CBI Recruitment 2023 Application Form

Send application form to join Central Bureau of Investigation as law intern for officers of CBI at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow and Bangalore.


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CBI Recruitment 2023: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) invites eligible candidates to submit prescribed application form for 30 Vacancies.

Eligible candidates apply before last date in prescribed application form under CBI Law Internship Scheme-2023 for officers of CBI at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow and Bangalore.

CBI under its Law Internship Scheme-2023 seeks to engage 30 law interns from amongst Indian nationals, who are law students of Graduate course enrolled in reputed Law University/Institutes.

These “Interns” shall be attached with the officers of CBI at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow and Bangalore and would be expected to supplement the process of analysis within the Agency through empirical collection and collation of in-house data and other information.

Besides the knowledge of legal procedure & research the exposure to the functioning of the CBI will be an added advantage for the interns in furthering their own career goals.

CBI Law Internship Scheme-2023

As per the CBI Recruitment 2023 official notification, the CBI is inviting applications from eligible candidates under Law Internship Scheme-2023. According to the CBI Recruitment 2023, selected applicants will be appointed for a tenure of three months to six months.

CBI Recruitment 2023: Number of Interns

A total of 30 interns will be selected by CBI for locations at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow and Bangalore.

In accordance with the CBI official recruitment notification 2023, these Interns would be expected to supplement the process of analysis within the Agency through empirical collection and collation of in-house data and other information.

CBI Recruitment 2023: Eligibility

Following persons are eligible to apply for the scheme:-

a) The applicant should be a citizen of India.

b) The applicant should be a law student of Graduation course in English Medium and enrolled in reputed Law University/Institutes.

c) For those pursuing 05 years integrated LLB course, applicant should be undergoing or have completed 8th semester of the said integrated course; OR

For those pursing 03 years LLB course, applicant should be undergoing or have completed 4th semester of the said course.

Conditions of Internship in CBI Recruitment 2023

a) Payment to Interns: No payment to interns will be made during the internship and interns will have to make their own arrangements for stay and travel.

b) Medical facility: CBI will not be liable to provide any medical facility or any other facility to the Interns.

c) Employment: Internship does not provide any right for any future employment in the CBI.

d) practical exposure: Interns will be provided practical exposure to investigation and prosecution work by providing assistance to CBI law officers and investigating officers in researching court judgments on specific areas, preparation of court applications and replies, presentation of evidence / documents & examination of witnesses in court, trial work, pairvi work, data collection and any other work assigned by senior officers.

e) Oath of Secrecy: Interns are required to sign the “Oath of Secrecy” at the time of joining which will be binding on their conduct during internship and beyond.

CBI Recruitment 2023: Duration of Internship

The period of Internship shall be for a period of 03 months to 06 months.

Application Form

Candidates are required to send their applications in original with their detailed bio-data in the prescribed proforma. You also have to attach a 150 words write-up on why he/she wants to join internship in CBI.

The application form along with the documents shall be sent to

To the Superintendent of Police (Training),
CBI Academy, Hapur Road, Kamla Nehru Nagar,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh – 201002.

Your application form and all necessary documents should reach to the above address on or before 30th May, 2023 through Speed Post.

Download Application form and Notification

Note that the incomplete and late applications are liable to be rejected. For any details, please contact CBI Academy at 0120-2782985 to 988, Extension- 233.

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