ICAI CA CPT Toppers and Pass Percentage from June 2015 to 2019

CA CPT rank holders and pass percentage from examinations. CPT merit lists along with toppers Name, Location/City, Roll Number, Marks.


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The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) declares CA CPT result for Common Proficiency Test held in the month of June and December every year. It is entry level exam of Chartered Accountancy course.

Last CA CPT was held in the month of June 2019. Now, you have to register in CA Foundation course for becoming a Chartered Accountant. CA Foundation registration last date is 1st January, 2022 for appearing in May 2022.

In this article you will find details of CA CPT rank holders and pass percentage from June 2015 to 2018 examinations. CPT merit lists along with toppers Name, Location/City, Roll Number, Marks..

CA CPT June 2018 was conducted on 17th June 2018. If you have appear in the June 2018 CPT exam then you will be able to see the CPT result on official website of ICAI.

Did you know? CPT i.e. Common Proficiency Test has been replaced with CA Foundation course with effect from December 2019. Therefore, register yourself for entry level CA Foundation examination.

Announcement No.13-CA-EXAM/RESULT/CPT/JUNE 2018: In pursuance of regulation 39 of the chartered accountants regulations, 1988, the names of the candidates who have been declared successful in the common proficiency test (examination) held in June, 2018 as per syllabus specified by the council under regulation 25D(3) of the chartered accountants regulations, 1988 are hereby published for general information.

CA CPT Pass Percentage June 2018

The overall pass percentage of CA CPT (Common Proficiency Test) Exam held in June, 2018 is 28.06% which is 10% lower in compare of the last year Dec, 2017 exam result percentage which stood 38.02%.

GenderCandidates AppearedCandidates PassedPercentage

Following are data for Common Proficiency Test (CPT) held in June, 2018:

  • No. of Students admitted in the CPT Exam – 57, 421
  • No. of CPT Exam Centres across the globe – 331

CA CPT Pass Percentage Dec 2017

The result of the Common Proficiency Test (CPT) held in DEC 2017 was declared on Wednesday, January 17, 2017. The details of percentage of candidates passed in the above said examinations are given below:

GenderCandidates AppearedCandidates PassedPercentage

CA CPT Dec 2017 exam was held in 327 centres. 63035 candidates were admitted for CA CPT Dec 2017 and out of those only 60586 candidates appeared in CPT Dec 2017 exams. Only 23034 candidates declared as pass i.e. the overall pass percentage is 38.02% in CA CPT Dec 2017.

ICAI CA CPT Result June 2017

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has announced the result of Chartered Accountancy Common Proficiency Test (CPT) on 18th June 2017. CA CPT June 2017 exam was held in 372 centres. 93262 candidates were admitted for CA CPT June 2017 and out of those only 88916 candidates appeared in CPT June 2017 exams. Only 36028 candidates declared as pass i.e. the overall pass percentage is 40.52% in CA CPT June 2017.

CA. Nilesh S. Vikamsey, President, ICAI on this occasion stated “Success is no accident, It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing.”

While encouraging the successful students Vikamsey added,” The nation has high hopes from Chartered Accountants as they are multidimensional professionals having expertise and knowledge to handle today’s robust corporate dynamics. Be honest, sincere, truthful, humble and polite. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions. Remember that you are respected for your character first and then for your achievements.”

CA CPT Pass Percentage June 2017

The result of the Common Proficiency Test (CPT) held in JUNE 2017 was declared on Tuesday, July 18, 2017. The details of percentage of candidates passed in the above said examinations are given below:


From the analysis of the result of CA CPT June 2017, you may notice that girls are performing better than boys.

CA CPT Pass Percentage Dec 2016

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has announced the result of Chartered Accountancy Common Proficiency Test (CPT) held on 18th Dec 2016. CA CPT Dec 2016 exam was held in 326 centres in India and 5 overseas centres. There were 70321 candidates appeared in CPT Dec 2016 and out of those only 32658 candidates declared as pass i.e. the overall pass percentage is 46.44%.

CA. M. Devaraja Reddy, President, ICAI added “Chartered Accountancy is a highly sought after professional course. Making the CA professionals as future managers with core competencies is our primary aim. We have high hopes from the students as we consider them to be highly committed, focused and hard working individuals who imbibe the virtues of independence, integrity and excellence.”


CA CPT Toppers Dec 2016

Are you looking for the statement showing subject wise marks of all India toppers three rank holders in CA CPT Dec, 2016 Examination? CA Institute has discontinued the declaration of ranks in respect of Common Proficiency Test.

Name wise Result CA CPT Dec 2016

ICAI Announcement No. 13-CA-EXAM/RESULT/CPT/DECEMBER 2016: In pursuance of regulation 39 of the chartered accountants regulations,1988, the names of the candidates who have been declared successful in the common proficiency test (examination) held in December, 2016 as per syllabus specified by the council under regulation 25d(3) of the chartered accountants regulations,1988 are hereby published by CA Institute for general information.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has announced the result of Chartered Accountancy Common Proficiency Test (CPT) on 18th June 2016. CA CPT June 2016 exam was held in 416 centres. There were 107058 candidates appeared in CPT June 2016 and out of those only 41727 candidates declared as pass i.e. the overall pass percentage is 38.98%.

CA CPT Pass Percentage June 2016

The result of the Common Proficiency Test (CPT) held in JUNE 2016 was declared on Monday, July 18, 2016. The details of percentage of candidates passed in the above said examinations are given below:

GenderCandidates AppearedCandidates PassedPercentage

CA CPT Toppers June 2016

Are you looking for the statement showing subject wise marks of all India toppers three rank holders in CA CPT June, 2016 Examination? Note that the declaration of ranks in respect of Common Proficiency Test (CPT) has been discontinued since Dec 2015.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Examination Committee decided for discontinuation of Ranks in Chartered Accountancy Common Proficiency Test (CPT) from December 2015 onwards. In other words, CA Institute has announced dated 11th January 2016 that there would be no rank holders for of Common Proficiency Test(CPT) with effect from December 2015.

Discontinuation of Ranks in Common Proficiency Test (CPT)

It is hereby informed that in terms of decision taken by the Examination Committee, declaration of ranks in respect of Common Proficiency Test(CPT), has been discontinued with effect from CPT held in December, 2015 onwards.

Candidates are requested to take note of the above.

Examination Department

The overall pass percentage of CA CPT Exam held in December, 2015 is 34.45% which is 9.15% higher in compare of June, 2015 exam result percentage which stood 25.30%.


However, you may navigate to the next page for previous term rank holders details.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) today i.e. on Thursday, July 16, 2015 announced the result of CA CPT Examination held in June, 2015. Following are the names, cities, percentages and marks details of toppers and rank holders in June 2015 exams:

CA CPT Toppers Marks Sheet for June 2015 Examination

Name, marks and city of top three rank holders on all India-basis of the CA Common Proficiency Test (Paper-Pencil Mode) Examinations held in June, 2015 are Meka Naresh Kumar (192), Saloni Jindal (190) and Katla Suresh (189) from HYDERABAD – I, INDORE – II and VIJAYAWADA respectively.

RANKFirst RankSecond RankThird Rank
NameMeka Naresh KumarSaloni JindalKatla Suresh
Roll No.150892195515175597
Fundamentals of Accounting575554
Mercantile Laws373737
General Economics484849
Quantitative Aptitude505049

ICAI CPT June 2015 Pass Percentage

The overall pass percentage of CA CPT (Common Proficiency Test) Exam held in June, 2015 is 25.30% which is 10.56% higher in compare of the last year Dec, 2014 exam result percentage which stood 14.74%.

GenderCandidates AppearedCandidates PassedPercentage

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