CA Inter Toppers May 2018: Merit List & Pass Percentage

CA Intermediate Toppers May 2018. Download marksheet, merit list of top 50 rank holders and pass percentage of CA IPCC and CA Intermediate.


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The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) released the CA Intermediate (IPC) May 2018 Merit List and Pass Percentage on July 29, 2018. This was the first time that ICAI released a Merit List for the CA Intermediate (IPC) examination.

CA Inter/IPCC Toppers: Sakhshi Airan, Radhika Chauthmal Beriwala and Akshit Agarwal are CA Intermediate Toppers May 2018 under new course. Deepa Jain, Lakshmanan A. and Parth Gupta are CA IPCC May 2018 top three rank holders.

Pass Percentage: Overall CA Intermediate pass percentage May 2018 is 35.00% for students appeared under new syllabus and 14.50% for students appeared under old syllabus i.e. IPCC.

Total 182656 students admitted in CA Intermediate (IPC) May 2018 Examination (Old Course) at 445 Exam Centres across the globe. Whereas, 34667 students admitted in the CA Intermediate May 2018 exams in 253 exam centres under newly revised scheme.

If you have cleared CA IPCC examination, you are eligible to get admission in CA Final Course. CA Final course exam is the last level of examination to become an Indian Chartered Accountant.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) announced the result of Chartered Accountants IPCC/Intermediate Examination held in May 2018. You will find here, the detail analysis of CA Intermediate/IPCC result May 2018 examination.

CA IPCC Toppers May 2018

Name and marks obtained by CA IPCC toppers May 2018 under old course are mentioned below. In other words, top three rank holders on All India Basis for Chartered Accountants IPCC Examination (Existing Scheme) held in May, 2018 are mentioned below:

CA IPCC First Rank

Deepa Jain who secured 570 marks out of 700 and become all India topper in May 2018 Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Course examinations. Her ICAI exam Roll number is 351156 and Registration number i.e. SRN is NRO0444890 She is from city Delhi. You may contact her at 8295193041.

CA IPCC Second Rank

Lakshmanan A. who secured 502 marks out of 700 and become IPCC second rank holder. He is from city Coimbatore. His mobile number is 9789448365. His SRN (Student Registration Number) is SRO0625868 and exam Roll number is 334649; and

IPCC Third Rank

Parth Gupta who secured 478 marks out of 700 and secure AIR third position. He is from city Delhi. His CA Intermediate exam Roll number is 339906 and ICAI Student Registration Number (SRN) is NRO0433970. You may talk to him at his phone number 9953475954.

CA Intermediate Toppers May 2018

Top three rank holders on All India Basis for Chartered Accountants Intermediate Examination (Revised Scheme) held in May, 2018 are listed here. In other words, the Names and marks obtained by CA Intermediate rank holders in May 2018 under new syllabus are mentioned below.

AIR-1 in CA Inter

Sakhshi Airan who secured 669 marks out of 800 and become all India topper. Her ICAI Roll number is 515471 and Registration number i.e. SRN is CRO0609779. She is from city Indore. You may contact her at 8602206024.

AIR-2 in CA Inter

Radhika Chauthmal Beriwala who secured 659 marks out of 800 and become second rank holder. She is from city Bengaluru. Her mobile number is 7621832641. Her SRN (Student Registration Number) is WRO0627872 and exam Roll number is 529456; and

AIR-3 in CA Inter

Akshit Agarwal who secured 646 marks out of 800 and become third rank holder. He is from city Jaipur His CA Intermediate exam Roll number is 516591 and ICAI Student Registration Number (SRN) is CRO0610433. You may talk to him at his phone number 7014332216.

CA IPCC Toppers Marksheet May 2018

Following three candidates of CA Intermediate (IPC) Course have passed ICAI Intermediate level exam with distinction and become Chartered Accountant. The statement showing the marks of individual/each papers of CA IPCC May 2018 toppers:

NameDeepa JainLakshmanan A.Parth Gupta
ROLL Number351156334649339906
Registration No.NRO0444890SRO0625868NRO0433970
Phone No.829519304197894483659953475954
RankAll India
All India
All India
Rank Third
Group I
Business Laws, Ethics and
Cost Accounting and
Financial Management
Group II
Advanced Accounting917977
Auditing and Assurance635359
Information Technology and
Strategic Management
Grand Total570502478

CA Intermediate Toppers Marksheet May 2018

Following three candidates of CA Intermediate New Course have passed ICAI Intermediate level exam with distinction and become Chartered Accountant. The statement showing the marks of individual/each papers of CA Intermediate May 2018 toppers under revised scheme:

NameSakhshi AiranRadhika Chauthmal BeriwalaAkshit Agarwal
ROLL Number515471529456516591
Registration No.CRO0609779WRO0627872CRO0610433
Phone No.860220602476218326417014332216
RankAIR FirstAIR SecondAIR Third
Group I
Corporate and Other Laws838875
Cost and Management Accounting918083
Group II
Advanced Accounting919585
Auditing and Assurance726075
Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic Management736872
Financial Management & Economics for Finance948677
Grand Total669659646

CA Intermediate Merit List May 2018

ICAI has released the name of top 50 rank holders in CA Intermediate May 2018 examination. Click here for downloading the merit list of

A candidate who appears and passes both the groups of CA Intermediate in one sitting without any exemption in any paper and secures a minimum marks of 55 percent in the aggregate is eligible to be included in the Merit List of Top 50 ranks.

CA IPCC Merit List May 2018

A candidate who appears and passes both the groups of Intermediate(IPC) examination in one sitting without availing of exemption in any paper and secures a minimum marks of 55% in the aggregate of both Groups was eligible to be included in the Merit List published up to 50th ranks.

Download CA IPCC May 2018 – Merit List

CA Intermediate Pass Percentage May 2018

CA Intermediate pass percentage May 2018. Following statement will show you the number of students appeared and passed in the CA Intermediate May 2018 Examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Intermediate Examination (New Course)

Candidates appeared forAppearedPassedPercentage
Group-I only13135302623.04%
Group-II only445184.04%
Both Groups19108343517.98%
Passed Group-I only491925.74%
Passed Group-II only150.08%
  • No. of Students admitted in CA Intermediate Exams – 34667
  • No. of Students appeared in CA Intermediate Exams – 32688
  • No. of Students passed either or both Groups: 11413
  • No. of Intermediate Exam Centers across the globe – 253

Intermediate (IPC) Examination (Old Course)

Candidates appeared forAppearedPassedPercentage
Group-I only53149539210.15%
Group-II only721461086115.05%
Both Groups328783531.07%
Passed Group-I only629619.15%
Passed Group-II only220.07%
  • No. of Students admitted in CA Intermediate Exams – 182656
  • No. of Students appeared in CA Intermediate Exams – 158173
  • No. of Students passed either or both Groups: 22924
  • No. of Intermediate Exam Centers across the globe – 445

The CA Inter May 2018 Pass Percentage was lower than the CA Inter May 2017 Pass Percentage. The CA Inter May 2017 Pass Percentage was 26.72%.

The ICAI announced that the pass percentage for the CA Intermediate (IPC) May 2018 examination was lower than the previous year due to the introduction of a stricter marking scheme. The ICAI also announced that it would be reviewing the marking scheme for future examinations.

The CA Intermediate (IPC) examination is a tough examination, and only the best students pass. The CA Intermediate (IPC) May 2018 Toppers have worked hard and deserve their success.

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