List of All Degree Colleges in Uttar Pradesh for 2025

List of all Colleges in Uttar Pradesh. Government and private degree college name and year of Establishment.

Colleges in Uttar Pradesh


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List of Colleges in Gautam Buddha Nagar

List of Govt Colleges in Gautam Buddha Nagar

College NameYearManagement
C – Dac, Noida1988Central Government
Government Mahavidyalaya  Noida Mob. No.0120-25751151982State Government
Km. Mayawati Government Girls Post Graduate Badalpur, Gautambuddha Nagar1997State Government
Government Institite of Medical Sciences2016State Government
List of Govt Colleges in Gautam Buddha Nagar

List of Private Colleges in Gautam Buddha Nagar

College NameYearManagement
College of Education Balika2016Private Aided
Harlal Inst. of Management & Technology Plot No. – 8, Institutional Area, Greater Noida Ph. No :-  098101285981998Private Aided
Ishan Institute of Law2014Private Aided
Nimt Institute of Education2014Private Aided
Smt. Sukhbiri Devi Gayatri Devi Vidhi Mahavidyala, Nimka, Jawar (G.B. Nagar) Mob. No. 9997326692, 9412610707, 05732223177 Www.Ssdgdm.Com2003Private Aided
Accurate Institute of Management And Technology, Greater Noida2006Private Aided
Fmg Academy Group of Institutions, Greater Noida,Greater Noida2010Private Aided
Trinity Institute of Innovations In Professional Studies2019Private Aided
Asian  Law College2015Private Un-Aided
Asian School of Business2015Private Un-Aided
Aster Colleg of Education J-1, Silver Oak State, Delta-Iind, Greater Noida2004Private Un-Aided
Chet Ram Sharma College of Education Sadarpur, Sector – 44, Noida Ph. No :-  91-4572032, 4573355, 45004602000Private Un-Aided
College of Education Bilaspur (Greater Noida) Ph. No. : 0120-2566423, 25664242004Private Un-Aided
College of Information Technology 38 A Knowledge Park I Greater Noida2003Private Un-Aided
Cosmos College of Education Village-Mohiyapur, Taj Express Highway, Noida, Ph. 2616066, 22512542004Private Un-Aided
Gangotri College For Women2015Private Un-Aided
Global Institute of Education 32-A, Knowledge Park-I, Greater Noida Ph. No :-   0120-3227187, 098996967522004Private Un-Aided
Global Institute of Information Technology 32-A, Knowledge Park-I, Greater Noida Ph. No :-   0120-3227187, 098996967522006Private Un-Aided
Gniot Institute of Professional Studies2020Private Un-Aided
Greater Noida College of Education 39-A, Knowledge Park-Iii, Greataer  Noida Ph. 98111626082004Private Un-Aided
Greater Noida College of Law2018Private Un-Aided
Greater Noida Institute of Management2017Private Un-Aided
Harlal School of Law Plot No. – 8, Institutional Area, Greater Noida Ph. No :-  098101285982003Private Un-Aided
Hierank Business School  A-42,Sector 62,Noida-2013072006Private Un-Aided
Iimt College of Law, Greater Noida2015Private Un-Aided
I.I.M.T. College of Management Plot No. A-20, Knowledge Park-Iii,  Greater Noida,  Ph. No. :  9412707955, 0120-2322655, 22318802006Private Un-Aided
I.I.M.T. College of Science & Technology Plot No. A-20, Knowledge Park-Iii, Greater Noida , 0120-2322655, 94127818772006Private Un-Aided
I.M.S. Law College A-8B, Sector-62, Institutional Arya ,Noida Ph. No :- 241050-51-432004Private Un-Aided
Indcare College of Law, Knowledge Park Iii, Greater Noida2014Private Un-Aided
Indraprastha Law College2012Private Un-Aided
Innovative Institute of Law Plat No. 6, Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida2005Private Un-Aided
Institute of Management Studies A-8B, Sector-62, Institutional Arya ,Noida Ph. No :- 241050-51-431998Private Un-Aided
International School of Media And Entertainment Studies2016Private Un-Aided
Ishan Ayurved Medical College And Research Centre2017Private Un-Aided
I.T.S. Dental College Hospital & Research Center, Plot No.47, Knowledge Park-Iii Greatar Noida (Gautam Budh Nagar) Ph. No.0120-2481609, 2323701, 09810908898, 098993275472006Private Un-Aided
Janhit College of Law Plot No.-35, Knowlege Park-I, Garter Noida2002Private Un-Aided
Janhit Institute of Education & Information 38-B, Phase-1, Knowlege Park-I,  Garter Noida, Ph. No :- 2230642, 20218302002Private Un-Aided
Kailash Institute of Law2013Private Un-Aided
Kailash Institute of Nursing And Para-Medical Science 46-A/1, Knowledge Park-3, Greater Noida Ph.9810039905, 98180975432005Private Un-Aided
Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida2003Private Un-Aided
Lloyed Inst. of Management & Technology Plot N0-11 Knowledge Park-Ii, Greater Noida Ph. No :- 232027492004Private Un-Aided
Mangalmay Institute of Mgmt & Technology Knowledge Park Ii Greater Noida2002Private Un-Aided
Max Institute of Health Education And Research College of Nursing2015Private Un-Aided
M.B. Girls College Dadri (Gautambudh Nagar)1994Private Un-Aided
Metro College of Nursing2016Private Un-Aided
New Sainik College of Education2015Private Un-Aided
Nightingal College of Nursing C-56/4, Sector-62, Noida2003Private Un-Aided
Nimt Institute of Medical & Paramedical Sciences2008Private Un-Aided
Nimt Vidhi Evam Kanoon Sansthan2012Private Un-Aided
Noida College of Physical Education Navody Vidyalaya Road, Dhoom Manikpur, Dadri, (G.B. Narag) Ph. No- 4571581, 45701848, 098104765981999Private Un-Aided
Noida Institute of Education & Technology C/O Noida Public Secondary School, A-78, Sector-23, Noida (G.B.Nagar) Ph. No. :-  2413081, 24130822004Private Un-Aided
Parsandi Devi College of Law Bilashpur, Greater Noida2010Private Un-Aided
Parsandi Devi College of Management &Technology, Bilashpur, Greater Noida2011Private Un-Aided
Prakash Institute of Physiotherapy Rehabililation & Allied Medical Sciences 9-A, Sector-P-2, Grater Noida2005Private Un-Aided
Radha Govind College of Education Greater Noida (Gautambudh Narag)2004Private Un-Aided
Rakshpal Bahadur Managment Institute Plot No. 4, Knowledge Park-Iii, Greater Noida2006Private Un-Aided
Rama Devi Kanya Mahavidyalaya E-3, Sector-61, Noida, Ph. 25863102004Private Un-Aided
Ram – Eesh Institute of Education,         Plot No. 3, Knowledge Park-1,Surajpur-Kasna Road, Greater Noida ( G.B. Nagar )1999Private Un-Aided
R. V. Higher Education & Technical Institute G. T. Road, Chithera Dadri, G.B. Nagar Ph. No. :-  098109813482004Private Un-Aided
Sammer Field College of Higher Education Govindpuri, Modinagar, Ghaziabad2007Private Un-Aided
Sh. Drona Charya Degree College Kalandi Marge, Dankaur, Gautambudh Nagar1997Private Un-Aided
Skyline Educational Institute2019Private Un-Aided
St George Institute of Education For Women2013Private Un-Aided
St. Thomas College of Education2014Private Un-Aided
St Thomas College of Law2017Private Un-Aided
Sumitra Institute of Nursing And Para Medical Sciences2020Private Un-Aided
Vishvasaria Institute of Engenering & Tech From Ghaziabad-Bulandshar G.T. Road Dadri Gautum Budh Nagar Ph. 9810173602,  9811215131, 4662167, 73,74 ,75,2002Private Un-Aided
Accurate College of Pharmacy2019Private Un-Aided
Accurate Institute of Advanced Management, Greater Noida2010Private Un-Aided
Accurate Institute of Architercture And Panning, Greater Noida2012Private Un-Aided
Apeejay Institute of Technology School of Architecture And Planning, Greaterâ Noida1999Private Un-Aided
College of Pharmacy Jss Academy of Technical Education2019Private Un-Aided
Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida, G.B.Nagar2006Private Un-Aided
Galgotia S College of Engineering And Technology, Greater Noida2000Private Un-Aided
Galgotias College of Pharmacy2019Private Un-Aided
Galgotias Institute of Management And Technology2000Private Un-Aided
G L Bajaj Institute of Management And Research2007Private Un-Aided
G. L.Bajaj Institute of Technology And Management, Greater Noida2005Private Un-Aided
Global Institute of Information Technology, Greater Noida2002Private Un-Aided
Gnit College of Pharmacy2018Private Un-Aided
Greater Noida College of Technology,Gautam Buddh Nagar2012Private Un-Aided
Greater Noida Institute of Business Maagement,Gautam Buddh Nagar2012Private Un-Aided
Greater Noida Institute of Technology, Greater Noida2001Private Un-Aided
Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Mba Institute), Greater Noida2001Private Un-Aided
Harlal Institute of Management And Technology, Greater Noida1998Private Un-Aided
Hierank Business School, A-42, Sector 62, Noida-2013072010Private Un-Aided
Himt College of Pharmacy, Greater Noida2005Private Un-Aided
Iilm Academy of Higher Learning, College of Engineering & Technology , Greaterâ Noida2002Private Un-Aided
Iimt College of Engineering, Greater Noida2005Private Un-Aided
Iimt College of Pharmacy, Greater Noida2006Private Un-Aided
Innovative College of Pharmacy, Greater Noida2005Private Un-Aided
I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida2006Private Un-Aided
Jss Academy of Technical Education, Noida1998Private Un-Aided
Kcc Institute of Management, Gr.Noida2009Private Un-Aided
Kcc Institute of Technology And Management2009Private Un-Aided
Lloyd Institute of Management And Technology, Greater Noida2004Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Gandhi Mission College of Engineering And Technology, Noida1999Private Un-Aided
Mangalmay Institute of Engineering And Technology, Greater Noida2011Private Un-Aided
Mangalmay Institute of Management And Technology, Greater Noida2002Private Un-Aided
Metro College of Health Sciences And Research2017Private Un-Aided
Nimt Institute of Hospital And Pharma Management, Greater Noida2006Private Un-Aided
Noida Institute of Engg. And Technology, Greater Noida2001Private Un-Aided
Noida Institute of Engineering And Technology (Pharmacy Institute)2005Private Un-Aided
Orlean College of Pharmacy2019Private Un-Aided
Rakshpal Bahadur Management Institute, Greater Noida2005Private Un-Aided
Ram-Eesh Institute of Engineering & Technology2009Private Un-Aided
Ram-Eesh Institute of Vocational & Technical Education1999Private Un-Aided
R.V.Northland Institute, Dadri, G.B.Nagar2005Private Un-Aided
R V Northland Institute of Management2009Private Un-Aided
Sarvottam Institute of Technology And Management,G. Noida2010Private Un-Aided
Skyline Institute of Engineering And Technology, Greater Noida2002Private Un-Aided
Sky Line Institute of Management And Technology, Greater Noida,Greater Noida2010Private Un-Aided
Skyline Institute of Pharmacy2018Private Un-Aided
Spectrum Institute of Pharmaceutical Science And Research, Greater Noida2007Private Un-Aided
United College of Engg And Research , Greaterâ Noida2005Private Un-Aided
United Institute of Management, Greater Noida2005Private Un-Aided
Vishveshwarya College of Pharmacy2019Private Un-Aided
Vishveshwarya Group of Institutions, Dadri2000Private Un-Aided
Vishveswarya Institute of Technology, Dadri,Greater Noida Phase -Ii,G B Nagar2007Private Un-Aided
Bakson Homeopathic College, Greater Noida2002Private Un-Aided
Amity Law School1999Private Un-Aided
Amity School of Engineering & Technology1999Private Un-Aided
Army Institute of Management Technology2004Private Un-Aided
Delhi Metropolitan Education2012Private Un-Aided
Delhi Technical Campus, Sunshine Educational And Development Society2013Private Un-Aided
Greater Noida Institute of Technology2000Private Un-Aided
Jims Engineering Management And Techinical Campus2013Private Un-Aided
Editworks School of Mass Communication,Noida (Delhi Ncr)2004Private Un-Aided
Satyam College of Education2008Private Un-Aided
Satyam Fashion Institue2007Private Un-Aided
List of Private Colleges in Gautam Buddha Nagar

List of Other Institutes in Gautam Buddha Nagar

College NameYearManagement
Accurate Business School Greater Noida
Gulshan Kumar Film And Television Institute of India
Keshav Madhav Vidhi Shikshan Sansthan
Lloyd School of Law
Patronage Group of Institutions
Sunrise Institute of Education & Tech K. K. Road, Near Dadri (G.B. Nagar)
Vishveshwarya College of Law
B.B.S. Institute of Pharmacutical And Allied Science, Greater Noida
Center For Management And Technology
Chaudhary Charan Singh College of Pharmacy
College of Engineering And Tech., Iilm Academy For Higher Learning, Greater Noida
I E C College of Engineering And Technology , G.B.Nagar
Priyadarshani College of Computer Sciences,Gautam Buddh Nagar
U. P. Institute of Design, Noida
Accman Business School
Kcc Institute of Legal And Higher Education
Noida International Institute of Medical Sciences
Noida International University School of Nursing
M.B. College,  Dadri (G.B. Nagar) Ph.No .0120-26626511968Local Body
Ramkali College of Law2015Local Body
Vijay Singh Pathik Institute of Law Bheel Akbarpur, Dadri, Gautambudh Nagar2011Local Body
Noida Institute of Engg. And Technology, (Mca Institute), Greater Noida2001Local Body
Symbiosis Center For Management Studies, Noida2010Local Body
Bit Extension Center, Noida1997University
Symbiosis Law School, Noida2010University
List of Other Institutes in Gautam Buddha Nagar

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