roll Number:

Module– I

Company Secretarial Practice: 77
Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings: 50
Total Marks of 1st Module is 127
Result: PASS

Module– II

Financial, Treasury and Forex Management: 59
Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency: 49
Total Marks of 2nd Module is 108
Result: PASS

Module– III

Strategic Management, Alliances and International Trade: 41
Advanced Tax Laws and Practice: 56
Total Marks of 3rd Module is 97
Result: PASS

Module– IV

Due Diligence and Corporate Compliance Management: 53
Governance, Business Ethics and Sustainability: 62
Total Marks of 4th Module is 115
Result: PASS
Grand Total: 447

Download the provisional list of 13 students whose name has been included in the list of first 10 Top Rank Holders who have passed all papers of Professional Programme Examinations under old syllabus without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in June, 2016.

The Merit Position given above was correct at the time of release of results by the Institute subject to the provisions of Regulations, 46(2) of the Company Secretaries Regulation, 1982, as in force, and the Institute does not accept responsibility for any subsequent error/s or omission/s due to technical snag in transmission or downloading by the user.

CS Professional First Rank Holder Marks Sheet

The name of top three rank holders of CS Final Examinations held in Dec, 2015 under Old syllabus are Subhanshu Goel, Kaushik Kumar Bhatra and Gaurav Khandelwal and marks secured by them are 446, 433 and 432 respectively.

The name of top three rank holders of CS Final Examinations held in Dec, 2015 under New syllabus are Janhavi Mehul Kothari, Shreya Gogad and Prachiti Abhay Karandikar and marks secured by them are 599, 573 and 559 respectively.

e-Marksheet of Toppers in CS Final Dec 2015 Exam

The mark sheet of all India toppers shall also be published by ICSI on www.icsi.edu.

NameJanhavi Mehul Kothari
Roll Number540024
Module – I 
Advanced Company Law and Practice74
Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence75
Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency74
Module – II 
Information Technology and Systems Audit68
Financial, Treasury and Forex Management87
Ethics, Governance and Sustainability59
Module – III 
Advanced Tax Laws and Practice51
Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings62
International Business – Laws and Practices49
Grand Total599

In addion to the top three rankholders, you may also download the provisional list of 30 students whose name has been included in the list of first 25 top rankers who have passed all papers of Professional Programme Examinations under New Syllabus without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in Dec, 2015.

NameSubhanshu Goel
Roll Number261406
Module – I 
Company Secretarial Practice56
Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings52
Module – II 
Financial, Treasury and Forex Management60
Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency49
Module – III 
Strategic Management, Alliances and International Trade57
Advanced Tax Laws and Practice51
Module – IV 
Due Diligence and Corporate Compliance Management65
Governance, Business Ethics and Sustainability56
Grand Total446

You may also download the provisional list of 13 students whose name has been included in the list of first 25 top rankers who have passed all papers of Professional Programme Examinations under Old Syllabus without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in Dec, 2015.

CS Final Toppers June 2015

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has announced today i.e. Tuesday, August 25, 2015 the results of Company Secretaries (CS) Professional Programme (Final) Course Examinations which was held in June, 2015.

The name of top three rank holders of CS Professional Programme Examinations held in June, 2015 under New Syllabus are Avani Mishra, Surnav Kalra and Komal Tushar Shah and marks secured by them are 600, 571 and 570 respectively.

Marks Sheet of All India Topper in CS Final June 2015 Exams under new syllabus:

NameAvani Mishra
Roll Number477725
Module – I 
Advanced Company Law and Practice71
Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence51
Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency61
Module – II 
Information Technology and Systems Audit66
Financial, Treasury and Forex Management64
Ethics, Governance and Sustainability75
Module – III 
Advanced Tax Laws and Practice73
Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings71
International Business – Laws and Practices68
Grand Total600

Download the provisional list of 33 students whose name has been included in the list of first 25 top rankers who have passed all papers of Professional Programme Examinations under New Syllabus without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in June, 2015.

The name of top three rank holders of CS Professional Programme (Old Syllabus) Examinations held in June, 2015 are Anug Gajraj Shah, Sukanya Thyagarajan and Nikita Balkrishna Samant and marks secured by them are 499, 471 and 456 respectively.

Marks Sheet of All India Topper in CS Final June 2015 Exams under old syllabus

Roll Number190805
Module – I 
Company Secretarial Practice60
Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings68
Module – II 
Financial, Treasury and Forex Management60
Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency65
Module – III 
Strategic Management, Alliances and International Trade60
Advanced Tax Laws and Practice72
Module – IV 
Due Diligence and Corporate Compliance Management54
Governance, Business Ethics and Sustainability60
Grand Total499

Download the provisional list of 12 students whose name has been included in the list of first 25 top rankers who have passed all papers of Professional Programme Examinations under old syllabus without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in June, 2015.

However, you may check list of toppers since 1970 to 2016 from official website of ICSI.edu and know the highest marks secured by them.

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