List of All Degree Colleges in West Bengal for 2025

List of all Colleges in West Bengal. Government and private degree college name and year of Establishment.

Colleges in West Bengal


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Table of Contents

List of Colleges in Hooghly

List of Govt Colleges in Hooghly

College NameYearManagement
Balagarh B.K. Mahavidyalaya1985State Government
Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya1950State Government
Chandernagore College1931State Government
Government Institution of Education (Pg) For Women1965State Government
Government Physical Education College For Women1984State Government
Government Training College1955State Government
Hooghly Mohsin College1836State Government
Hooghly Womens College1949State Government
Kabikankan Mukundaram Mahavidyalaya2007State Government
Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya1986State Government
Khalisani Mahavidyalaya1970State Government
Rabindra Mahavidyalaya1971State Government
Sarat Centenary College1976State Government
Singur Government General Degree College, Singur, Hooghly2013State Government
Sreegopal Banerjee College1958State Government
Sree Ramkrishna Sarada Vidya Mahapith1959State Government
Bidhan Chandra College1957State Government
Nabagram Hiralal Paul College1957State Government
Raja Peary Mohan College1887State Government
Serampore  Girls’college1981State Government
Swami Niswambalananda Girls’ College1978State Government
Govt. College of Engg. And Textile Technology, Serampur 1101908State Government
List of Govt Colleges in Hooghly

List of Private Colleges in Hooghly

College NameYearManagement
Aghore Kamini Prakash Chandra Mahavidyalaya1959Private Aided
Bishnupada Sarkar College of Education2017Private Aided
Chandernagore Institute of Management & Technology2001Private Aided
Genex B Ed College2014Private Aided
Indrani Devi Institute of Education, Bhandarhati2012Private Aided
Mankundu B. Ed. College, Mankundu2011Private Aided
Polba Mahavidyalaya2005Private Aided
Swami Vivekananda College of Education2015Private Aided
Serampore College1818Private Aided
Hooghly Engineering And Technology College 1762004Private Aided
Ainel College of Education(B.Ed)2017Private Un-Aided
Babu Jagjivan Ram Memorial College, Chopa2012Private Un-Aided
Beta College of Education2017Private Un-Aided
Binita Mahanta College of Education, Bhonpur2012Private Un-Aided
Boinchee College of Education2014Private Un-Aided
Chinsurah College of Education, Sugandhya2012Private Un-Aided
Elite B. Ed. College2009Private Un-Aided
Hooghly B. C. Roy Institute, Boinchigram2012Private Un-Aided
Hooghly College of Education2018Private Un-Aided
Khalisani Basanti Teachers Academy2018Private Un-Aided
Khamargachi B. Ed. College2009Private Un-Aided
Kotalpur Vidyasagar Teachers Training College2015Private Un-Aided
Mazidia Academy2017Private Un-Aided
Palaspai Raja Rammohan College of Education2016Private Un-Aided
Pandua College of Education2008Private Un-Aided
Prithwish Chandra Biswas Kanya Mahavidyalaya2017Private Un-Aided
Raja Rammohan College of Education2017Private Un-Aided
Sarat Chandra Teacher Training Institute2019Private Un-Aided
Sri Ramkrishna College of Education2012Private Un-Aided
Talandu M.R. And N.C. Mohanta College2017Private Un-Aided
Vivekananda Institute of Education2015Private Un-Aided
George School of Law2012Private Un-Aided
Abacus Institute of Engineering And Management 2402008Private Un-Aided
Academy of Technology 1692003Private Un-Aided
Bengal School of Technology 1932006Private Un-Aided
Bengal School of Technology And Management 2662009Private Un-Aided
Camellia Institute of Technology And Management 2572009Private Un-Aided
D M B H Institute of Medical Science2019Private Un-Aided
Dmbh Institute of Medical Seience 3822019Private Un-Aided
Modern Institute of Engg. And Technology 2692010Private Un-Aided
Sarojmohan Institute of Technology 1682003Private Un-Aided
Saroj Mohan Institute of Technology 3202009Private Un-Aided
Supreme Institute of Management And Technology 3642019Private Un-Aided
Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions 2532009Private Un-Aided
Techno College Hooghly 1882005Private Un-Aided
Techno India (Hooghly Campus) 1522002Private Un-Aided
Techno India Kolkata 2262007Private Un-Aided
Sevayatan School of Medical Technology2007Private Un-Aided
Gholdigrui Siksshan Mandir2008Private Un-Aided
Krishna Prasad Pal Memorial Teachers Training College2017Private Un-Aided
List of Private Colleges in Hooghly

List of Other Institutes in Hooghly

College NameYearManagement
Government Centre of Legal Education
Govt College of Nursing Serampore Walsh Sd Ss Hospital
Netaji Mahavidyalaya1948Local Body
Raja Rammohan Roy Mahavidyalaya1964Local Body
Shelter1992Local Body
Tarakeswar Degree College1986Local Body
Mahitosh Nandi Mahavidyalaya2007Local Body
Kaikala Sanskrit Vidyapeeth (Kaikala Adarsha Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya)1991Local Body
Arambag Girls College1995University
Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, Haripal1966University
List of Other Institutes in Hooghly

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