ICSI CS Executive Result June 2023 Declares by ICSI

ICSI Result 2023 on 25th August 2023. CS Executive Result June 2023 for Company Secretaries Executive Programme (CS Inter) Course examinations.


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CS Executive Result June 2023: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) officially announces the result date. The Company Secretaries (CS) Executive Programme Examinations held in the month of June 2023.

Accordingly, if you have appeared for CS Executive Programme exams held in June 2023, you may check your result cum marks statement at 02.00 P.M. on Friday, the 25th August, 2023.

CS Institute generally made an announcement for CS Executive result date within 50-55 days from the last date of examinations. The declaration of result for CS Executive examinations held in the month of June 2023 shall be made in August 2023.

Recently, the ICSI Executive programme exams were conducted by CS Institute from 1-9th June 2023 under new syllabus.

ICSI announces the result of Executive Programme June 2023 attempt. It shall be declared on official website www.icsi.edu. Thus, all candidates of Executive June 2023 examination searching for ICSI exam result 2023 may check their results online.

Download subject-wise breakup of marks and merit list online on CS Institute official website icsi.edu. Executive mark-sheet available for print immediately after declaration of result. Best of luck to all of you for ICSI executive result for June 2023 exams.

CS Executive Result June 2023

How can I check my CS executive result?

You may check your CS Executive result June 2023 available on official website icsi.edu or ICSI.ExamResults.net to be declared on August 25, 2023. Online procedure for checking CS Executive June 2023 result:

  1. Visit official website ICSI.edu or directly log on to ICSI.Examresults.net;
  2. Select Executive Programme Examination June 2023 from drop down menu;
  3. Enter your Roll Number;
  4. Enter 17 digit Registration No.
  5. Finally, click on Submit button to see Result.

That means, you will be able to access the CS Executive result 2023 in online mode by entering the roll number along with your 17 digit CS Executive Programme registration number.

However, if you want to receive your CS Inter June 2023 result through Email, please register your E-Mail address in advance on CS Institute website icsi.edu and get your result immediately after declaration. You have to provide your valid Email ID along with your CS June 2023 Exam Roll Number.

Unlike CA Institute, CS Institute provides email facility only after declaration of result. If you are also a ICAI student, you may check your CA results for Foundation/Inter/Final.

After Passing CS Executive

Have you clear your both module of CS Executive? You have to register for CS Professional Programme course after passing CS Executive examinations. Last date of registration is 30th Nov 2023 for appearing in all module of CS Professional Programme June 2024.

Check Previous Session Executive Results

The ICSI has provided online facility for checking CS Executive results of previous session. You will be able to check last 20 terms of ICSI CS Executive Programme results. Get online results available since June 2011 term of Company Secretaries (CS) Executive Programme examinations.

Failed in CS Executive

If your result is not in your favour and you are confident that your exams were very good, you may apply for one the following:

  1. Apply for verification of marks; or
  2. Apply for inspection of Answer Book; or
  3. Get your certified copy(ies) of Answer Book(s).

Submit applications for Verification of Marks / Inspection of Answer Book(s)/ Supply of Certified copy(ies) of Answer Book(s) of June 2023 session.

Previous Session CS Executive Verification Results

CS Institute allows candidates of CS Executive to check their verification results of last 10 years i.e. June 2011 to June 2023. ICSI Verification of Marks or Inspection of Answer Book(s) or Supply of Certified copy(ies) of Answer Book(s).

Thus, if you have applied for marks verification of any subject of CS Executive course, you may check the status of your verification of marks of June 2023 or any previous sessions of examinations.

Physical Marksheet of CS Executive Result 2023

CS Executive Marksheet June 2023: The CS Institute will not issue the physical copy of the Result-cum-Marks Statement of any students of Executive Programme June 2023. Therefore, you have to download the formal e-Result-cum-Marks Statement.

This statement will be uploaded on www.icsi.edu immediately after declaration of CS executive results June 2023 examinations.

Qualifying Marks for CS Executive June 2023

CS Executive Passing Criteria

Secure 40 marks in each subject and 50% marks in each group for passing CS Executive June 2023 exam. Similarly, if you are appearing for both group, just secure at least 40 marks in each paper and 50% marks in aggregate of both group.

You will get exemption in a particular paper if secure minimum 60 marks in that paper. However, minimum 25% marks in remaining subjects is necessary for claiming exemption in that paper.

A candidate of CS Executive Programme examination shall be declared to have passed in both modules if he/she secures at one sitting, at least 40% marks in each papers in which he/she is required to appear and 50% marks in the aggregate of all the papers put together.

In case a candidate has appeared in all the papers of a module and has secured 60% or more marks in any paper(s) and a minimum of 25% marks in each of the remaining papers of that module but has failed in the module, shall be exempted from that or those paper(s) in which he/she secured sixty per cent or more marks, in any subsequent examination.

However, you have to submit an application to claim exemption in any paper on or before the last date of enrolment for the CS Executive programme examination in which he/she intends to appear.

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