CONCOR Recruitment 2023 Application Form

CONCOR is recruiting eligible candidates for the post of Group General Manager (P&S) (Civil)/ Sr. General Manager (P&S) (Civil) on deputation engagement. There are two vacancies.


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CONCOR Recruitment 2023: The Container Corporation of India Ltd. (CONCOR) has published vacancy Notice 03/2023 for Group General Manager (P&S)(Civil)/ Sr. General Manager (P&S)(Civil).

You may send prescribed application form along with necessary documents to authorised person on or before last date of CONCOR Recruitment 2023.

Job Vacancy in CONCOR

The Container Corporation of India Ltd. (CONCOR), a Government of India Undertaking, is hiring Group General Manager (P&S) (Civil)/ Sr. General Manager (P&S) (Civil) on a deputation basis.

According to the official CONCOR Recruitment 2023 notification, the deputation period would be three years, which may be extended up to five years in accordance with Government of India guidelines.

As stated in CORCOR recruitment notification 2023, there are two vacancies to be filled for the Delhi office. The upper age limit of candidates for this post should be below 54 years as of the date of vacancy issued.

Did you know? All shortlisted candidates would be awarded a monthly pay salary of up to Rs. 2,80,000 per month based on the IDA Scale pattern.

Job NotificationCONCOR Recruitment 2023
Post TitleGroup General Manager;
Sr. General Manager
No. of vacancies02 Posts
Tenure3-5 Years as per GOI rules
Pay ScaleRs. 1,20,000 – 3%- 2,80,000 (E-8) (IDA Scale)
Rs.1,00,000 – 3%- 2,60,000 (E-7) (IDA scale)
Term of AppointmentDeputation Basis
AgeBelow 54 years
Application Form Last Date15 days from date of issue of vacancy notice

As per the CONCOR Recruitment 2023 official notification, the candidates who are interested and qualified for the above posts must apply through the proper channel. Applications in duly filled in form along with required documents must be sent on or before 08/06/2023 by post/email to Area Head- Area-IV, Container Corporation of India Ltd. NSIC MDBP Building, 3rd Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi 110076.

The respective administrative officer from any government/central body must submit their papers enclosing all relevant proof/documents in support of qualification, experience & pay scale/gross salary along with a Vigilance/DAR clearance and a self-attested copy of the preceding 5 years of ACRs/ APARs. Candidates will be shortlisted after screening their papers, which will be evaluated based on ability, experience, skills, comprehension, aptitude, and so on.

Post Name and Vacancies for CONCOR Recruitment 2023:

As per the CONCOR Recruitment 2023 official notification, the candidates will be hired for the post of Group General Manager (P&S) (Civil)/ Sr. General Manager (P&S) (Civil) on deputation engagement. There are just two vacancies posts for the Delhi office, which will be filled for a duration of five years.

Eligibility for CONCOR Recruitment 2023:

As per the CONCOR Recruitment 2023 official notification, the candidates should be SAG/SG Officers of the IRSE cadre who have completed a minimum of 17 years of Group “A” service and will be designated as GGM (P&S) (Civil). He/she must be an SG Officer of the IRSE cadre with 14 years but less than 17 years of Group “A” service and will be designated as Sr. GM (P&S) (Civil).

Age Limit for CONCOR Recruitment 2023:

As per the CONCOR Recruitment 2023 official notification, the candidates will only be allowed to work with the maximum age limit of 54 years.

Pay Scale for CONCOR Recruitment 2023:

As per the CONCOR Recruitment 2023 official notification, the shortlisted candidates will be paid a monthly salary based on IDA Scale pattern that is up to Rs.2,80,000 per month.

Tenure for CONCOR Recruitment 2023:

As per the CONCOR Recruitment 2023 official notification, the tenure of deputation will be for 3 years which may be extendable upto 5 years as per Government of India guidelines.

Download Job Notification

How to Apply for CONCOR Recruitment 2023:

Mode of Application: Applications are to be sent through respective administrative officer (Board/HQ) alongwith No-objection, Vigilance/D&AR clearance & ACR for the past 05 years.

Advance copy of the application may also be sent enclosing all relevant proof/documents in support of qualification, experience & pay scale/gross salary & super scribing on the cover prominently-Name of the post, within a period of 15 days i.e. upto 08/06/2023 by post/email at the following address:

Area Head- Area-IV
Container Corporation of India Ltd.
NSIC MDBP Building, 3rd Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate
New Delhi 110076 .

As per the CONCOR Recruitment 2023 official notification, the candidates who are interested and qualified for the above posts must apply through the proper channel.

Applications in duly filled in form along with required documents must be sent on or before 08/06/2023 by post/email.

The respective administrative officer from any government/central body must submit their papers enclosing all relevant proof/documents in support of qualification, experience & pay scale/gross salary along with a Vigilance/DAR clearance and a self-attested copy of the preceding 5 years of ACRs/ APARs.

Selection Procedure for CONCOR Recruitment 2023

Mode of Selection: The candidate will be screened by a Screening Committee as nominated by the Competent Authority. The candidate’s suitability will be decided, keeping in view the job requirement. The selection process would comprise of judgement of different facets of Professional Ability, Experience, skills, comprehension, aptitude etc. on a 100-point scale as under:

Professional Ability30 Marks
Experience20 Marks
Seniority20 Marks
APAR30 Marks

Candidates will be shortlisted after screening their papers, which will be evaluated based on ability, experience, skills, comprehension, aptitude, and so on.

As per the CONCOR Recruitment 2023 official notification, the last date for application registration is 08/06/2023.

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