List of All Degree Colleges in West Bengal for 2025

List of all Colleges in West Bengal. Government and private degree college name and year of Establishment.

Colleges in West Bengal


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List of Colleges in 24 Paraganas South

List of Govt Colleges in 24 Paraganas South

College NameYearMnagement
Footwear Design And Development Institute2010Central Government
E S I, Joka2011Central Government
Baruipur College1981State Government
Budge Budge College1971State Government
Fakir Chand College1948State Government
Jibantala Rokeya Mahavidyalaya2001State Government
Pathar Pratima Mahavidyalaya2001State Government
Saheed Anurup Ch. Mahavidyalaya1991State Government
Shirakole Mahavidyalaya2007State Government
Sibani Mandal Mahavidyalaya2013State Government
Sonarpur Mahavidyalaya1985State Government
Sukanta College2008State Government
Sundarban Mahavidyalaya1965State Government
Susil Kar College1968State Government
Diamond Harbour Government Medical College And Hospital2018State Government
List of Govt Colleges in 24 Paraganas South

List of Private Colleges in 24 Paraganas South

College NameYearManagement
Gourmohan Sachin Mondol Mahavidyalaya1968Private Aided
Jyotirmay School of Law2008Private Aided
Ljd  College Falta2016Private Aided
Ljd Law College Falta2016Private Aided
Sadhan Chandra Mahavidyalaya2007Private Aided
Vidyanagar College1963Private Aided
Budge Budge Institute of Technology 2762009Private Aided
Techno International Batanagar 3322012Private Aided
M Hossain Teachers Training Institute2017Private Aided
Sree Sree Ramakrishna B.Ed. College2006Private Aided
Bikash Bharati Law College2006Private Un-Aided
Debendranath Mondal (D.N.Mondal) College2013Private Un-Aided
Institute of Business Management1984Private Un-Aided
Dinabandhu Andrews Inst. of Tech. And Mgmt. 1542002Private Un-Aided
Dream Institute of Technology 2092006Private Un-Aided
Future Institute of Engg. And Management 2942004Private Un-Aided
Future Institute of Engineering And Management 1482002Private Un-Aided
Future Institute of Technology 3422014Private Un-Aided
Gargi Memorial Institute of Technology Campus 2812011Private Un-Aided
George College of Management And Science 1642003Private Un-Aided
George College Under The Gayatri Chetna Foundation2020Private Un-Aided
Greater Kolkata College of Engineering And Management 2362008Private Un-Aided
Hemnalini Mamorial College of Engineering 3432014Private Un-Aided
Ims Business School 3332012Private Un-Aided
Institute of Business Management And Research 1371976Private Un-Aided
Institute of Business Management And Research 2981976Private Un-Aided
Institute of Management Study 1942006Private Un-Aided
Jld Engineering And Management College 3472015Private Un-Aided
Neotia Institute of Technology, Management And Science 1442002Private Un-Aided
Netaji Subhash Engineering College 1091998Private Un-Aided
Netaji Subhash Engineering College 2912001Private Un-Aided
Netaji Subhash Engineering College 2922001Private Un-Aided
Nopany Institute of Management Studies 1502002Private Un-Aided
Nshm Knowledge Campus, Kolkata – Group of Institutions 2772005Private Un-Aided
Pailan College of Management And Technology 1562008Private Un-Aided
Pailan College of Management And Technology 2962002Private Un-Aided
Pailan College of Management And Technology 2972002Private Un-Aided
Post Graduate Institute of Hospital Administration 2112006Private Un-Aided
St. Thomas College of Engineering & Technology 1222000Private Un-Aided
Swami Vivekananda Institute of Modern Science 2642009Private Un-Aided
Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science And Technology 2412008Private Un-Aided
Syamaprasad Inst. of Tech. And Management 1532002Private Un-Aided
Vidyasagar College of Optometry And Vision Science 1391998Private Un-Aided
Foirdm, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University2009Private Un-Aided
Antara Institute of Health Sciences2016Private Un-Aided
Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences And Hospital2016Private Un-Aided
Jagannath Gupta Institute of Nursing Sciences2017Private Un-Aided
Nh Rabindranath Tagore International Institute of Cardiac Sciences2000Private Un-Aided
Al-Ameen Memorial Minority College (B.Ed)2012Private Un-Aided
Annapurna Memorial College of Education2012Private Un-Aided
Ashok Nilay Nivedita College of Education2015Private Un-Aided
Asp College of Education2016Private Un-Aided
Banuali And Ajiran Teachers Training Institute (B.Ed College)2012Private Un-Aided
Biswanath Institute of B.Ed. College2017Private Un-Aided
Debnarayan Shiksha Sansthan(B.Ed College)2013Private Un-Aided
Jagadish Chandra Mandal Institute of Education2016Private Un-Aided
Jyotirmoy School of Education2012Private Un-Aided
Lieutenant Abhishek Raychaudhuri T.T.College2012Private Un-Aided
Mass Education Teachers Training Institute2014Private Un-Aided
Parameswar Mahavidyalaya2007Private Un-Aided
Raidighi B.Ed. College2005Private Un-Aided
Sishu Bikash College of Education2010Private Un-Aided
Sunderban Ashutosh B.Ed College For Women2008Private Un-Aided
Vidyasagar Teachers Training Institute2017Private Un-Aided
Yeaqub Ali B. Ed. College2017Private Un-Aided
Mies R M Law College2015Private Un-Aided
List of Private Colleges in 24 Paraganas South

List of Other Institutes in 24 Paraganas South

College NameYearManagement
Govt College of Nursing Diamond Harbour Medical College Diamond Harbour Health District  
Techno India College And School of Nursing Kankinara
Pravakaran Bed College
Al- Ameen Memorial Minority College2004Local Body
Bankim Sardar College1955Local Body
Dhola Mahavidyalaya2009Local Body
Raidighi College1995Local Body
Sagar Mahavidyalaya1998Local Body
Sundarban Hazi Desarat College1961Local Body
Techno India Institute of Technology 1452003Local Body
Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Institute of Education2013Local Body
Sabuj B.Ed. College2014Local Body
Siddhartha College of Education2015Local Body
Sundarban B.Ed. College2015Local Body
Bhangar Mahavidyalaya1997University
Dhrubachand  Haldar College1965University
Kultali Dr. B. R. Ambedkar College2005University
Magrahat College1996University
Shishuram Das College2010University
Alipurduar College1957Local Body
List of Other Institutes in 24 Paraganas South

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