ICAI Exam Nov 2023 Fee Structure: CA Students Online Services

Revised Fee Structure for CA Foundation, Intermediate and Final like exam fee, correction window fee, marks verification fee, certified copy fee etc.


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ICAI revised fee structure for the coming CA Foundation, Intermediate and Final examinations to be held in the month of Nov 2023. The Examination Department of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has published the schedule of fee for examination related services.

Fee structure revised for both CA Examinations as well as Post Qualification Courses. Here is the list of revised fee structure by ICAI for CA Students online services for the year 2023-24.

In this article you find various online services and the revised fee structure by ICAI for students and members. It is useful for CA Foundation, CA Intermediate and CA Final course students and qualified chartered accountants.

Note that the examination fees, verification fees, fee for supply or inspection of certified copies of evaluated answer books can be paid online through payment gateway at icaiexam.icai.org by using your Debit Card or Credit Card.

Cost of CA Exam Form Nov 2023

  • OMR (physical) examination form fee: No Physical form shall be available for November 2023 exams.
  • Cost of online exam forms available at eservices.icai.org: NIL

ICAI Nov 2023 Exam Fees

Fee Chart – November/December 2023

CA Final Examination fees (without late fee)

  1. ₹1,800/- for appearing in one of the Groups
  2. ₹3,300/- for appearing in both the groups
  3. For those opting for overseas centres (other than Kathmandu): US $325 for single group and US $550 for appearing in both groups.
  4. For those opting for Kathmandu centre: INR 2,200/- for single group and INR 4,000/- for appearing in both groups.

CA Intermediate Examination fees (without late fee)

  1. ₹1,500/- for appearing in Group-I (or) Group-II or Unit 4A to 7A or Unit-10.
  2. ₹2,700/- for appearing in both the groups or in Unit 8A/9A.
  3. For those opting for overseas centres (other than Kathmandu): US $ 325 for single group and US $ 500 for appearing in both groups.
  4. For those opting for Kathmandu centre: Rs. 2,200/- for Group-I or Group-II or Unit (Other than 8A and 9A) and INR 3,400/- for appearing in Both Groups (or) Unit 9/8A/9A.

CA Foundation Examination Fees (without late fee)

  1. ₹1500/- for centres in India.
  2. For those opting for overseas centres ( Abu Dhabi, Doha, Dubai, Muscat): US $325/-.
  3. For those opting for Kathmandu centre: ₹2,200/- .

Late fee for submission of ICAI Exam forms beyond the prescribed last date:

₹ 600/- (US $10/-) for submission of exam forms beyond the prescribed last date but before the extended last date for submission with late fee. This is applicable for CA Final or CA Intermediate or CA Foundation course examinations to be held in the month of November 2023.

Fee for verification of marks ICAI Exams

Fee for verification of marks

The fee for verification of answer books is ₹100/-per paper subject to a maximum of ₹400/- for all the papers of a group/both groups/unit.

Late fee for submission of application for verification of marks

There is no provision for submission of application for verification of marks with late fee.

Verification of marks for post qualifications

For Post qualification courses ISA, DIRM, ITL & WTO, MAC/TMC/CMC: ₹500/-

Fee for supply/ inspection of certified copies of Evaluated Answer Books

₹500/- per paper, for applications received within 30 days from the date of declaration of respective result. No provision for submission of request with late fee.

An examinee has the option of applying for certified copies of their evaluated answer books online at https://icaiexam.icai.org within 30 days from the date of declaration of result.

Revised fee structure for other services

  1. Fee for issue of duplicate mark sheet: ₹100/- per mark sheet.
  2. Issue of duplicate pass certificate fee is ₹200/- per pass certificate + affidavit.
  3. Fee for issue of transcripts: ₹500/- per one set of transcript.
  4. There is no fee for verification of educational qualifications, sought by Govt. /public sector organisations.
  5. Fee for verification of educational qualifications, sought by others: ₹500/- per candidate.

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