List of All Degree Colleges in Rajasthan for 2025

List of all Colleges in Rajasthan. Government and private degree college name and year of Establishment.

Colleges in Rajasthan


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List of Colleges in Jaipur

List of Govt Colleges in Jaipur

College NameYearManagement
National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur1976Central Government
Cipet Institute of Petrochemichals Techology, Jaipur2020Central Government
Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Technology,Jaipur2000Central Government
S.B.S. Girls College, Govindgarh2014Central Government
Dhooleshwar Govt. Sanskrit Pg , Manoharpur1970State Government
Government Laxmi Nath Shastri Sanskrit College Chithwari1999State Government
Government Sanskrit College, Titariya2004State Government
Government Shashtri Sanskrit College Mahapura1962State Government
Maharaja Government Sanskrit Pg College Jaipur1852State Government
Shrimati Govindi Devi Sahariya Government Sanskrit Ug College Kaladera1972State Government
Indian Institute of Craft And Design1995State Government
Baba Bhagwan Das Government College, Chimanpura1977State Government
Baba Gangadas Govt. Girls College, Jaipur1997State Government
B.N.D. Government Arts College, Chimanpura2016State Government
Government College Bagru Jaipur2020State Government
Government College Bassi2019State Government
Government College Chaksu2019State Government
Government College, Jaipur2013State Government
Government College Jamdoli Jaipur2020State Government
Government College Kanwar Nagar Brahmpuri Jaipur2020State Government
Government College Kotkhawada2020State Government
Government College Radawas2020State Government
Government College Sanganer Jaipur2019State Government
Government College Viratnagar2019State Government
Government Girls College Kishanpole  Jaipur2019State Government
Govt. College Dudu2018State Government
Govt College Jamwa Ramgarh Jaipur2019State Government
Govt College Phagi2019State Government
Govt. Girls College, Chomu1999State Government
Govt. Shakambhar Pg College, Sambhar Lake, Jaipur1969State Government
Lal Bahadur Shastri Government College, Kotputli1962State Government
Lbs P.G. College, Jaipur1963State Government
Maharshi Parshu Ram College, Jaipur2010State Government
Mahaveer Law College, Jaipur2003State Government
Navjeevan Mahavidyalay2015State Government
Rajasthan Sangeet Sansthan, Jaipur1950State Government
Rajasthan School of Art, Jaipur1866State Government
Rajputana Teacher Training College Kotputli2020State Government
Saraswati Mahila Mahavidhyalya Manoharpur2009State Government
Seth Rl Saharia Government Pg College, Kaladera, Jaipur1959State Government
Shri Krishna Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2011State Government
Shrimati Panadevi Morijawala Rajkiya Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Kotputli, Jaipur1997State Government
S.S. College, Jaipur2011State Government
St. Jkl College, Jaipur2010State Government
Suriya College, Banskho, Bassi2010State Government
Vinayak B.Ed. College, Jaipur, Jaipur2008State Government
Maharana Pratap National Instituteitute of Nursing Education And Research Centre, Jaipur2009State Government
S M S Medical College, Jaipur1947State Government
Sms Medical Department of Pharmacy, Jaipur1976State Government
List of Govt Colleges in Jaipur

List of Private Colleges in Jaipur

College NameYearManagement
Poornima Group of Institutions, Jaipur2009Private Aided
Regional College For Education, Research & Tech. ,Jaipur2003Private Aided
Acharya Chankya Shikshak Pratishan, Jaipur2006Private Aided
A.P.S. Shikshan  Prashikshan Mahavidyalya2013Private Aided
Aryan Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Aided
B D Memorial Kalyan Sansthan2017Private Aided
Biyani Girls College, Jaipur2003Private Aided
Gandhi Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Kishangarh1989Private Aided
Gurukul Mahavidyalaya, Mauzmabad, Jaipur2013Private Aided
Jaipur College of Education And Science2020Private Aided
Jasoda Devi Tt College, Jaipur2007Private Aided
Kalyani Devi Mahavidhyalaya Naila,2013Private Aided
Kmd Memorial College of Edu., Jaipur2006Private Aided
Maharishi Dayanand Law College, Jaipur2003Private Aided
Mahatma Gandhi College of Edu., Jaipur2004Private Aided
Pinus Regional College2017Private Aided
Piyasha Girls College2013Private Aided
Prince College2012Private Aided
Princess B.Ed. College, Jaipur2005Private Aided
Rashtriya Mahila Mahavidylay Dhanota Jaipur2013Private Aided
Rawat Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2003Private Aided
Saint Jai Girls College Doongri Kalan2016Private Aided
Saraswati Mahavidyalaya, Jagrampura, Kotkhawada2013Private Aided
Savitri Bai Phule Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2008Private Aided
S D College of Physical Education2019Private Aided
Seth Ramvilash Joshi Mahavidyalaya Tunga Bassi2018Private Aided
Seva Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2008Private Aided
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Mahila B.Ed. College, Jaipur2006Private Aided
Shri Agrasen Pg College of Edu., Jaipur1979Private Aided
Shri Arjun Mahavidhlaya Antela2017Private Aided
Shri Govind College2014Private Aided
Shri Maharaja Vinayak Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Aided
S S Jain Subodh P G College, Jaipur1954Private Aided
Stani Memorial Pg College, Jaipur1998Private Aided
Supreme Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2009Private Aided
Swami Vivekanand Mahavidhyalaya Badhal2017Private Aided
Barala Nursing College2016Private Aided
D.P. Tiwari Medical And Nursing Educational Institute2010Private Aided
Ganadhipati Purushottam Shekhawati College of Nursing2015Private Aided
Mother Teresa Nursing And Paramedical Instituteitute, Jaipur2009Private Aided
Nimt College of Nursing, Jaipur2007Private Aided
Rawat Nursing College, Jaipur2008Private Aided
Sahnaaj College of Nursing, Jaipur2010Private Aided
Shivaji College of Nursing, Jaipur2009Private Aided
Shree Ram College of Nursing, Jaipur2012Private Aided
Aarogya Homoeopathic Medical College2018Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Jyotiba Fule Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya2013Private Un-Aided
Rajasthan Unani Medical College And Hospital, Jaipur1980Private Un-Aided
Sri Shiridi Sai Baba Ayurved College And Hospital, Mundiyagarh, Kishangargh Renwal2010Private Un-Aided
Swasthya Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathy Medical College & Research Institute, Jaipur2002Private Un-Aided
Dr. Mpk Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre1965Private Un-Aided
Akasha Deepa Tt College2001Private Un-Aided
Deep Shikha Sansrit Tt College2007Private Un-Aided
Kumari Lakshmi Badhala Education And Research Institute2008Private Un-Aided
Prachya Vidya Peeth1989Private Un-Aided
Rajasthan Shikshaka Prashikshana Mahavidyalaya1967Private Un-Aided
Rajasthan Shiksha Mahavidyala1967Private Un-Aided
Sanskar Bharti T T College2006Private Un-Aided
Shri Ramjilal Memorial Sanskrit  Tt College2008Private Un-Aided
Siddarth Tt College2007Private Un-Aided
Sri Dadu Sanskrit College1920Private Un-Aided
Sri Digambar Jain Sanskrit Pg College1885Private Un-Aided
Ss Yoga College2018Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Gandhi College of Hospital Administration2019Private Un-Aided
Bharti Bal Mandir Samiti, Ayurved Nursing Training Centre, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Jyotiba Phoole Ayurved Nursing Training Centre,Chaumu2007Private Un-Aided
Ananta Institute of Hotel Management  Allied Studies2017Private Un-Aided
Biyani Institute of Skill Development2018Private Un-Aided
Institute of Hotel Management And Culinary Studies2011Private Un-Aided
Neewara Academy2017Private Un-Aided
Aayojan School of Architecture,Jaipur1999Private Un-Aided
Advait Vedanta Institute of Technology, Jaipur2012Private Un-Aided
Anand International College of Engeering2010Private Un-Aided
Apex Institute of Engineering & Technology,Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Apex Institute of Management & Science1998Private Un-Aided
Arya College of Engg. & Information Technology, Jaipur2000Private Un-Aided
Arya College of Engineering & Research Center,Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Arya Institute of Engineering Technology And Management2013Private Un-Aided
Arya Institute of Engineering & Technology,Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Baldev Ram Mirdha Institutes of Technology(East Campus),Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Biff & Bright College of Engg. & Tech. ,Dudu,Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Biff & Bright College of Technical Education2009Private Un-Aided
Biyani Institute of Science & Management2006Private Un-Aided
Compucom Institute of Information Technology & Management2001Private Un-Aided
Compucom Institute of Technology & Management,Jaipur2001Private Un-Aided
Dr. Radhakrishnan Institute of Technology,Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Global Institute of Technology,Jaipur2002Private Un-Aided
Iilm Academy of Higher Learning, Jaipur1998Private Un-Aided
International School of Informatics & Management1995Private Un-Aided
Jagan Nath Gupta Institute of Engineering & Technology,Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Jaipur Engineering College,Kukas,Jaipur2000Private Un-Aided
Jaipur Engineering College & Research Center,Jaipur2000Private Un-Aided
Jaipur Institute of Engineering & Management,Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Jaipur Institute of Technology Group of Institutions,Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering And School of Management,Jaipur2002Private Un-Aided
Khandelwal Vaish Girls Institute of Technology2010Private Un-Aided
Maharani Girls Enggineering College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Maharishi Arvind Institute of Engineering & Technology,Jaipur1999Private Un-Aided
Maharishi Arvind Institute of Science And Management1997Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Gandhi Engineering College,Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Pink City Engineering College & Research Center,Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Poddar Management And Technical Campus2011Private Un-Aided
Poornima College of Engineering,Jaipur2000Private Un-Aided
Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology,Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Rajasthan College of Engineering For Women,Jaipur2002Private Un-Aided
Rajdhani Engineering College,Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
School of Arch. Apex Group of Institutions, Jaipur2012Private Un-Aided
Shankara Institute of Management,Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Shankara Institute of Technology,Jaipur2001Private Un-Aided
Shankara International School of Management & Research,Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Shri Bhawani Niketan Inst. of Tech. & Management,Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Sine International Institute of Technology,Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Sri Balaji College of Engineering & Technology,Jaipur2000Private Un-Aided
S.S. Jain Subodh Mgt. Institute, Jaipur2012Private Un-Aided
Stani Memorial College of Engg. & Technology,Phagi,Jaipur2000Private Un-Aided
Subodh Institute of Management & Career Studies1999Private Un-Aided
Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan2000Private Un-Aided
Swami Vivekanand Inst of Mgmt & Tech2009Private Un-Aided
Tirupati College of Technical Education2009Private Un-Aided
Vedic Gurukul Institute of Engineering And Technology, Jaipur2012Private Un-Aided
Vivekanand Institute of Technology,Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Yagyavalkya Institute of Technology,Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Aadarsh B.Ed. College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Aadarsh Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Aatmaram College, Jaipur2001Private Un-Aided
Aatma Ram Tt College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Abhinav International College For Girls, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Agrasen College2018Private Un-Aided
Agrawal Evening College, Jaipur1982Private Un-Aided
Agrawal P.G. College, Jaipur1954Private Un-Aided
Agrawal Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Ahangran Girls College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Akashdeep P.G. Girls College, Jaipur2018Private Un-Aided
Akashdeep Tt Girls College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Akhandata Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Alankar Girls Law College2014Private Un-Aided
Alankar Mahila B.Ed. College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Alankar Mahila P G Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Alka Memorial Girls College2017Private Un-Aided
Amer Maharaja College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
A N B.Ed. College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
A.N. College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Anuradha Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Apex College For Girls2017Private Un-Aided
Aravali College2020Private Un-Aided
Aravali Mahavidyalaya, Bassi, Jaipur2011Private Un-Aided
Arch Research College For Higher Education Evening2018Private Un-Aided
Arch Research College For Higher Education, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Arya Mahila T T College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Aryan International College Narehada2009Private Un-Aided
Arya Perfect Graduate College2017Private Un-Aided
Ashutosh Pg Mahavidyalaya2006Private Un-Aided
Asian Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Astha Colege of Edu., Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Bagru Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Bagru Shikshak Prashikahan Mahavi., Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Basant Mahavidyalaya2010Private Un-Aided
B D Memorial B.Ed. College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
B.D. Memorial Mahavidayalaya2015Private Un-Aided
Beena Mahavidyalaya2015Private Un-Aided
Bhagwan Mahaveer Law College & Research Centre, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Bharat College2020Private Un-Aided
Bharat Law College, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Bharti Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Bharti Vidhyapeeth, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Bharti Vidyapeeth T T College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Bhavan’s College of Communication & Mgt., Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Biff & Bright College of Tech. Edu., Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Biff & Bright T T College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Biyani College of Sc. & Mgt., Jaipur2011Private Un-Aided
Biyani Girls College., B.Ed. College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Biyani Institute of Physical Education2020Private Un-Aided
Biyani Law College2014Private Un-Aided
Bright Future Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Bright Moon B.Ed. College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Bright Moon Girls P.G. College, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Bright Star Girls College Dudu2011Private Un-Aided
B.R. Mahavidyalay2016Private Un-Aided
B.R. Memorial Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
B R Memorial T T College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
B.S.N. College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Bsn College of Education2006Private Un-Aided
Cambridge Court College of Edu., Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Chhatrapati Shivaji Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2011Private Un-Aided
Choudhary Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Compucom Institute of Information Technology And Management Evening2018Private Un-Aided
Compucom Inst. of Infor. Tech. & Mgt., Jaipur2001Private Un-Aided
Dayanand Arya Vedic College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Dcs Mahila T T College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
D C S P.G. College, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Deepak Girls College Paota Jaipur2016Private Un-Aided
Deep International College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Deepshikha College of Technical Education, Jaipur2001Private Un-Aided
Deepshikha Tt College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Devansh Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Devmahavidyalaya Thali Jamwaramgarh2019Private Un-Aided
Disha, Jaipur1995Private Un-Aided
Divyadarshini Mahila Mahavidayalaya Bhojpura Kalan2020Private Un-Aided
Dpc College Manoharpur  Teh Shahpura Jaipur2020Private Un-Aided
Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Mahavidhyalaya, Govindgarh2012Private Un-Aided
Dr. B. R Ambedkar P G College, Jaipur1999Private Un-Aided
Dr Radhakrishnan Degree College2018Private Un-Aided
Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma P G College, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Eashwaramma Shikshak Prashkshan Mahavi., Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Educosm College2014Private Un-Aided
Gandi Devi Shikshan Sansthan, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Gaurav College of Edu., Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
G D College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Gramodaya Girls College2019Private Un-Aided
Gurukul College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Gyandeep P G Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Hans College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Hans College of Edu., Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Hans College Paota2017Private Un-Aided
Hans Law College, Kotputli2011Private Un-Aided
Harsh Mahila Mahavidyalaya2019Private Un-Aided
Icg Inst. of Edu. Research & Development, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Ideal Mahavidhyalaya2016Private Un-Aided
Igm Tt College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Imperial Pg College, Badanpura2012Private Un-Aided
Iris College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Jagriti Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Jai Baba Amarnath Mahavidyalaya2013Private Un-Aided
Jasoda Devi College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
J.B.Girls College Toonga2013Private Un-Aided
J B International College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
J D Girls College, Hasteda2011Private Un-Aided
J D P.G. College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Jobner P G Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
J.V.M. Girls College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Kasturi Devi College, Chaksu2012Private Un-Aided
Kautilya College of Excellence Jaipur2020Private Un-Aided
Kautilya Law College2015Private Un-Aided
Kedia Institute of Science And Management College2011Private Un-Aided
K G R Mahavidhyalay2014Private Un-Aided
Khoj Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Khoj Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Kiran Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Kisan Law College2019Private Un-Aided
Lal Bahadur Shastri Mahila Mahavidhyalaya, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Lal Bahadur Shastri Mahila Tt College, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur1996Private Un-Aided
Late Ku. Laxmi Badhala Mahila College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Late Ku. Laxmi Badhla Mahila Tt College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Laxmi Bai Mahila Tt College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
L B S College of Education2015Private Un-Aided
Lokesh Tt College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Lokmanya Tilak Degree B.Ed. College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Maharani Girls College, Nh-8 Suratpura Road,Kalwara2011Private Un-Aided
Maharishi Arvind School of Mgt. Studies, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Maharshi Dayanand B.Ed. College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Maharshi Sandeepani Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Maharshi Vashistha Mahavidyalaya2017Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Gandhi College2018Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Gandhi International Girls College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Jyotiba Fule Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Jyotiba Fule Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole Women’s B.Ed. College, Jaipur2001Private Un-Aided
Mahaveer B.Ed. College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Mahaveer College of Commerce2011Private Un-Aided
Maheshwari Girls P.G. College2010Private Un-Aided
Malviya College For Girls, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Manavata Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Mansha Ram Bangarwa (Mrb) College Kishangarh Renwal, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Marigold B.Ed. College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Meera Keshav Mahila B.Ed. College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Mehta College & Institute of Technology, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Mehta Girls College2016Private Un-Aided
Mehta Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Mira Girls College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Mkb Mahila B.Ed. Mahavi., Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Modern Edu. Society Women Tt College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Mother Teresa College For Girls2011Private Un-Aided
Mother Teresa Memorial Public College2020Private Un-Aided
Mukesh Mahavidyalaya2020Private Un-Aided
Muslim Balika Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur1994Private Un-Aided
M Wings Girls College Renwal Manji Phagi Jaipur2019Private Un-Aided
Nanu Ram Choudhary Memorial Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Nav Bharti Tt College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Navodaya Girls T T College Malviya Nagar Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Navrang Mahavidhalaya2011Private Un-Aided
Navrang Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
New Adarsh College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
New Adarsh Mahila Tt College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Nimt Mahila B.Ed College2015Private Un-Aided
Nimt Technical And Professional College2003Private Un-Aided
N K Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Om College of Arts Commerce And Sciences2016Private Un-Aided
Parishkar College of Global Excellence, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Parishkar Inst. of Edu., Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Parishkar International College2015Private Un-Aided
P D College of Higher Education2020Private Un-Aided
Pinkcity Girls College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Pink City Law College2015Private Un-Aided
Piyush College2015Private Un-Aided
Poddar International College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Poddar Mgt. Tranning Institute, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Pooja College, Dhakawala2013Private Un-Aided
Prabha Devi Memorial Mahavidhayala, Kabari, Doongri, Mundota2014Private Un-Aided
Prakash Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Pratap Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Pratap T.T. College2015Private Un-Aided
Prince Girls College, Badhal2012Private Un-Aided
Radhika Mahila Mahavidyalaya2016Private Un-Aided
Ragghukul Degree College, Rampuara , Raithal2015Private Un-Aided
Raghukul College of Education, Chaksu, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Raghukul College of Excellence2013Private Un-Aided
Rahul Chandija Memorial College, Bhanpur Kalan2015Private Un-Aided
Rajasthan College, Paota2010Private Un-Aided
Rajasthan Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Rajasthan School of Law For Women2018Private Un-Aided
Rajasthan Shikshak Prashikshan Vidyapeeth, Jaipur1967Private Un-Aided
Rajasthan Shiksha Mahaiv, Jaipur1967Private Un-Aided
Rajdhani Law College, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Rajguru Mahavidhyalaya2014Private Un-Aided
Rajputana P G College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Raj Shree Mahila Tt College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Ramakrishna Degree College2020Private Un-Aided
Rama Krishna Integrated Degree College2017Private Un-Aided
Rama Krishna Women’s Tt College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Ram Krishan Colege of Edu., Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Ratan Devi College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Ravi Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidhyalaya2015Private Un-Aided
Rawat Mahila B.Ed. College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Rekha Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Riddhi Siddhi Vinayak College2011Private Un-Aided
Rose Tt College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Rukmani Devi Girls College Chaksu2019Private Un-Aided
Ryan College of Education & Technology Center, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Sadguru Institute of Education2017Private Un-Aided
Sadguru Institute of Professional Education, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Sagar College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Sainik Defence College2020Private Un-Aided
Saint Soldier College For Girls, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Sand Dunes B.Ed. College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Sanjay Tt College, Jaipur1986Private Un-Aided
Sanskar Bharti Mahila Tt College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Sanskar Bharti P G College, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Sanskar Girls College2016Private Un-Aided
Sanskar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2015Private Un-Aided
Sanskar T T College2017Private Un-Aided
Sanskriti College2014Private Un-Aided
Sant Jayacharya Mahila College, Jaipur1983Private Un-Aided
Sant Jogendra Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Sant Kabir P G Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Sant Kabir Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Saraswati Girls College2019Private Un-Aided
Saraswati Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Kaladera, Chomu2016Private Un-Aided
Savitri Bai Phule Shikshak Prashikshan Mahila Mahavi., Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Girls Bed College Hingonia Jhotwara Jaipur2017Private Un-Aided
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Girls College, Hingonia2010Private Un-Aided
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Law College, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Shankara Inst. of B.Ed. College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Shankara Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Sharda Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Shivam Mahila Mahavidyalay2019Private Un-Aided
Shiv Saaraswati Mahila Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Shree Karni College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Shri Bharti Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Shri Bhawani Niketan Law College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Shri Bhawani Niketan Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur1990Private Un-Aided
Shri Bhawani Niketan P G Boys College, Jaipur1997Private Un-Aided
Shri Bhawani Niketan Tt College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Shri Bl Memorial Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Shri B R Sunda College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Shri Ganga Singh College2014Private Un-Aided
Shri Gauri Shankar  Bihani Mahila Mahavidyalay, Keshav Vidyapeeth,Jamdoli,Jaipur2011Private Un-Aided
Shri Kalyan College2013Private Un-Aided
Shri Khandelwal Vaish P G Girls College, Jaipur1990Private Un-Aided
Shri Khandelwal Vaish P G Mahavidyalalay, Jaipur1986Private Un-Aided
Shri Krishan Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Shri Krishan Shikshan Sansthan B.Ed. College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Shri Krishan Tt College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Shri Krishna Law College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Shri Krishna Mahavidhlaya, Govindgarh Teh Chomu, Jaipur2011Private Un-Aided
Shri Krishna Mahila Mahavidhylya2014Private Un-Aided
Shri Lal Bahadur Shatri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2000Private Un-Aided
Shri Mangal Maila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Shri Minesh Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Shri Narayan Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Shri Narayan Singh Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Shri Pitambra P G Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Shri Rishikul Mahavidyalaya, Hadota2012Private Un-Aided
Shri Sanskar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Shri Sanskar Tt College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Shri Sharma Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Mahila B.Ed. College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Pg College, Kishangarh2003Private Un-Aided
Shri Shyam Mahavidyalaya, Chandwaji2011Private Un-Aided
Shri Shyam Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Shyam Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Siddharth College of Edu., Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Siddharth Shiksha Sansthan, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Siddhi Vinayak T.T. College, V.K.I Area, Sikar Road, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
S.J. College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Smt. Anar Devi Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Smt. Anar Devi T T College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Smt. Kamla Devi Tt College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Smt. Sarbati Devi Mahila Tt College, Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Sneh Tt College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Sonidevi Kanaram College, Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Sri Balaji College, Kotkhawda, Chaksu2012Private Un-Aided
Sri Balaji P G Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Sri Balaji Tt College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Sri Kalyan Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Sri Sathya Sai College For Women, Jaipur1974Private Un-Aided
S S College Tutoly2013Private Un-Aided
S S  G Pareek Pg College, Jaipur1956Private Un-Aided
Ssg Pareek Pg College of Education, Jaipur1965Private Un-Aided
S S G Pareek P G Girl’s College, Chomu1996Private Un-Aided
S S G Pareek P G Girls College, Jaipur1986Private Un-Aided
S. S. Jain Subodh College of Global Excellence2015Private Un-Aided
S S Jain Subodh Commerce & Arts College, Jaipur1977Private Un-Aided
S S Jain Subodh Girls P.G. College, Sangnaer, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Ss Jain Subodh Mahila Tt College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
S S Jain Subodh Pg Mahila College, Jaipur1999Private Un-Aided
S S S College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Sss Tt College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
St.J.K.L.Teachers Training College2015Private Un-Aided
St. Joseph Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
St Mother Teresa Degree College2017Private Un-Aided
St. Wilfred College of Law, Jaipur2002Private Un-Aided
St. Wilfred’s College For Girls, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
St Wilfreds Evening College For Girls2017Private Un-Aided
St. Wilfred’s P.G. College, Jaipur2001Private Un-Aided
St. Wilfred’s Tt College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
St. Xaviers College, Nevta2015Private Un-Aided
St. Xavier’s College Pg College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
St. Xavier Tt College, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Subodh Law College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Sunrise College of Education, Kishangarh Renwal Jaipur2018Private Un-Aided
Superking Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Supreme Bal Bharti Tt College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Swami Gangadas Teacher Training College,Kheda2016Private Un-Aided
Swami Vivekanand College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Swami Vivekanand Mahavidhayalya, Chaksu2013Private Un-Aided
Swami Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya, Jobner, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Swami Vivekanand Teacher Training College2015Private Un-Aided
Swarup College of Education, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
S W S College, Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Tagore Adarsh Pg College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Tagore Girls College  Shastri Nagar2018Private Un-Aided
Tagore Pg Girls College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Tagore Public Law College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Tagore Tt College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Taj Memorial Tt College, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Target Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Tilak Pg College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Tilak Tt College For Women, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Tirupaati College of Technical Edu., Jaipur2002Private Un-Aided
Triveni Tt College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Ujas College of Edu., Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Umd Maharani College2020Private Un-Aided
Universe Arts & Bcommerce College, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Universe Teachers Training College2015Private Un-Aided
Utkrisht Mahavidhyalya, Chomu2011Private Un-Aided
Vashundhara Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Vasundhara Mahila Pg Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Vedant Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Vedic Balika Pg Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur1995Private Un-Aided
Vedic Kanya Pg Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur1990Private Un-Aided
Vidhyasthali Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2002Private Un-Aided
Vidya Gram Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Vidyasthali Inst. of Technology Sc. & Mgt., Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Vidyasthali Law College, Jaipur2002Private Un-Aided
Vijay Central Academy Girls College2014Private Un-Aided
Vinayak Girls College, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Vinayak International College Chomu2013Private Un-Aided
Vinayak Law College, Chomu2014Private Un-Aided
Vinayak Pg College, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Vivekanand Girls Pg College, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Vivekanand Mahavidhyala, Kalu Ka Bas2014Private Un-Aided
Viveka Pg Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Vivek Degree Teacher Training College2019Private Un-Aided
Vivek Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Aadi College of Nursing, Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Aayushman Institute of Medical Science And College of Nursing2015Private Un-Aided
Akashdeep College of Pharmacy, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Anand Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Jaipur2000Private Un-Aided
Apex Instituteitute of Management And Schience, Jaipur2001Private Un-Aided
Arya College of Pharmacy, Jaipur2004Private Un-Aided
Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital And Research Centre, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Biyani Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences2019Private Un-Aided
B L M College of Nursing, Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Devi Instituteitute of Nursing College, Jaipur2011Private Un-Aided
Dhanvantri Institute of Medical Science, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
D H College of Nursing, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Eklavya Dental College And Hospital, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
G L Saini Memorial College of Nursing, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Imperial College of Nursing2010Private Un-Aided
Jai Durga College of Nursing, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Jaipur College of Nursing And Hospital, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Jaipur College of Pharmacy2003Private Un-Aided
Jaipur Hospital College of Nursing2007Private Un-Aided
Jaipur Hospital College of Physiotherapy2005Private Un-Aided
Jeevan Shree Nursing College, Jaipur2011Private Un-Aided
Lal Bahadur Shashtri College of Pharmacy, Jaipur1988Private Un-Aided
Laxmi College of Phramacy2019Private Un-Aided
Liberty College of Nursing, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Maharishi Arvind Institute  of Pharmacy2004Private Un-Aided
Maharsi Arvind College of Pharmacy, Jaipur1990Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Gandhi College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Jyotiba Fule College of Nursing, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Pink City College of Nursing, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Poddar International College of Pharmacy2019Private Un-Aided
Rajasthan Dental College And  Hospital2002Private Un-Aided
Regional College of Pharmacy, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
R R College of Nursing, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Rungta Nursing College2015Private Un-Aided
Saint Florence College of Nursing, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Saket College of Nursing, Jaipur2008Private Un-Aided
Sanskar College of Nursing, Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Shri Balaji College of Pharmacy, Jaipur2003Private Un-Aided
Shri Radha Raman Nursing, Jaipur2012Private Un-Aided
Siddharth College of Nursing2008Private Un-Aided
Soni College of Nursing, Jaipur2011Private Un-Aided
St Thomas College of Nursing, Jaipur2010Private Un-Aided
Superking College of Nursing, Jaipur2012Private Un-Aided
Swami Keshvanand Institute of Pharmacy2006Private Un-Aided
Swasthya Kalyan College of Physiotherapy, Jaipur2006Private Un-Aided
Symbiosis Instituteitute of Nursing, Jaipur2009Private Un-Aided
Tagore Nursing College2010Private Un-Aided
Tilak Institute of Medical Sciences2014Private Un-Aided
Upchar College of Nursing, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Varun College of Pharmacy, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Vidhyasthali Instituteitute of Tech, Jaipur2005Private Un-Aided
Vinayak College of Nursing, Jaipur2007Private Un-Aided
Mahatma Jyotiba Fule College of Veterinary & Animal Science (Cv 06)2009Private Un-Aided
Vivekananda Institute of Technology (East)2008Private Un-Aided
List of Private Colleges in Jaipur

List of Other Institutes in Jaipur

College/ Institute NameYearManagement
Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College And Research Centre  
Aacharya Kulam Yog Mahavidyalaya
Ahinsa Yoga Mahavidhyalaya
Ankit Yoga Mahavidhyalaya Gathwari
Ayushman Yog Mahavidyalaya
J D College of Yoga
Maharishi Sandeepani Yoga College
Meera Keshav Saheshiksha Shiksha Shastri College
Monika Yoga Collage Amer Jaipur Raj
New Ravinder Yoga Mahavidhyalaya
Rahul Chandija Memorial Yoga Mahavidhyalaya
Rama Krishna Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya
R M B K Yoga Mahavidhalaya Heerawala Jamwaramgarh Jaipur
Roopraj Yog Sadhana College
Sadhna Yog Mahavidhyalaya Khannipura
Santosh Yoga Mahavidhyalaya
Saraswati Yoga College Goner Road Jaipur
Shakti Yog Sadhana Kendra Jaipur
Shivam Yoga College
Shree Bharti Yoga Training College
Shree Ram Yog Sadhana College Nayla Bassi Jaipur
Shri Balaji Yog Mahavidhyalaya Chomu Jaipur
Shri Govind Yog Mahavidyalaya
Yogmaya Yoga Mahavidhyalaya
Jaipur National University Institute For Medical Sciences And Research Centre  
Mahatma Gandhi Dental College And Hospital, Jaipur
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Health Informatics
Mahatma Gandhi Occupational Therapy College
Galaxy Softech, Jaipur
Sharma Computer Education Centre Kotputli
Manasvi Aayush Nursing College
Cnc College of It And Management
College of Hospitality Administration
Ellen School of Art And Design
Indian Digital Academy of Skills
Indian Institute of Skill Development
Institute of Hospitality And Hotel Management
Ips College
Iraa  Animation Academy
Rajasthan College of Skills And Rural Development
Shree Shyam Baba College
Ips College of Technical Education
Maharshi Arvind Institue of Engg. & Technology,Jaipur
Akshaya Educational Girls College Jobner
Anand College
Apex Inst. of Mgt. Sc., Jaipur
Baba Ganga Das Vidhyapeeth Mahavidyalay Chimanpura Shahpura Jaipur  
Bharti Mahila Mahavidhyalaya Dhanota Jaipur
Deep Mahavidyalaya Bhainsawa
Devi Dutt Dalmia College of Physical Education, Jaipur
Gaurav T T College
Gr Memorial Girls College
Gyan Ashram College
Hans T T College, Jaipur
Jaipurchhatrapati Shivaji College, Jaipur
Jaswal College, Jaipur
Kishan Shikshak Prashikshan  College Paota Jaipur
Kotputli Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur
K R Girls College of Education Chimanpura
Lal Bahadur Shashtri Mahavidhyalaya Bilanderpur Shahpura Jaipur
Lokmanya Tilak Degree College
Maharana Pratap College Chaksu Jaipur
Maharshi Dadhichi Law College, Jaipur
Manoharpur Co Ed. College, Jaipur
Rekha Mahavidhyalaya
Research Education  And Audiological Development Society
Rg Teacher Training College
Rnb Mahila Mahavidyalaya Sanjhariya
R R College of Education
Sadguru College
Sant Jogendra Mahavidhalaya Fatehpura Kalan
Sarokar College
Seva Shikshak Prashikahan Mahavi., Jaipur
S G College
Sharda College
Shri Ram College  Sikar Road Jaipur
Shri Ram Girls College Bassi
S N Mahila Mahavidyalaya
Sunder T T College Mahapura Ajmer Road Jaipur
Sunrise Mahila Mahavidyalaya
S V B P College, Jaipur
Swami Vivekanand College Gandhipath
Swami Vivekanand Mahavidhyalaya
Tagore College
Umd Maharani College For Womens
Vivek Teacher Training College Kalwar
Instituteitute of Medical Technology And Nursing Education, Jaipur  
Ruhs College of Nursing Sciences
Ruhs Dental Collage of Scineces
Star Nursing College, Jaipur
Apex Institute of Manag. & Science (Dept. of Animal Husb.) (Ahdp 16)  
Apollo College of Veterinary Medicine (Cv:04)
B.B.M.S. Animal Husbandry College (Ahdp 17)
Chaudhary Charan Singh Animal Husbandry College (Ahdp 25)
Liberty Livestock Assistant Training Institute (Ahdp 18)
Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole Shikshan Shansthan  Lsat
M.J.F. Institute of Veterinary Science (Ahdp 23)
M.J.R. Phule Shikshan Sansthan Livestock Assistant Training (Ahdp 26)  
Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Animal Husbandry (Ahdp 19)
Shivam College of Animal Husbandry (Ahdp 20)
Shri Vinayak Research & Training Institute (Ahdp 24)
Subhash College of Animal Husbandry (Ahdp 21)
Surendra College of Animal Husbandry (Ahdp 27)
Gyan Vihar School of Engineering & Technology
Rajputana Unani Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur1926Local Body
Princess Tt College2009Local Body
Sunder Sanskit Tt College2008Local Body
Ahinsa T T College, Jaipur2008Local Body
Aryan B.Ed College2017Local Body
Baba Narayan Das P.G. College, Jaipur2004Local Body
Baba Narayandas T T College, Jaipur2008Local Body
Chhatrapati Shivaji B.Ed. College, Jaipur2008Local Body
Ganpati Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2006Local Body
Ganpati T T College, Jaipur2008Local Body
Jai Meenesh College, Bisalpur Road Phagi2011Local Body
Kanoria P G Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur1965Local Body
Maharaja Surajmal College2012Local Body
Manav P G Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2006Local Body
Mayur College, Jaipur2010Local Body
Rajasthan Swayat Shasan Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2004Local Body
Shree Ganesh Mahila Mahavidhalay, Mahishwash Kalan Rojda2013Local Body
Shree Veer Balika Pg Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur1977Local Body
Shri Gyan Vihar Mahavidhyalay2016Local Body
Shri Krishna Teacher Training College Manoharpur Jaipur2017Local Body
Shri Radha Swami College, Jaipur2010Local Body
Shri Veer Tejaji College, Jaipur2007Local Body
Smt. Hemlata Memorial College, Jaipur2007Local Body
St Wilfreds Evening College2019Local Body
Sunder Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010Local Body
Tagore Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2009Local Body
U.M.D. Maharani College, Chomu2014Local Body
Vidya Sagar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2004Local Body
Vinayak College2013Local Body
Vinayak College, Bagru2011Local Body
Biyani Instituteitute of Science And Management, Jaipur2011Local Body
Medical And Technology Instituteitute of Nursing, Jaipur2009Local Body
Rajasthan College of Nursing, Jaipur2010Local Body
Rajasthan Pharmacy College, Jaipur2006Local Body
Jaipur Campus2002University
Swasthya Kalyan Institute of Naturopathy And Yogic Sciences2014University
Adarsh Bal Shala Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2007University
Adarsh Sanskar Kanya Mahavidyalaya2016University
Dr.Radhakrishan T.T. College2008University
Geeta Bajaj Girls Tt College, Jaipur1976University
Laxmi Mahila Mahavidhyla BidaraUniversity
Manas Ganga College Women2017University
Pratibha Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2008University
Purushottam Mahavidhyalaya2012University
R K Vigyan P G Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2003University
Shree Ram College, Jaipur2014University
Shri Kalyan Tt College, Jaipur2008University
Shri Mahatma Jyotiba Fule Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur2010University
Shri Mahaveer Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavi., Jaipur2007University
Tagore B.Ed. College, Jaipur2008University
Government Dental College, Jaipur1983University
Jai Durga College of Physiotherapy2006University
Ruhs College of Medical Sciences, Jaipur2014University
Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary Education And Research (Pgiver)2012University
List of Other Institutes in Jaipur

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