ICSI New Training structure 2023: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) revised training structure for the year 2023 based on the Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 issued vide Gazette Notification No. 710/1 (M)/1 dated 3rd February, 2020.
The New Training Structure has come into force with effect from 03.02.2020 vide Gazette Notification 710/1(M)/1. However, due to Covid-19 pandemic, the Institute deferred the implementation of the New Training Structure up to 02nd February, 2021.
With effect from 1st July, 2023 only the New Training Structure shall exist and be
applicable to all the students.
For students who are still pursuing their short-term training under Earlier/ Modified Training Structure, the Institute has decided to provide a final opportunity to complete their remaining training latest by 30th June, 2023.
Students who fail to complete their training requirements (under Earlier/Modified Training Structure) by 30th June 2023 shall be compulsorily switched over to New Training Structure w.e.f. 1st July, 2023.
Final Opportunity to the Students under Earlier/ Modified Training Structures
to Complete Remaining Parts of Training and Compulsory Switchover to the
New Training Structure w.e.f. 01st July 2023. Download more detail.
You shall get details of revised training structure for CS Executive and CS Final students. The CS Institute introduces modified training structure for CS Executive and CS Professional level students.
The new training structure, as per Regulation 46BA and 46BB under The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 shall be effective from 3rd February, 2021. Thus, all CS students registering in ICSI Executive Programme on or after 03/02/2021 shall follow the revised training structure.
Implementation of the revamped Training Structure will take the Company Secretary (CS) Profession to newer heights and will surely help the ICSI to realise its Vision & Mission. New training structure would develop Professional skills, Legal skills, Management skills and IT skills in CS students and makes them successful professionals.
Update 17th May 2022: ICSI announces that 08 days Executive Development Programme (EDP) as applicable under earlier training structure – now available at the Institute’s LMS portal at anywhere and anytime mode. To read complete detail you should download ICSI announcement for EDP.
ICSI Newly Modified Training Structure 2023
Introduction of Practical & Skill Based Training: The new training structure for students, comprises of 24 months training which shall provide them with a platform to develop their core competencies and harness their soft skills including managerial and leadership capabilities.
Question: What are the various kinds of training applicable under New Training structure?
Answer: The students are required to complete the following training programme:
- Executive Development Programme (EDP) for one month duration after passing of Executive Programme examination;
- Practical training for 21 monthsafter completion of EDP (Executive Development Programme) on whole time basis during normal working hours,-
- (i) in a company having a company secretary in whole time employment or any other company fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute; or
- (ii) under a Company Secretary in whole-time practice fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute; or
- (iii) in any other body corporate or institution or organisation or entity fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute;
- After passing the Professional Programme Examination, a Corporate Leadership Development Programme (CLDP) for not less than thirty days but not exceeding sixty days as may be determined by the Institute.
CS Executive passed students are required to undergo w.e.f. February 2021:
- One month Executive Development Programme (EDP) which will equip them with necessary soft and IT skills.
- 21 month practical training, with Industry/ Practicing Company Secretary.
Thus, if you clear your CS Executive exams in June 2022 then you have to complete 1 year 9 months Articleship under practicing CS after successful completion of 1 month EDP for IT skills development.
CS Professional passed students are required to undergo w.e.f. February 2021:
Corporate Leadership Development Program (CLDP) is the last stage of training for students who have passed the Professional Programme and have completed the practical training, which is a residential programme for a period of one to two months and will further enhance their communication, legal, managerial and IT skills required for Company Secretary Profession.
Executive Development Programme (EDP)
All CS Executive June 2022 passed students i.e. CS Professional candidates are compulsorily required to complete ONE MONTH Executive Development Programme (EDP). You have to register for EDP under New Training structure as per the Company Secretaries CS (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.
All Students who have passed Executive Programme and wish to start training under New Training structure as per the Company Secretaries CS (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.
All Students who have passed CS Executive are eligible for 30 days EDP which must be completed prior to commencing 21 months Practical training. Out of one month, CS students may undergo 15 Days EDP through online mode (e-mode) and 15 Days EDP through classroom mode as per details provided hereunder.
Online 15 days EDP
CS Institute has introduced 15 Days Executive Development Programme (e-Mode) under New Training Structure in accordance with The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.
Registration for 15 days e-Mode EDP
ICSI Stimulate Portal shall be used to register for 15 days EDP online mode. Submit application through ICSI E-Learning Portal stimulate.icsi.edu and enroll for CS Executive Development Programme.
Step-1: CS students can log in on Stimulate portal for EDP using their SMASH Credential.
Use your SMASH user id i.e., student registration number. if your registration number is 987654321/02/2021 then your Login Id is 987654321022021@icsi.edu
The default password to access the portal is Learn@1234. This will have to be changed upon first login. If you forgot your password, please reset your password through Smash Portal.
Step-2: After login select Short Term Training and apply for Training thereafter click on the grid showing particulars of training.
Step-3: The User Id and Password for the same will be sent to registered e-mail id within 7 working days from the date of registration.
Technical Help: For any kind of Technical support on e-governance (Training automation under stimulate) you may submit your queries under www.support.icsi.edu, please select the topic “training services” and sub topic queries related to “e governance automation in training services”.
Date of Opening of Registration: Registration already started and Online EDP Fees is ₹2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand Only).
Validity of Registration
EDP (15 Days) e-Mode registration validity is 3 months. That means, if you have registered for half-month Executive Development Programme then you must complete your 15 days online EDP anytime, anywhere basis within 90 days of registration.
ICSI Important Announcement
CS Institute has provided guidelines vide ICSI announcement ICSI/TRG/2021 dated 01/02/2021 and most useful information for 15 days EDP of CS Executive passed students.
- Students already registered at the e-learning portal may access EDP (15 Days) e-Mode Course Content.
- Students are required to whitelist the mail ID LearningExchange@tcs-itontap.com in their registered email id, so that they may get system generated email in their inbox.
- A student is required to complete all the sessions of EDP (15 Days) e-Mode within 90 days from the date of activating their account in the e-learning portal for the said training.
- Fees for the 15 Days EDP through e-Mode is Rs.2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand Only). If any student is not able to complete the training within the time frame, then the access to the e-learning portal will be deactivated after 90 days and he/she will need to do the remaining part of the training after paying 50% of the fees.
In case any students is not able to complete the training during the extended period, no further extension will be allowed and he/she will have to seek fresh registration to the 15 Days EDP through e-mode. - Students will be required to undergo the sessions in a sequential manner as available on the E-Learning Portal.
- Until a session is completed, no student will be allowed to start the next session.
- Students may undergo sessions at any time, any day with full flexibility of selecting the time.
- Students are advised NOT to click on the “Mark as Complete” button unless the course completion status is 100%.
- Once the course completion status becomes 100%, students have to click on “Mark as Complete” button to generate the certificate.
- In case of any query/clarification, students may write to the Institute at e-training@icsi.edu
Can Mobile phone/Tablet be used to access the content?
Mobile app mTOP shall be downloaded for android and iOS. However, if you use Mobile Phones or Tablets browser then use the desktop view on same.
How will I know which of the content has been completed and which are remaining?
The topics which you have completed will be marked with green tick. To view other nodes please click on “+” sign in front of mentioned day. Click on HTML Player for slow connections or unsupported browser problems. Ensure that all topics have a green tick in front of them in due course of time.
What to do once all topics have a green tick on them?
Go to the Home Page or DASHBOARD and see that the course completion meter is shown as 100 %. Once it is shown as 100% click on ‘Mark as complete’ visible near the course completion meter.
Where can I download the certificate?
Click on the View certificate icon after you have completed the course as 100% and marked the course as completed. See the screenshot given below:

Whom to contact in case I am facing difficulty after going through the course?
You may write to ICSI at e-training@icsi.edu or call CS Institute at 0120 4522000 and ask for help from Training Department.
Offline 155 days EDP
In addition to the 15 Days EDP in e-Mode, students are required to complete remaining 15 days EDP through classroom mode as per the guidelines of the Institute.
Practical Training
21 Months Articleship or Industrial Training: Practical Training for Twenty One months after completion of EDP (Executive Development Programme) on whole time basis during normal working hours:
- In a company having a Company Secretary in whole time employment or any other company fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute; or
- Under a Company Secretary in whole-time practice fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute; or
- In any other body corporate or institution or organisation or entity fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute;
Corporate Leadership Development Programme
After passing the CS Professional Programme Examination, a Corporate Leadership Development Programme (CLDP) for not less than thirty days but not exceeding sixty days as may be determined by the Institute