CS Executive Topper Dec 2020: You may download CS Executive topper marksheet for Dec 2020. ICSI declares result of Company Secretary executive programme examination conducted in the month of December 2020.
CS Executive results declare on 25th February 2021 at 2:00 P.M. under old syllabus and new course. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) officially announced the result of Company Secretaries (CS) Executive Programme examinations held in December 2020. Here you will find the detail analysis of result of both CS Executive Dec 2020 exams conducted under new as well as old syllabus.
The download link for CS Executive merit list Dec 2020 is available immediately after declaration of result. Additionally, you will see the number of candidates applied, appeared, passed and CS Executive pass percentage Dec 2020.
ICSI publishes merit lists on all India basis. That means list of rank holders who have passed all papers of executive programme examinations without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in December, 2020.
CS Executive Toppers Dec 2020
The name of CS Executive Toppers Dec 2020 will be published at 2:00 P.M. immediately after declaration of result on 25th February, 2021.
CS Executive Toppers Dec 2020 under New Syllabus:
ICSI top three rank holders in CS Executive Programme December 2020 under new syllabus are Akanksha Gupta, Bhavika Manish Kanodia and Princy Trivedi.
Ranks | CS Executive Dec 2020 Toppers Name (New Syllabus) | Roll No. |
1st Rank Holder | Akanksha Gupta | 731084 |
2nd Rank Holder | Bhavika Manish Kanodia | 735508 |
3rd Rank Holder | Princy Trivedi | 731014 |

CS Executive Toppers Dec 2020 under Old Syllabus:
ICSI top three rank holders in CS Executive Programme December 2020 under old syllabus are Tanmay Agarwal, Smoni Kamleshkumar Shah and Manas Ravindra Rode.
Ranks | CS Executive Dec 2020 Toppers Name (Old Syllabus) | Roll No |
1st Rank Holder | Tanmay Agarwal | 606758 |
2nd Rank Holder | Smoni Kamleshkumar Shah | 622471 |
3rd Rank Holder | Manas Ravindra Rode | 620958 |

ICSI CS Executive Books for June 2021 Exams
CS Executive Topper Marksheet Dec 2020
CS Executive first rank holder under new syllabus and old syllabus will be published here.
Hereunder you will find, the statement of marks of first rank holder containing Roll No., name, Paper No., subject, maximum marks, minimum marks, marks obtained and result status. Other details like Rank holders Name, Roll number, city, phone number, registration number and marks obtained in individual subjects.
CS Executive Merit List Dec 2020
CS Executive Merit list under new syllabus:
List of top 25 rank holders who have passed all papers of executive programme examinations under new syllabus without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in December, 2020:
SL No. | Rank No. | Toppers Name New Syllabus | Roll No. |
1 | 1 | AKANKSHA GUPTA | 731084 |
2 | 2 | BHAVIKA MANISH KANODIA | 735508 |
3 | 3 | PRINCY TRIVEDI | 731014 |
4 | 4 | SHASHANK KUMAR TAMBOLI | 705319 |
5 | 5 | RIYA BHAGCHANDANI | 712734 |
6 | 6 | HARSH DEV CHAUDHARY | 742616 |
7 | 7 | RISHABH GOEL | 705995 |
8 | 8 | NAMAN SUSHIL MANDLECHA | 733618 |
9 | 9 | TRIPTI GOYAL | 718022 |
10 | 9 | AYUSH SHEKHAR AGARWAL | 740974 |
11 | 10 | SHRUTI NAGAR | 730917 |
12 | 11 | ANKUL PATWA | 727484 |
13 | 12 | JINAL JAIN | 720072 |
14 | 13 | HARI HARAN | 720639 |
15 | 14 | DILIP SINGH | 725459 |
16 | 15 | AYUSHI MITTAL | 740016 |
17 | 16 | KARAN GOYAL | 716258 |
18 | 17 | NEHA H | 718826 |
19 | 18 | SPARSH SHARMA | 714416 |
20 | 19 | UJJWAL GUPTA | 708182 |
21 | 20 | ADITYA MOHAN PATWARI | 702893 |
22 | 21 | AMIT BATRA | 714619 |
23 | 22 | KHUSHI SANJAY MEHTA | 739136 |
24 | 23 | ANJALI BHARAT PALIWAL | 727379 |
25 | 23 | JAY JITENDRA MEHTA | 740900 |
26 | 24 | ANSHIKA JHA | 717670 |
27 | 25 | GAGAN BIHARI BHUYAN | 700318 |
28 | 25 | PAYAL R NAHAR | 718779 |
29 | 25 | AANCHAL VINOD JAIN | 728643 |
30 | 25 | ANSHUL ARUN BHATTAR | 735554 |
31 | 25 | ABBAS ALIASGAR SABUWALA | 743030 |
In the above merit list total 31 candidate’s name were included in the top 25 rank holders in CS Executive Programme December 2020 new syllabus examinations.
CS Executive Merit list under old syllabus:
List of top 11 rank holders who have passed all papers of executive programme examinations under old syllabus without exemption in any paper, in one sitting, in December, 2020:
SL No. | Rank No. | Name of Candidates | Roll No. |
1 | 1 | TANMAY AGARWAL | 606758 |
2 | 2 | SMONI KAMLESHKUMAR SHAH | 622471 |
3 | 3 | MANAS RAVINDRA RODE | 620958 |
4 | 4 | NANDINI TAILOR | 608950 |
5 | 5 | SAPNA MEHRA | 605229 |
6 | 5 | ADITI LOONKER | 607214 |
7 | 6 | PARTH HIREN MATALIA | 619222 |
8 | 7 | MANASHREE MEENATCHI | 613567 |
9 | 8 | KELAM SAIKUMAR | 615253 |
10 | 9 | SRINIVASAN P | 611274 |
11 | 10 | SMIT HEMANSHU SOMPURA | 619186 |
In the above merit list total 27 candidate’s name were included in the top 11 rank holders in CS Executive Programme December 2020 old syllabus examinations.
CS Executive Pass Percentage Dec 2020
In Executive Programme (Old Syllabus) examination 15.21 percent of candidates passed in Module – I and 21.28 percent in Module – II, while in Executive Programme (New Syllabus) examination 8.27 percent of candidates passed in Module – I and 15.49 percent in Module – II.
CS Executive Pass Percentage Dec 2020 under New Syllabus:
CS Executive New Syllabus | Pass Percentage |
Module-I | 8.27% |
Module-II | 15.49% |
CS Executive Pass Percentage Dec 2020 under Old Syllabus:
CS Executive Old Syllabus | Pass Percentage |
Module-I | 15.21% |
Module-II | 21.28% |
Last Attempt of CS Executive Old Syllabus 2012
Most Important: ICSI extend the last exam of CS executive under old syllabus 2012 to June 2021. The CS Institute has decided to provide one more attempt to the students to appear in Executive Programme examination under the Old Syllabus 2012.
Online ICSI Exam Form June 2021
Therefore, the students registered under CS Executive Programme prior to 1st March, 2018 and could not qualify the examination are allowed to enroll for June, 2021 session under the Executive Programme Old Syllabus (Syllabus – 2012).