ICAI Articleship and Industrial Training Portal – App.icai.org

ICAI official website to start Articleship and Industrial Training to complete practical training for 3 years for become a Chartered Accountant.


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Are you searching for CA articleship training? Are you searching for industrial training? Complete your 3 years practical training with reputed CA firm or company.

Many talented students fail to approach CA Firms and miss the opportunity to undergo training in good/ reputed articled firms/ Industrial Training in the fields of their interest on account of inadequate information. On the other hand, there may be good chartered firms/ industry that are not able to get articles interested to join such firms/industry.

Therefore, the Board of Studies (BoS) of ICAI has developed a portal with the intention of providing a platform both to (i) firms of Chartered Accountant (s) / Industry having vacancies for Articled Assistants to shortlist students and select through Interviews at their offices and to (ii) eligible students to post their profile and apply for the available trainings on the portal for selection by the Firms/ industry.

Articleship Vacancies in CA Firms/Company

ICAI Articleship and Industrial Training Platform
(For CA Firms/Company/Students)

ICAI Articleship and Industrial Training Platform where talent discovers opportunity and opportunity seeks talent.

Thus, you may start your practical training till 30-11-2022 for being eligible for appearing in CA Final May 2025 examinations.

Question-1: When can I commence Practical Training, if I am through CA Foundation/ CPT route?
Answer: After passing either or both of the groups of CA Intermediate examination / CA IPCC and successfully completing Four Weeks Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (ICITSS) / ITT & OC, you can commence Practical Training.

Question-2: When can I commence Practical Training, if I am through Direct Entry Route?
Answer: Immediately after registering for CA Intermediate / CA IPCC Course and successful completion of Four Weeks Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (ICITSS) / ITT & OC, you can commence Practical Training.

Question-3: When can I commence Practical Training, if I have qualified Intermediate level examination of Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) or Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI)?
Answer: After passing either or both of the groups of CA Intermediate examination / CA IPCC and successfully completing Four Weeks Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (ICITSS) / ITT & OC, you can commence Practical Training.

Question-4: What is the duration of Practical Training?
Answer: Three years.

Question-5: I am in first year of Practical Training, can I take transfer?
Answer: Yes. You may take transfer in the first year of Practical Training.

Question-6: What is the entitlement of a firm/ member to train articled assistants?
Answer: Regulation 43 provides that subject to such terms and conditions, as the Council may deem fit to impose in this behalf, the members designated as an associate or a fellow, who has been in practice continuously, whether in India or elsewhere or an associate or a fellow, who is deemed to be in practice within the meaning of Explanation to sub-section (2) of section 2 of the Act, shall only be eligible to engage an articled assistant or assistants.

An associate or a fellow shall be entitled to train such number of articled assistant or assistants, under such terms and conditions, as are specified in Tables I and II given hereinafter:


(Applicable to members practising the profession of chartered accountants in his individual name or as proprietoror as partner)

CategoryAn associate or fellow in continuous practiceEntitlement of articled assistant or assistants
(i)For a period upto 3 years 1
(ii)From 3 years to 5 years 3
(iii)From 5 years to 10 years 7
(iv)For any period from 10 years 10


(Applicable to members who are in full time salaried employment under a chartered accountant in practice or a firm of such chartered accountants)

CategoryNumber of full time salaried employees– irrespective of whether associate or fellowEntitlement of articled assistant or assistants
(i)Upto 1001 per employee
(ii)Between 101 and 500100 + 50% of the number of such employees above 100 (i.e., a maximum of 300)
(iii)From 501 or more300 + 20% of the number of such employees above 500

Question-7: I am in 2nd / 3rd year of Practical Training, what are the rules for transfer?

Answer: Transfer / termination of the articleship after completion of first year of articled training is possible on satisfying any one or more of the conditions as stated below: –

  1. Medical grounds requiring discontinuance of articles for a minimum period of three months (on production of a Medical Certificate issued by a Government Hospital).
  2. Transfer of parent(s) to another city.
  3. Misconduct involving moral turpitude.
  4. Other justifiable circumstances / reasons: –

i. Grounds already permissible in the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988(on submission of requisite proof of the act warranting transfer/termination of articleship): –

  • a. Industrial Training (Regulation 51)
  • b. Secondment of articles (Regulation 54)
  • c. Death of Principal [Regulation 57(1)(c)]
  • d. Ceasing of practice by the Principal [Regulation 57(1)(a)]
  • e. Removal of name of the Principal from the Register of Member due to anyreason [Regulation 57(1)(b)]

ii. Marriage basis (only if there is relocation to another city involving distance of 50 kms or more).

iii. Irregular payment or non payment of stipend with reference to Regulation 67.

iv. Articled assistant desires to serve balance period of training outside India.

v. Shifting by the Principal to another city involving distance more than 50 kms.

The articled assistants are required to get the permission from the Institute before getting Form 109 signed by the Principal in their own interest.

The request, on any one or more of the aforesaid grounds, of an articled assistant on a plain paper alongwith the recommendation/ consent of the Principal for transfer / termination of articleship accompanied by evidence/proof (self-attested by the articled assistant) to the satisfaction of the Institute be made. Request for transfer not accompanied by consent of Principal shall not be accepted.

Question-8: I wish to undergo Industrial Training, when can I do the same?

Answer: If you have qualified CA Intermediate / CA IIPC Examination can undergo industrial training during the last year of prescribed practical training in Industrial Organisations approved by the ICAI. The period of such training may range between 9 and 12 months by informing the Principal about your intention to undergo industrial training at least 3 months before the date on which such training is to commence.

Question-9: Does the period covered in Industrial Training will be counted in 3 years of Practical Training?

Answer: Yes.

Question-10: Under whom a student can undergo Industrial Training?

Answer: Industrial training shall be received under a member of the Institute employed in the Industrial Unit or Member in Industry. An Associate who has been a member for a continuous period of at least three years shall be entitled to train one industrial trainee at a time and a fellow shall be entitled to train two industrial trainees at a time, whether such trainees be articled assistants or audit assistants.

Question-11:How can an industry register itself for imparting Industrial Training?

Answer: As per the Regulation 51 of CA Regulations,1988-(Revised 2013), below are the requirement for registration of company desiring to impart Industrial Training to the Article Assistants:

  1. Any of the Financial, Commercial, Industrial undertakings with minimum fixed assets of ₹1 crore; or minimum turnover of ₹10 Crore; or minimum paid – up share capital of ₹50 Lakhs; or such other Institution or organisation as may be approved by the Council from time to time may apply for registration;
  2. A copy of printed and published, audited balance sheet of the immediate previous year indicating minimum total turnover of the Company for ₹10 crore needs to be sent as a proof alongwith the prescribed application from for its registration.
  3. In case of a company abroad registering for Industrial Training, the member/ Company though eligible to impart Industrial Training under CA Regulation 51 but is unable to submit Annual Report / Balance sheet of the Company a self-declaration about the financial particulars may be filled by the Company/ member along with application for registration.
  4. The Company should have working Chartered Accountants who is an Associate or Fellow Member of the Institute for a continuous period of at least three years and more shall be entitled to train Industrial Trainee and Associate member will be entitled to train one and a Fellow Member shall be entitled to train two Industrial Trainees at a time, whether such trainees be articles assistants or audit assistants.
  5. Employment of member intending to provide Industrial training must be in record of the Institute for determination of member’s association with the Company and period thereof. In case, if it if not already noted in the record of the Institute, Company/ organisation should file a written intimation\ to ICAI to note date of joining, designation and details of job profile of the concerned member.
  6. Every principal engaging Industrial Trainee shall pay every month a minimum monthly stipend with reference to CA Regulation 1998.

The application form alongwith all relevant documents is be sent to any of the Regional office(s) of ICAI for registration of Company and thereafter can register on portal to impart Industrial Training.

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