The ICAI CA CPT (Common Proficiency Test) was the entry-level examination for the Chartered Accountancy (CA) course in India, conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). However, it has been replaced by the CA Foundation course since 2017 as part of the revised CA curriculum.
ICAI launched a new course named CA Foundation Course instead of CA CPT Course w.e.f 1st July 2017. Therefore, you have to register for CA Foundation Course to become a Chartered Accountant.
CA foundation registration last date for September 2025 is 1st May 2025. CA foundation registration last date for January 2026 is 1st Sep 2025.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) offers four different levels of Course viz. Common Proficiency Test, Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Course and Final Course. Common Proficiency Course (CPC) is an entry level course to be a Chartered Accountant.
The Entry level test is named as Common Proficiency Test (CPT) which is designed in the pattern of entry level test for engineering, medical and other professional courses. It comprises of four subjects i.e., Accounting (60 Marks), Mercantile Laws (40 Marks), General Economics (50 Marks) and Quantitative Aptitude (50 Marks).
CA CPT is of 200 marks and it is divided into two sessions of two hours each. CPT (Paper- Pencil Mode) is an objective type test with negative marking. The students will be awarded one mark for each correct answer and for a wrong answer they lose 1/4 i.e. 0.25 mark.
Eligibility for ICAI Common Proficiency Course
You can register yourself for Chartered Accountancy Common Proficiency Course (CPC) if you have passed the Class 10 examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognized by the Central Government as equivalent thereto.
A CPC registered student may appear in Common Proficiency Test (CPT) after he has appeared in the Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 examination) conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognized by the Central Government as equivalent thereto and has complied with such requirements as may be specified by the Council of ICAI from time to time.
- Class 10 Appeared Students: You are not eligible for CPT Course registration.
- Class 10 Passed Students: You can register for CPT Course but not eligible for CPT June 2017.
- Class 10+2 Appeared Students: You can register for CPT Course and eligible for CPT June 2017.
- Class 10+2 Passed Students: You can register for CPT Course and eligible for CPT June 2017.
- Graduates/ Post Graduates Students: You are exempted from qualifying Common Proficiency Test (CPT) and can register directly to Intermediate (IPC) Course.
In other words, if you have not passed or appeared for 10+2 Examination or HSE (Higher Secondary Examination) or SSE (Senior Secondary Examination) or an SSE equivalent examination recognized by CG then you are not eligible for CA CPT June 2017.
List of Examinations treated as equivalent to Senior Secondary Examination (SSE) for the purpose of CA CPT Course registration:
- Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh
- Assam Higher Secondary Education Council
- Bihar School Examination Board
- Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
- Chhatisgarh Board of Secondary Education
- Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)
- Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
- Gujarat Secondary & Higher Secondary Education
- Board of School Education, Haryana
- H. P. Board of School Education
- J & K State Board of School Education
- Jharkhand Academic Council
- Government of Karnataka Department of Pre-University Education
- Kerala Board of Higher Secondary Education
- Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education
- Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh
- Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur
- Meghalaya Board of School Education
- Mizoram Board of School Education
- Nagaland Board of School Education
- Council of Higher Secondary Education, Orissa
- Punjab School Education Board
- Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan
- Tamil Nadu State Board of School Examinations
- Tripura Board of Secondary Education
- U. P. Board of High School and Intermediate Education
- Board of School Education, Uttarkhand
- West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
- Chhatisgarh State Open School
- M.P. State Open School
- National Institute of Open Schooling
- Rajasthan State Open School
- The West Bengal Council of Ravindra Open Schooling
- Banasthali Vidyapith
- 5 (Five) passes at GCE ‘O’ level/GCSE/IGCSE in A/B/C Grades and two passes at GCE ‘Advanced’ level examination of the approved British Examining Bodies is recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to +2 stage qualification of an Indian Body.
- Students who have completed two years of higher education including Diploma course after passing 10th class, conducted either by Central/ State Government(s) and on passing such a course have either been admitted to first year of graduation course or have passed the graduation course conducted by any University, including Open Universities, established by law in India shall be also eligible for admission to the Common Proficiency Test (CPT).
- 10+2 Examination of any other recognized Board/University not covered above but recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU) as equivalent to Senior Secondary (10+2) Examination as recognized by Central Government.
CA CPT Course Registration Fee
You have to pay only ₹6,000 for registration to Common Proficiency Course for appearing in CA CPT June/December 2017. However, if you want to subscribe Students’ Journal then you have to pay extra amount of ₹200 for one year subscription. You may also subscribe to Members’ Journal by paying extra ₹400 as one year subscription fee.
Note that the subscription of both Journal is optional and therefore you are not compulsorily required to subscribe the same. However, ICAI has strongly recommend to CA CPT students for subscription to Students’ Journal for at least one year at the time of registration of CA CPT Course.
This statement shall describe the details of fee to be paid for CA CPT Course registration for Indian students residing in India and other SAARC countries; and students belonging to other SAARC countries:
For Indian Students | ₹ |
Cost of CPT Prospectus (Prospectus will be supplied to the student subsequently) | 100 |
CPT Registration fee | 6,000 |
Subscription for Students’ Journal (for one year) (Optional but strongly recommended) | 200 |
Subscription for Members’ Journal (for one year) (Optional) | 400 |
Total | 6,700 |
This statement shall describe the details of fee to be paid for CA CPT Course registration the students of foreign countries other than SAARC countries; and Indian students residing abroad other than SAARC countries:
For Foreign Students | $ |
Cost of CPT Prospectus (Prospectus will be supplied to the student subsequently) | 10 |
CPT Registration fee | 580 |
Subscription for Students’ Journal (for one year) (Optional but strongly recommended) | 20 |
Subscription for Members’ Journal (for one year) (Optional) | 40 |
Total | 650 |
Online CA CPT Course Registration
You may apply online for registration to Common Proficiency Test (CPT) Course on or before first day of April/October for appearing in CA CPT to be held in the month of June/Dec 2017.
CPC Online Registration 2017
(Closed w.e.f. 1-OCT-2017)
You have to follow these simple steps to register for CA CPT 2017:
Step-1: Visit official website of ICAI at
Step-2: Now, you have to enter your personal details.
- Enter Your Name
- Enter Your Date of Birth
- Enter Your Parents’ Names
- Enter your Address for communication
- Select your Category (General, OBC, SC, ST)
- Choose Your Nationality
- Select Medium of Study
- Details of Educational Qualifications
- Annual income of parents
- If already student of Professional Education, provide unique registration code.
Step-3: After reviewing all information fill in Registration Form make payment using you Debit Card or Credit card.
Step-4: Now, Submit the form.
If you have applied online for CA CPT Course registration then, you have to take a print out of filled-in application form, attach photograph, put signature and submit it to the appropriate office of the ICAI. CA Institute shall keep it for the purpose of verification of details and maintaining physical record at the Institute’s end. After submitting registration form you can collect study material in person.
Download Application Form
A student should register with the Board of Studies of the concerned Regional office by submitting prescribed filled-in form. You may also click here to download application form for registration to Common Proficiency Test (CPT) Course 2017.
CPC Offline Registration 2017
The registration for Common Proficiency Course (CPC) is valid for 3 years and thereafter revalidation shall be made for every 3 years with a renewal fee of ₹300/- or as decided by the Council from time to time. Students should have valid registration before applying for the relevant examination. Revalidation of registration of CA CPT Course.
Documents required for CPT Registration
Following are the list of documents required to be enclosed with Common Proficiency Course (CPC) Registration form:
- Demand Draft towards registration fee.
- Proof of Date of Birth: Class 10th admit card and 10th pass marks sheet/ 10th pass certificate indicating Date of Birth, duly attested by a Chartered Accountant/ Gazetted Officer/ Head of the Institute.
- Attested copy of 12th pass or its equivalent qualification as recognized by the Central Government, if passed.
- Proof of Nationality, if student is foreigner.
- Proof of special category certificate i.e. SC/ST, OBC and Disabled.
CPT Registration form to be submitted to the Branches or Regional Office in consonance with the address of the student.
CA CPT Registration Last Date
A student who has got himself registered for Common Proficiency Test 60 days prior to the first day of the month in which CPT examination is to be held i.e. on or before 1st April and 1st October, can appear in the CPT examination to be held in June and December respectively.
ICAI vide Announcement/227/14 dated 08/01/2014 notified that all candidates who register for CPC in the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) on or before 1st April/ 1st October of the year would be eligible to appear in the Common Proficiency Test to be held in June /December respectively.
In case, the last date for registration happens to be a Gazetted Holiday/National Holiday/Bank Holiday/Sunday, the next working day will be deemed to be the last date for registration for Common Proficiency Course (CPC). Last date of CPC Registration Form for CA CPT 2017 Exams is as follows:
- To appear in CA CPT June 2017: CA CPC registration last Date is 3rd April, 2017 (03-04-2017).
- To appear in December 2017: CA CPC registration last date is 1st October, 2017 (01-10-2017).
Accordingly, only those students who will register with the CA Institute on or before 1st July 2023 and fulfil the requisite eligibility conditions will be eligible to appear in CA Foundation Dec 2023 examination. That means you shall get minimum study period of 60 days from registration to first day of the month in which CPT is scheduled to be held.