Important Guidance Notes for CA Intermediate May 2023 Exams

Are you eligible to appear in CA Intermediate May 2023 exams? Consider this guidance issued by ICAI before submission of your online exam application form.


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Are you eligible to appear in CA Intermediate May 2023 exams? Consider this guidance notes issued by ICAI before submission of your online May 2023 exam application form.

ICAI conducts CA Intermediate examinations twice in a year with a gap of 6 months. One exam in the month of May and another in the month of November every year.

Info and Guidance for CA Inter May 2023

ICAI has issued the following notes for information and guidance of applicants appearing for CA Intermediate new examination / accounting technician examination – May 2023 under Regulation 28G(4) of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988:

Correct Exam Form

Ensure that you are filling the correct exam form. That means, check your exam application form to see if it relates to CA Intermediate new course May 2023, before you apply.

Email, Mobile and PIN is Mandatory

Filling up valid E-mail address, Mobile Number and Personal Identification Number (PIN) at the respective column(s) in the ICAI examination form is mandatory.

Keep Ready Documents

Before proceeding to fill up your ICAI exam form online, you should keep ready the following required items:

  1. Copy of registration letter of group(s) in which you want to appear in May 2023 to carefully note and apply against your correct Registration Number viz. SRO/ ERO/ WRO/ CRO/ NRO etc.
  2. Scanned copy of the Certificate of Service (wherever applicable). Certificate of Service is a mandatory requirement for candidates who:
    • Have joined/converted to Intermediate through Direct Entry Scheme – Graduates/Post Graduates and have commenced their article ship; or
    • Registered for IPCC through CPT route and appeared in the IPCC Exam but did not qualify and converted to Intermediate under the Direct Entry Scheme and commenced practical training.

Candidates are advised to download the format of certificate, fill in the particulars, get it attested from Principal/Member, scan the same as a JPG/JPEG file of size 100-300Kb/ 200DPI resolution and keep it ready for uploading.

  1. Master Card/ Visa Card/ Maestro Credit/Debit Card/ Rupay/ BHIM UPI/ Internet banking for making online payment of ICAI examination fee.

Send Printed Exam Form to ICAI

Please do not wrinkle / fold the PDF form while posting/submitting to CA Institute. It is required ONLY in case the candidates photograph and signature are not displayed on the screen while filling his exam application.

Such applicants are required to take a print out of their exam form, affix their photograph and signature at the designated place and get the form attested by a Chartered Accountant or a Gazetted Officer or Head of an Educational Institution as applicable and submit the same at the designated office/s of ICAI.

Last Date for Receipt of Printout of Exam Application form (PDF) is 3rd March, 2023.

Important Dates

Last date to submit ICAI exam form is 24th February 2023 without late fee and 3rd March 2023 with late fee of Rs. 600 ($10). That means late fee is applicable from 25.02.2023 to 03.03.2023.

CA Inter exam schedule

Following are the schedule for CA Intermediate May 2023 exams:

  • 03-May-2023 for Paper-1: Accounting
  • 06-May-2023 for Paper-2: Corporate and Other Laws
  • 08-May-2023 for Paper-3: Cost and Management Accounting
  • 10-May-2023 for Paper-4: Taxation
  • 12-May-2023 for Paper-5: Advanced Accounting
  • 14-May-2023 for Paper-6: Auditing and Assurance
  • 16-May-2023 for Paper-7: Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic Management
  • 18-May-2023 for Paper-8: Financial Management & Economics for Finance

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

For May 2023 exam, following papers of CA Intermediate will have multiple choice questions to the tune of 30 marks and other questions of descriptive nature to the tune of 70 marks.

MCQs (30 Marks) Papers of CA Intermediate:

  • Paper-2: Corporate and Other laws
  • Paper-4: Taxation
  • Paper-6: Auditing and assurance
  • Paper-7: Enterprise Information system and strategic management

Note that MCQs will be compulsory and there would be no internal or external choice in them. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers. No reasoning is required for answers to MCQs.

Eligibility for Appearing in CA Intermediate Exam May 2023

Category-I: Candidates registered for the Intermediate course/ATC on or before 1st September, 2022 based on having passed CPT and 10+2/PE I/ Foundation/ Entrance Examination. OR

Category-2: Candidates who were already registered for erstwhile Intermediate Examination as per syllabus under paragraph 2 or 2A of Schedule B or Professional Education (Course-II) or Professional Competence Course or Intermediate (IPC) and converted into Intermediate Course/ Accounting Technician Course (ATC).

Category-3: Direct Entry Scheme

a) Graduates/Postgraduates:

(i) Candidates registered for the Intermediate course /ATC under this category and completed or would be completing 9 months of practical training(including 8 months study course), as on 1st May, 2023.

(ii) Candidates who have converted from erstwhile Intermediate/PCC/IPCE/Intermediate(IPC) to Intermediate course/ATC under this category and completed or would be completing 9 months of practical training ( including study course of 8 months), as on 1st May, 2023.

(iii) Candidates provisionally registered in the Intermediate Course till 31st July, 2022 through Direct Entry (Graduates/Post Graduates) on account of non-declaration of result of final year of the graduation and completed or would be completing 7 months of practical training, as on 1st May, 2023. i.e. commenced articleship on or before the cutoff date, 1st October, 2022 after completing ICITSS. Such Candidates are required to submit satisfactory proof of having passed the graduation examination with the minimum marks as provided in sub-regulation (4) of Regulation 28F before filling the examination form of May 2023 Intermediate course.

(iv) Candidates who registered for Intermediate(IPC) course through CPT route and appeared in the Intermediate(IPC) Examination in one or both groups but did not qualify both groups or either of the groups, and converted to Intermediate(IPC) under the Direct Entry Scheme and now further converted to Intermediate course and commenced practical training on or before 30th April, 2023. / Candidates who registered for Intermediate course through CPT/FOUNDATION route and appeared in the Intermediate Examination in one or both groups but did not qualify both groups or either of the groups, and now converted to Direct Entry Scheme and commenced practical training on or before 30th April, 2023.

b) Intermediate level examination passed students of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India/The Institute of Company Secretaries of India

Candidates registered for the Intermediate Course/ATC, under this category and have completed or would be completing 8 months of study course (commencing from the date of registration to the course), as on 1st May, 2023.

Candidates converted from erstwhile Intermediate/PE-II/ PCC/ IPCC/ Intermediate(IPC) into the Intermediate Course/ATC under this category and have completed or would be completing 8 months of study course (commencing from the date of registration to the course) as on 1st May, 2023.

Validity of Registration

Registration for CA Intermediate course is valid for 4 years from the date of initial registration / conversion. Check whether your registration is valid before applying for ICAI exam May 2023.

Renewal of registration can be done for further period of 4 years by paying ₹400/- through SSP portal.

Representation on the question paper

If a student feels that any question asked in any subject was of out of syllabus or outside the ambit of the level of knowledge expected as laid down in the syllabus or the language used in the question was ambiguous or any other valid reason he may, if he so desires, send his representation to the Additional Secretary (Exams) so as to reach him within a week from the last date of the examination in the feedback form on Question Papers hosted on Representation which are not in the pre-defined format will not be entertained.

Minimum Marks to Pass

You have to secure minimum 40% marks in each subject and 50% marks in the aggregate of all the papers of each of the groups.

Exemption in Papers

If you secure minimum 60 marks in one or more papers but failed in a group/unit then you will get exemption that paper for the next three following examinations.

For Example: If you had secured a minimum of 60 marks in taxation (Paper-4) in CA Inter Nov 2022 exams but failed in Group-I then you will be exempted in Paper-4 for May 2023, Nov 2023 and May 2024 exams.

ICAI has provided an on-line facility for checking exemptions granted in a paper (s) valid for May, 2023 examinations at and the same will be available from 27th April 2023.

Withholding of result

The result of such candidates whose eligibility to appear in the exam could not be established for want of submission of documentary evidence by the examinees, when called for, is liable to be withheld.

Further, the result of candidates who indulge in unfair means is also liable to be withheld. Such candidates whose results are withheld, will be sent a written communication in this regard soon after the results.

There is no concept of “Improvement” of performance in CA Examinations. In other words, a student is not permitted to reappear in the group(s) of an exam already passed by him.

Rank certificate/Merit List

A candidate who fulfills all the following criteria is issued a rank certificate, indicating the rank secured by him/her:

  • He should have passed examination in one sitting;
  • He should not have availed of any exemption in any paper and
  • He should have secured a minimum of 55 per cent marks in aggregate.

Rank certificates are issued upto 50th rank, on All-India basis. Rank certificates will be dispatched to the concerned Regional Offices for further distribution to the candidates.

Verification Fees

The fee for verification of answer books is Rs.100/-per paper subject to a maximum of Rs.400/- for all the papers of a group/both groups/ units.


CA Intermediate help desk will be functional to attend to Admit Card related queries.

Telephone Nos. 0120-3054851, 3054852, 3054853, 3054835, 4953 751, 4953 752, 4953 753, 4953 754.

E-mail id:

CA Intermediate May 2023 exams candidates intending to appear in the ensuing May, 2023 examination are therefore, individually urged to take some time off from their routine while filling up the form.

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