Agneepath Scheme 2023: Online Application Form for Army, Air Force and Navy

Agneepath Scheme 2022: Opportunity to serve the Nation as Agniveers through enrolment in the Armed Forces. Pan India merit based recruitment.


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Agneepath Scheme (अग्निपथ स्कीम) 2023: Opportunity to serve the Nation as Agniveer (अग्निवीर) through enrolment in the Armed Forces (Army, Air Force and Navy). Pan India merit based recruitment.

Four years tenure. Attractive monthly emoluments & handsome “Seva Nidhi” package. Opportunity to apply for enrolment in permanent cadre.

Based on merit and organizational requirement, upto 25% Agniveers selected through central, transparent, rigorous system after four years.

Agnipath Scheme Apply Online 2022 फॉर्म लिंक Recruitment Process

Agnipath Indian Army

DatesIndian Army Agnipath Yojana 2022
18th June 2022Terms and conditions of service uploaded.
20th June 2022Recruitment notification uploaded.
1st July 2022Rally Schedule by AROS and Online rally registration commences.
2nd Week Aug 2022Recruitment Rallies to commence.
16th Oct and 13th Nov 2022Conduct of combined entrance exams for 1st Batch.
Dec 20221st batch candidates report to Training Centres.
Jan 2023Conduct of combined entrance exams for 2nd batch
Feb 20232nd batch candidates report to Training Centres.
July 20231st batch of Agniveers report to units after training
Agnipath Indian Army 2022

Agnipath Indian Air Force

DatesIndian Air Force Agnipath Yojana 2022
Recruitment Process and Phase-I
20th June 2022Issue of Notification
24th June 2022Starting date of Registration
5th July 2022Last date of Registration
24th – 31st July 2022Start Exam online
10th August 2022Call letter for Phase-II
21st – 28th August 2022Conduct of Phase-II
29th Aug – 8th Nov 2022Medicals
Result and Enrolment
1st Dec 2022Provisional select list
11th Dec 2022Enrolment list and call letter
22th -29th Dec 2022Enrolment Period
30th Dec 2022Course Commencement
Agnipath Indian Air Force

Agnipath Indian Navy

DateIndian Navy Agnipath Yojana 2022
25th June 2022Recruitment Calendar to be published.
1st July 2022Online Registration Start
9th July 2022Detailed Notification for 2022 batch
15th – 30th July 2022Application window open for Agniveer 2022 batch
October 2022Examination and Physical Fitness Tests
21st Nov 2022Medicals and Joining at INS Chilka
Agnipath Indian Navy 2022

Agneepath Yojana or Agniveer Scheme

Indian Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced a new recruitment programme called Agneepath Scheme 2022.

Know more about Agnipath Bharti Yojana information including eligibility requirements, age limit, application form and the number of postings in this section. Did you know? Total 46,000 personnel in the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force will be filled under this new programme.

The Indian Govt intends to fulfil the aspirations of Indian youngsters to join the Indian Army through this programme. Here is all up-to-date details on applying for the Agneepath Yojana in 2022.

Defence MinistryDepartment of Military Affairs
Scheme / Yojana NameAgneepath Scheme/ Yojana
Name of PostAgniveer (अग्निवीर)
Total No. of Vacancy
(Agniveers to be recruited)
46,000 in 2022
Duration of Service4 Years
Minimum Age Limit17.5 Years
Maximum Age Limit21 Years
Official Websites:
Indian Air


Age limit for applicants from 17 ½ to 21 years. Candidates who are 10th /12th pass can apply for the recruitment process.

Update (16.06.2022): Consequent to the commencement of the AGNIPATH scheme, the entry age for all new recruits in the Armed Forces has been fixed as 17 ½ – 21 years of age. The Government has decided that a one-time waiver shall be granted for the proposed recruitment cycle for 2022. Accordingly, the upper age limit for the recruitment process for Agnipath scheme for 2022 is increased to 23 years.


Candidates will be enrolled under the respective Service Act for a service duration of four years including training period. Recruitment as per terms and conditions.


Imparted rigorous military training in existing training centres.


Opportunity to serve the nation in varied terrain from mountains to deserts, on Land, Sea or Air.


Grant of leave will be subject to exigencies of service. The following leave may
be applicable for Agniveers during their engagement period:-

  • Annual Leave: Up to 30 days per year.
  • Sick Leave: Based on medical advice.


FINANCIAL PACKAGE: Composite Annual Package will be:

  • 1st year annual package will be ₹4.76 Lacs approx.
  • 2nd Year annual package will be ₹5.24 Lacs approx.
  • 3rd Year annual package will be ₹5.80 Lacs approx.
  • 4th Year annual package will be ₹6.35 Lacs approx.
  • Upgradation upto ₹6.92 Lacs approx in 4th year.
  • Exit After 4 Year ₹11.71 Lakh as Seva Nidhi Package including, interest accumulated as per the applicable interest rates would also be paid.
YearMonthly PackageSalary in Hand (70%)Contribution to Agniveer Corpus Fund (30%)
1st Year30000210009000
2nd Year33000231009900
3rd Year365002558010950
4th Year400002800012000
Aniveers monthly Salary Package 2022-2025


Risk & Hardship, Ration, Dress, Travel allowances as applicable.

Seva Nidhi

30% of monthly emoluments to be contributed by individuals. Equal amount matched & contributed by the Government. Corpus of approx Rs. 11.71 Lacs after four years, exempted from Income Tax.

Death Compensation

Non-contributory life insurance cover of Rs. 48 Lakhs. Additional Ex Gratia of Rs. 44 Lakhs for death attributable to service. Pay for unserved portion upto four years including ‘Seva Nidhi’ component.

Disability Compensation

Compensation based on % disability laid down by medical authorities. One time ex-gratia of Rs. 44/ 25/15 Lacs for 100%/ 75%/ 50% disability, respectively.

Skill Gained Certificate

Skill Gained Certificate: All candidates entitled ‘Seva Nidhi’ on completion of four years.

Screening Assessment

Centralised transparent screening, based on merit and demonstrated performance during Service. Agniveers can apply on volunteer basis to enrol in the regular cadre.


Selection through a centralized, transparent and rigorous system. On enrolment in regular cadre, pay fixed as regular soldier. Pension as per extant regulations.

Download Agnipath scheme or Agnipath Yojna in PDF.

What is the Agnipath Scheme?

Agnipath Scheme is the Indian Armed Forces is a scheme wherein selected candidates will be enrolled as Agniveers for four years period.

Agniveers will not be eligible for any kind of pension or gratuity, neither
will they be eligible for Ex Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS),
Canteen Stores Department (CSD) facilities, Ex Serviceman status and other
related benefits.

What are the advantages of Agnipath Scheme?

Based on organisational requirement and policied promulgated by the Armed Forces, Agniveers after completing their engagement period, will be offered an opportunity to apply for enrollment in the permanent cadre. Of these upto 25% of Agniveers will be selected to be enrolled in the Armed Forces as a regular cadre.

The scheme provides an avenue to Indian youth, desirous of serving the country to get recruited in the Armed Forces for a short duration.

The scheme enhances the youth profile of the Armed Forces.

This proposal envisages providing opportunity to the youth to serve in the military for short duration.

It will also lead to a much more youthful and technically adept war fighting force by ensuring a fine balance between youthful and experienced personal in the Armed Forces.

What are the broad objectives of the Scheme?

The broad objectives of the Scheme are:

  1. To enhance youthful profile of the Armed Forces so that they are at their fighting best at all times with increased risk taking ability.
  2. To attract young talent from the society to effectively exploit, adopt and use emerging modern technologies with enhanced technical thresholds of intake while leveraging Technical Institutions of the country.
  3. To provide an opportunity to the youth who may be keen to serve the Nation in uniform albeit for a short period of time.
  4. To imbibe The Armed Forces ethos, courage, camaraderie, commitment and teamwork in the youth.
  5. To provide abilities and qualities such as discipline, dynamism, motivation and work-skills so that the youth remains an asset.

What benefits are envisaged to be accrued from the scheme?

The scheme would be a win win situation for the Armed Forces, Nation, individuals and the society at large.


National Integration based _on unity in diversity with equal opportunity to youth including women from all regions.

Nation Building through empowered, disciplined & skilled youth with military ethos in civil society.

Armed Forces

Improved battle preparedness through transformative evolution with energetic, fitter, diverse, more trainable and resilient youth suited to the changing dynamics.

Selection of the Best with rigorous and transparent selection process.

Youthful Profile by optimal balance of youth & experience.

Endeavour to Harness benefits of SKILL IND/A by induction from Tech Institutes


Opportunity for Youth to fulfil dream of joining the Armed Forces and serve the Nation.

Imbibe military discipline, motivation, skill and physical fitness.

Smooth integration into society with skill sets, certification and diplomas/ higher education/credits.

Good financial package making him more stable than his civilian counterparts.

Confident and better citizens by military training, team building ethos and camaraderie forged over the years.

Resume so unique that an Agniveer will stand out in the crowd.

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