Calcutta University 2024: Admission, Syllabus, Exam, Result

Calcutta University Admission 2023-2024 Apply Online for UG & PG Courses like BA, B.Sc, B.Com, MA, M.Sc, M.Com and PhD. Bachelors and Masters Degree Course.


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Calcutta University (CU) Admission 2023-24: University of Calcutta online application form available for admission in UG (Under Graduation) & PG (Post Graduation) Courses. CU offers bachelors and masters degree courses including BA, B.Sc, B.Com, MA, M.Sc, M.Com and PhD.

The mode of application is online/offline depending upon the nature of the course at the Calcutta University (CU).

CU reserves 60% of seats for the candidates of CU and the remaining 40% of seats are open for non-CU candidates. Calcutta University invite applications every year and conducts an entrance exam for 40% non-CU seats for admission to a respective PG programme (wherever applicable).

For UG courses there will be no entrance exam admission will be given through WBJEE score and Merit list. The entrance exam for PG course will be held in online mode. WBJEEB will conduct West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations (WBJEE) 2023 on Apr 30, 2023.

Calcutta University Courses 2024

Following are the list of courses offered by CU for the academic year 2023-24:

  1. B.A. (Hons)
  2. B.A. LL.B.
  3. B.A.
  4. B.Com (Hons)
  5. B.Com
  6. B.E. / B.Tech
  7. B.Ed
  8. B.Lib.I.Sc.
  9. B.Sc(Hons.)
  10. B.Sc.
  11. BBA
  12. BBM/BMS
  13. Certificate
  14. M.A.
  15. M.Com
  16. M.E./M.Tech
  17. M.Ed
  18. M.Phil
  19. M.Sc.
  20. MBA/PGDM
  21. MCA
  22. MSW
  23. PG Diploma
  24. Ph.D.

Calcutta University Admission 2023

The University of Calcutta invites admission application forms online and offline mode for the academic year 2023-24.

For undergraduate courses — Arts (BA), Commerce (B.Com.) and Science (BSc) streams (except engineering courses)—one can apply directly for multiple courses based on their Higher Secondary (HS) School Certificate examination or any equivalent exam results.

Calcutta University Trending Updates 2023-24:

  1. Admission into PhD in Biochemistry is open till April 06, 2023 and the Entrance will be held on April 21, 2023 at Calcutta university. (Source)
  2. Calcutta University MBA (Financial Management) Admission 2023-25 started, students can apply till 28 April 2023Source
  3. Application form last date is 4th May 2023 for admission to M. Tech Courses for the Session 2023-2024. Candidate appeared/ going to appear in the final semester/year exam 2023 are also eligible to apply. Download Admission Notice.

For Under Graduate Courses (1st year admission)

UG Course 1st YearAdmission Date
Online Application form availableJuly 2023
Last date for admission formAugust 2023
Publication of Merit ListsAugust 2023
Completion of AdmissionSeptember 2023
1st Semester session starts fromSeptember 2023
Official CU

For Post Graduate Courses (1st year admission)

PG Course 1st YearAdmission Date
CU UG Courses Final Semester Result DateAugust 2023
Admission form starts fromSeptember 2023
Last date for Application FormSeptember 2023
Publication of Merit ListsSeptember 2023
Completion of AdmissionOctober 2023
Start of 1st Semester of PG Courses fromNovember 2023
CU Official

No Counseling and Document Verification

On-line admission process should be done based on merit. Prospective students should not be called for counseling or verification of documents during the process of admission. No physical presence will be required at the College/ University.

Verification of documents, if required, should be done only when the students report for the classes in due course. Admission will be cancelled if the documents are found not in conformity with the declaration in the forms submitted on-line.

Free Application form and Prospectus

No Charges shall be taken from the students for:

  • Scanning/ uploading of documents for online admission and
  • Providing/ making available the application form/ prospectus of admission in all UG/ PG level courses.

Inform Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants should be informed directly by the College/ University authorities through letter or e-mail or telecommunication.

Mode of Payment of Admission Fee

Payment of fees should be done only through e-payment or designated banks and not physically at the colleges.

Calcutta University Syllabus 2023

University of Calcutta Syllabus 2023: Students of Calcutta University (CU) may download PDF of UG syllabus 2023 under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) courses of B.A., B.Sc., and B.Com. streams.

Subject NameCourseDownload Syllabus 2023
Advertising sales promotion & sales management – ASPVMajorDownload
AnthropologyHonours / GeneralDownload
Arabic Honours / GeneralDownload
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)HonoursDownload
Bachelor of Fashion and Apparel Design (B.F.A.D) HonoursDownload
Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A)HonoursDownload
Bengali Honours, General, LCC2, AECC1Download
BiochemistryHonours / GeneralDownload
Bio-MathematicsHonours, General, LCC2, AECC1Download
B. Music and MusicHonours / GeneralDownload
BotanyHonours / GeneralDownload
ChemistryHonours / GeneralDownload
Clinical Nutrition and dietetics CNDVMajorDownload
Communicative EnglishMajorDownload
Computer Application (CMAV)MajorDownload
Computer ScienceHonours / GeneralDownload
Defence StudiesGeneralDownload
EducationHonours / GeneralDownload
Economics Honours / GeneralDownload
EnglishHonours, General, LCC1, LCC2, AECC1Download
ElectronicsHonours / GeneralDownload
Environmental ScienceHonours / GeneralDownload
Environmental StudiesAECC2Download
Film Studies GeneralDownload
Food and NutritionHonours / GeneralDownload
FrenchHonours / GeneralDownload
GeographyHonours / GeneralDownload
GeologyHonours / GeneralDownload
HindiHonours, General, LCC2, AECC1Download
HistoryHonours / GeneralDownload
Home Science Extension EducationGeneralDownload
House Hold Art GeneralDownload
Human DevelopmentHonours / GeneralDownload
Human RightsGeneralDownload
Human RightsHonoursDownload
Industrial Fish and Fisheries- IFFVMajorDownload
Islamic HistoryHonours / GeneralDownload
Journalism and Mass CommunicationHonours / GeneralDownload
Library and Information StudiesHonoursDownload
MathematicsHonours / GeneralDownload
MicrobiologyHonours / GeneralDownload
Mol. Biology GeneralDownload
PersianHonours / GeneralDownload
PhilosophyHonours / GeneralDownload
PhysiologyHonours / GeneralDownload
PhysicsHonours / GeneralDownload
Physical EducationGeneralDownload
Political ScienceHonours / GeneralDownload
PsychologyHonours / GeneralDownload
UrduHonours, General, LCC2, AECC1Download
Sanskrit Honours / GeneralDownload
SociologyHonours / GeneralDownload
Social Science GeneralDownload
Sericulture – SRTVMajorDownload
StatisticsHonours / GeneralDownload
Tourism & Travel Management TTMV MajorDownload
Women StudiesGeneralDownload
ZoologyHonours / GeneralDownload

Calcutta University Exams 2023

CU Exams 2023: B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com. Semester-I (Major/ Honours/ General) Examination 2022 exams are scheduled to be held during 1st-14th March, 2023 under CBCS.

B.FAD. Semester-I (Honours & General) Examination -2022 to be conducted during 28th February to 3rd March 2023.

B.Mus. Semester-I (Honours & General) Examination – 2022 shall be held on February 28, March 1, 10, 2023.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) semester Exam dates are 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th March, 2023.

B.F.A Semester I Examination shall be held on 28th February, 2023, 1st March, 2023 and 2nd March, 2023.

B.Ed. Spl. Education (V.I.) semester I Exam dates are 14th, 15th, 16th 20th and 22nd March 2023. B.Ed. Spl. Education (M.R) Semester I Exam dates are 14th, 15th, 16th 20th, 21st and 22nd March 2023.

B.P.Ed. Semester I Examination dates are March 14-17 March 2023.

Calcutta University Result 2023

CU Result 2023: Calcutta University has recently announced its semester results for various undergraduate and post-graduate course programs. Calcutta University Result 2023 shall be declared for BA LLB Even Semester General/ Honours Exams.

The university has declared the results for many course programmes while some of them are still not yet published. CU Result 2023 are now available online at the official website

Calcutta University has declared the results of the first semester examinations for various undergraduate degree courses. To check your result, you can visit the following websites:


On the website, click on the result link for the relevant course. Enter your 12-digit roll number and hit the submit button. Your result will be displayed on the screen. You can download and print your scorecard for your reference.

If you have any problems checking your result, you can contact the Calcutta University Controller of Examinations office at 033-22410071.

Please note that the results may not be available immediately after the declaration. It may take a few hours or even a day for the results to be uploaded to the website.

How To Check Calcutta University Result?

You may see the whole procedure to get the CU Semester Result below.

  1. Candidates must first start any browser on their PC or mobile device and type (CU Website).
  2. You will be on the CU website’s home page.
  3. Go to the “Students Corner” section on the homepage.
  4. Get the link to ” CU Results” and click on it.
  5. Opening the link will ask you to fill in your study year, course name and roll number. Hit submit button.
  6. CU Result will appear. You can download that result in Pdf.

About Calcutta University

University of Calcutta or Calcutta University (CU) is located in 87/1, College Street, Kolkata-700 073, West Bengal, India. CU is a public university established on 24 January 1857.

CU is recognized as a “Five-Star University” and accredited an “A+” grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).

There are more that 20000 undergraduates and postgraduates students studies in CU. You may visit for more detail about Calcutta University. The Calcutta University has a total of 14 campuses spread over the city of Kolkata and its suburbs.

Calcutta University Campuses

CU main campus area is 2.7 acres (approx.). Following are the list of 14 Campuses:

  1. Asutosh Siksha Prangan (Commonly known as College Street Campus)
  2. Rashbehari Siksha Prangan (Commonly known as Rajabazar Science College Campus)
  3. Taraknath Palit Siksha Prangan (Commonly known as Ballygunge Science College Campus)
  4. Sahid Kshudiram Siksha Prangan (Commonly known as Alipore Campus)
  5. B.T. Road Campus
  6. Hazra Road Campus (Commonly known as Law College Campus)
  7. Viharilal Home Science Campus
  8. Technology Campus, Salt Lake
  9. University Health Service, Goenka Hospital Diagnostic Research Centre
  10. Haringhata Campus
  11. University Press and Book Depot
  12. Baruipur Campus
  13. University Grounds and Tent
  14. University Rowing Club

Calcutta University Ranking 2023

The table shows you rank status in India and global ranking of University of Calcutta.

Ranked byRank No.
AUBSP Ranking 20233 (West Bengal)
36 (India)
2952 (World)
QS Ranking 2023 (World)801–1000
QS Ranking 2023 (Asia)181
Times (World) (2023)1001–1200
Times (Asia) (2022)401-500
ARWU (2022)901-1000
NIRF (Overall) (2021)11
NIRF (Universities) (2021)4
Outlook India (Universities) (2022)2

Affiliated Colleges under Calcutta University 2023

CU Affiliated Colleges 2023: Following are the list of 152 affiliated colleges under the University of Calcutta:

CU Affiliated Colleges in Kolkata

Following are the list of 79 colleges in Kolkata District affiliated under the University of Calcutta.

SL. No.Name of Colleges in Kolkata
1Acharya Girish Ch. Bose College
2Acharya Jagadish Ch. Bose College
3Ananda Mohan College
4Asutosh College
5Bangabasi College
6Bangabasi Evening College
7Bangabasi Morning College
8Basanti Devi College
9Bengal Music College
10Bethune College (Govt.)
11Calcutta Girls’ College
12Charuchandra College
13Chittaranjan College
14City College 
15City College of Commerce & Business Administration
16Deshbandhu College for Girls
17Don Bosco College
18Goenka College of Commerce & Business Administration (Govt.)
19Gokhale Memorial Girls’ College
20Government College of Arts & Crafts
21Govt. General Degree Girls College (Govt.)
22Gurudas College
23Heramba Chandra College
24Heritage College (Self-Finance)
25Heritage Law College
26Jogamaya Devi College
27Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College
28Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri Law College
29Kanyashree College
30Khudiram Bose Central College
31Kidderpore College
32Lady Brabourne College (Govt.)
33Loreto College
34Maharaja Srischandra College
35Maharaje Manindra Ch. College
36Maharani Kasiswari College
37Milli-AL-Ameen College for Girls
38Maulana Azad College (Govt.)
39Muralidhar Girls’ College
40Naba Ballygunge Mahavidyalaya 
41Netaji Nagar College (Evening) 
42Netaji Nagar College for Women
43Netaji Nagar Day College
44New Alipore College
45Kolkata Police Law Institute (Self-Financed)
46Prafulla Chandra College
47Ramakrishna Mission Blind Boy’s Academy
48Rammohan College
49Rani Birla Girls’ College
50Savitri Girls’ College
51Scottish Church College
52Seth Anandram Jaipuria College
53Seth Soorajmull Jalan Girls’ College
54Shyambazar Law College (Self-Financed)
55Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya
56Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for Girls
57Sivanath Sastri College
58South Calcutta Girls’ College
59South Calcutta Law College
60Sri Shrikshayatan College
61State Institute of Physical Education for Women
62St. Paul’s Cathedral Mission College
63St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous)
64Surendranath College
65Surendranath College for Women
66Surendranath Evening College
67Surendranath Law College
68Syamaprasad College
69Taradevi Harakhchand Kankaria Jain College (Self-Financed)
70The Bhawanipur Education Society College
71Umesh Chandra College
72Vedanta College
73Victoria Institution (College)
74Vidyasagar College
75Vidyasagar College for Women
76Vidyasagar Evening College
77Vijaygarh Jyotish Roy College
78Women’s Christian College
79Women’s College, Calcutta

CU Affiliated Colleges in South 24 Parganas

Following are the list of 45 colleges in South 24 Parganas District affiliated under the University of Calcutta.

SL. No.Name of Colleges in South 24 Parganas
78Al Ameen Memorial Minority College (Self-Financed)
79Bankim Sardar College
80Baruipur College
81Behala College
82Bhangar Mahavidyalaya
83Bikash Bharati Law College (Self-Financed)
84Budge Budge College
85Debendranath Mondal Institute
86Dhola Mahavidyalaya
87Dhrubachand Halder College
88Dinabandhu Andrews College
89Fakir Chand College
90Gour Mohan Sachin Mondal Mahavidyalaya
91Harimohan Ghose College
92Jibantala Rokey Mahavidyalaya
93Jyotirmoy School of Law (Self-Financed)
94K. K. Das College
95Kishore Bharati Bhagini Nivedita (Co-Ed) College
96Kultali Dr. B. R. Ambedkar College
97L.J.D. College – Falta
98L.J.D. Law College – Falta (Self-Financed)
99Magrahat College
100Maheshtala College
101Metiabruz College
102Panchur College
103Patharpratima Mahavidyalaya
104Rabindra Shiksha Sammilani Law College (Self-Financed)
105Raidighi College
106Ramkrishna Mission Residential College
107Sadhan Chandra Mahavidyalaya
108Sagar Mahavidyalaya
109Saheed Anurupchandra Mahavidyalaya
110Sammilani Mahavidyalaya
111Sarsuna College
112Shishuram Das College
113Shirakole Mahavidyalaya
114Sibani Mandal Mahavidyalaya
115Sonarpur Mahavidyalaya
116Sukanta College
117Sundarban Hazi Desarat College
118Sundarban Mahavidyalaya
119Sushil Kar College
120Vidyanagar College
121Vivekananda College
122Vivekananda College for Women

CU Affiliated Colleges in Howrah

Following are the list of 22 colleges in Howrah District affiliated under the University of Calcutta.

SL. No.Name of Colleges in Howrah
123Azad Hind Fouz Smriti Mahavidyalaya
124Bagnan College
125Bijoykrishna Girls’ College
126Shibpur Dinobundhoo Institution (College)
127Dr. Kanailal Bhattacharya College
128Gangadharpur Mahavidyamandir
129George School of Law (S.F)
130Joypur Panchanan Roy College
131Lalbaba College
132Narasinha Dutt College
133Panchla Mahavidyalaya
134Prabhu Jagatbandhu College
135Purash Kanpur Haridas Nandi Mahavidyalaya
136Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira
137Ramkrishna Mission Vidyamandira
138Ramsaday College
139Shyampur Siddheswari Mahavidyalaya
140Sovarani Memorial College
141Sree Agrasain College (Self-Finance)
142Sureswar Dutta Law College (S.F)
143Udaynarayanpur Madhabilata
144Uluberia College Mahavidyalaya

CU Affiliated Colleges in Hooghly

Following are the list of 8 colleges in Hooghly District affiliated under the University of Calcutta.

SL. No.Name of Colleges in Hooghly
145Nabagram Hiralal Paul College
146Bidhan Chandra College
147Serampore College
148Raja Peary Mohan College
149Swami Niswambalananda Girls’ College
150Serampore Girls’ College
151Mahitosh Nandi Mahavidyalaya
152Vidyasagar Mahavidyalaya

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